Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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Resveratrol - Savior in the menopause?

hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, depression ... not enough that menopause makes women aware that they are older, the menopausal period is often associated with a number of unpleasant side effects. The conventional treatment of allopathic medicine is HRT, or hormone replacement therapy. However, after studies showed that HRT is in real health risk and increases the risk of heart attack, for example, and breast cancer, many women are seeking more natural alternatives. Agnus castus , red clover, black cohosh and Dong quai all belong to the phytohormonhaltigen plants, the best known supplier of plant hormones is certainly soy . soy contains isoflavones daidzein, genistein and Glycetein and can be helpful for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Studies have also indicated that it protects against breast cancer. (More about here .)

resveratrol is a (stale) in grapes and red wine substance located. Because it has strong antioxidant properties, lowers cholesterol, anti-inflammatory effect and acts against aging, resveratrol is a popular dietary supplement. That it has also estrogen-like properties, is less well known. But a new study has indicated that resveratrol the ideal substance could be a natural hormone-replacement therapy. In this, the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry study published in the estrogen-and anti-tumor effects of different phytoestrogens were compared. It was shown resveratrol more apoptotic activity than genistein and Glycetein. (Apoptosis-programmed cell death and an important step of the body to protect itself from cancer.) Is (daidzein, however, showed slightly cell-stimulating effect.)

Based on these results by leading scientists came to the conclusion that the search for natural therapies "
resveratrol the most promising candidate as an alternative HET "is.

with red wine but it is difficult enough to take
resveratrol (unless you try to drink to 50-100 bottles a day). But it there's always more food supplements - rounded off perhaps with a glass or two ...

Byrne, J: Resveratrol could prove HRT alternative study. Food Navigator, 23/11/09. utm_source% 3D% 3D & = & newsletter_daily utm_medium = email & utm_campaign = Newsletter% 2BDaily
Henry LA, Witt DM: Resveratrol: Phytoestrogen Effects on Reproductive Physiology and Behavior in Female Rats Hormones and Behavior, Vol 41, Issue 2, March 2002, Pages 220-228.
Labinskyy, N et al: Vascular Dysfunction in Aging: Potential Effects of Resveratrol on anti-inflammatory phytoestrogen. Curr Med Chem 2006, 13 (9): 989-996.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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woof, woof, meow ...

"Do you all love their cats so hot like us?" I asked my daughter. Our two cats are well aware that our only purpose in life is as a person to us to care for them and meet their needs. At night they lie in bed and be fed on time clock at half past six in the morning must be with us (and if I do the morning feeding machines, not working, I will wake up to a friendly, wet Nasenstubser). If one of them is at night home, you can see us running around desperately in the dark with flashlights ... " Puss, puss, where are you?"
Well, maybe we are a little too overprotective, but I know, most people love their dog or cat very much.

Meanwhile, it has also been scientifically proven, what most pet owners know intuitively: Pets do well. to pet a dog or cat lowers blood pressure and cholesterol-lowering and reduces stress, anxiety and depression. No wonder that people go to the doctor less often with pets.

cats seem even more cardio-protective than to be dogs. For example, a, 2008, 4435 adults at the University of Minnesota study that the relative risk of death from heart attacks in people who had never owned a cat, 40% higher. This effect was not demonstrated for dog owners. It is not clear whether the heart-protecting life with a cat does, or whether some (more relaxed, calmer) characters are more likely to have a cat.

But one thing is clear: a purring cat supports alpha-wave activity in the brain. A strong alpha-wave activity indicated that the brain is in a relaxed state. Other Triggers alpha waves are: to be in the nature, plants considered (especially if they have flowers) and meditate. I've also read somewhere that cats themselves are mainly located in an alpha wave state, but could now no longer find it. Apart from all these unconscious

benefits, most cats are indeed the need to thank us. Why else would they put us on a regular basis a dead mouse in the kitchen?

PS Regardless of all studies, dogs are naturally great, to keep fit. Not only that, they are also great communication aids. According to my friends, their dogs regularly in Hyde Park to run, there is no better aid to get into conversation with strangers.

Barnes, S: A grassroots remedy. The Times. 11.06.2007.
Between Friends. Cats are good medicine for the body and the mind Spring 2002nd
Cats and human health.
Harrington, E: Job stress Cats Can Protect the Heart? 06.09.2009.
Morrison, D: A feline lifeline? Owning a cat is linked to a lower risk of heart attack. Spring 2008th UMNews

Monday, November 16, 2009

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The combination of fun and a good deed is always a good recipe ... The thought also ROCA (Raising Ovarian Cancer Awareness), a group of eight friends who are involved for collecting money for projects that explore the most effective treatment for ovarian cancer.

The ticket for the party in London, Bishopsgate was a delicious Asian buffet, raffle, burlesque dancers and disco until late at night. All profits went to the British Ovarian Cancer Action.

is in contrast to the now huge detention to the issue of breast cancer, ovarian cancer is often overlooked. Although women of all ages are susceptible, ovarian cancer mainly affects women after menopause. Constant pain in the stomach or pelvic area, increased waist circumference, constant bloating and difficulty eating or feeling full quickly:
Typical symptoms are.
course, all of these symptoms occur, without having to do in any way to have ovarian cancer. If you but most days in the month under the above-described symptoms suffer should Discuss with the doctor (and it / they also ask whether the diagnosis of ovarian cancer was excluded). For more information on the subject, see eg at: .

Friday, November 13, 2009

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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Sleepless in Seattle (and elsewhere)

"I can not sleep!" is a term often heard in the last set of customers. Actually, one would think so, Shorter days, longer nights = more sleep, but now I feel that autumn is the season of sleepless. Since I also own every now and then to count the sleepless, I had a few extra hours opportunity to me about this to make problem thought.

is First to say it is important that there is no one 'right' amount of sleep. Although there are studies that show that people sleep 7 ¼ hours per night, the longest life, and that long-term less than six hours sleep burden the immune system, but we are all different. Some people come from long-term problems with five or six hours sleep, others the same, however more of a cat who spends 16-19 hours of the day with nap. Basically, we need less sleep, the older we get. If we are tired, but sleep, but just can not fall asleep, or waking up after a short time and us the rest of the night awake in bed roll - this is frustrating and can, as most of us have to work during the day, also be quite stressful. The

certainly most famous non-drug substance is melatonin sleep. It should have all the books on this "miracle hormone" that helps us not only sleep but also young and well maintained. However, melatonin is a prescription in the EU and therefore can not be easily bought Sun

Another useful substance is
5-HTP obtained from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia . 5-HTP is the amino acid tryptophan very similar, it increases serotonin levels in the brain and can be helpful for depression such as insomnia. (Serotonin is the body in the evening converted to melatonin and depression are often associated with low serotonin levels;. No wonder that include sleep problems, the typical symptoms of depression) taken in the evening can 5-HTP contribute to sleep. Too high a dose can cause but show a reverse effect, or that one the next day, slightly dazed and sleepy feeling.

the dietary supplements is also different, which may help us to sleep better (and some should avoid what one):
magnesium , calcium and Vitamin C be relaxing and should be (also) taken in the evening. High-dose B vitamins , Rhodiola and amino acids L-carnitine , acetyl-L-carnitine and tyrosine are all stimulating and should not be taken after lunch. Personally, I will milk thistle, taken in the evening, sometimes sleeping consuming. Besides, you can take

to support a good sleep, of course, things do : Light physical activity, such as a walk in the evening has a relaxing effect. Evening strenuous sports such as squash, tennis or jogging, can the level of adrenaline, however, can rise so that it is difficult to get back to sleep. Koffein-/teinhaltiger that coffee and tea can rob a sleep, of course by itself Some people swear by contrast, hot chocolate. However, cocoa contains caffeine, and even sensitive people feel it sometimes. Alcohol is certainly the most widely abused substance as a sleep aid, a revised liver can prevent one from sleeping well, and who tends to wake up between 1-3 Clock at night and can not sleep again, should take an alcohol-free period considered.

If I go through phases sleepless, I try to change my attitude. May mean not being able to sleep that I currently do not need as much sleep ... And if I have some time this evening glass of red wine and leave out the sleepless hours in a relaxed, meditative state spending, I am surprised with how little sleep I have, at least for a while, well get through life.

The amino acid theanine supports relaxation. I am not clear whether theanine taken in the evening might be too stimulating for some people. It would be great if those in the field (or with other, unnamed food supplements) have experience, would announce.

Monday, November 9, 2009

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cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa)

time for the autumn catch colds and flu (not to speak of the pig ... ) to deal with it. Those who want to protect, in Cat's Claw is a good help by:

The inner bark of growing in Peru plant Uncaria tomentosa is used by the Ashaninka Indians in traditional infections, arthritis, stomach problems and other diseases.
studies confirm that the information contained phytochemicals (alkaloids, polyphenols and proanthocyanidins, as well as plant sterols) stimulate the production of white blood cells and thus are useful in inflammations and infections, and anticarcinogenic effect. A study by the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that cholesterol-cat's claw and blood pressure-lowering effect.
Cat's Claw also appears to have detoxifying properties and promote the growth of helpful intestinal bacteria.

cat's claw is usually offered as a capsule or tincture. Recommendations for daily doses are between 1-3g daily, or 150-300mg standardized extract. In advanced disease stages, under the supervision of a physician or medical practitioner may also be given much higher doses.
Since an interaction with other drugs should not be excluded, insulin-dependent diabetics, people with transplants and pregnant women, nursing mothers and women, to conceive, not take cats claw.

more information on cat's claw at: counter stress are many herbs grown .

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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licorice - black licorice makes gold or stupid?

In my work, 'flutter' to me a lot of health information on the table - and some of them are even quite entertaining (for example, that the amino acid N-acetylcysteine helpful compulsive hair pulling is). So it was that I at a recent dinner party when the conversation on pregnancy and children fall came, saying: "Now that it has been found that licorice makes stupid children ..." Perhaps it is because I think licorice for the worst stuff in the world, and I was definitely very scared, shocked me as the hostess groaned and looked at "What! I have devoured in my pregnancies mountains of licorice! I was so addicted that I regularly have special Dutch from a friend sent to you. "

Silly me! How did but to my lapidary sentence? Scientists at the Universities of Helsinki and Edinburgh have found that children whose mothers large amounts of licorice in pregnancy To consume concentration difficulties and behavior problems tend to cut and worse in cognitive tests than their peers. First of all, I

must say that the hostess said all children are highly intelligent and extremely well behaved. Either she's famous exception or the consumed fruits are one of the 'typical strong and salty European variety', according to Wikipedia, which contains mainly anise oil and very little licorice.

is usually the main ingredient in licorice candy at the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra , also called licorice. Licorice, with its active Active ingredient glycyrrhizin, has many positive attributes and is traditionally used in the following areas as a medical herb:

licorice ...
... expectorant effect and therefore is often an ingredient in cough syrups.
... has anti-viral properties and is used for example in control of chronic viral hepatitis.
... contains, as well as soy , phyto-oestrogens (isoflavones) that may be helpful for menopausal symptoms.
... lowers the testosterone level (similar to Agnus castus ) and can therefore be helpful in high male sex drive.
... fought Helicobacter pylori and therefore can help with stomach ulcers, but also nausea, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Crohn's disease and general digestive problems.
... inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and therefore may be helpful for depression.

glycyrrhizin is not without problems. High doses (more than 50 g licorice a day, representing about 250 mg glycyrrhizic acid) may contribute to liver toxicity and high blood pressure, edema, muscle weakness, cause chronic fatigue, headaches and a low testosterone level in men. It is generally recommended to consume no more than 100 mg glycyrrhizic acid daily. Pregnant women are recommended to a maximum of 100g of liquorice to limit (500 mg glycyrrhizic acid) per week.

Montague-Jones, G: Study next liquorice to mental health problems. Food Navigator 08th Oct. 2009th R et al: Inhibition of serotonin re-uptake by licorice constituents. J Mol Neurosci. 2003 Apr; 20 (2) :135-40. Liquorice.

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