is First to say it is important that there is no one 'right' amount of sleep. Although there are studies that show that people sleep 7 ¼ hours per night, the longest life, and that long-term less than six hours sleep burden the immune system, but we are all different. Some people come from long-term problems with five or six hours sleep, others the same, however more of a cat who spends 16-19 hours of the day with nap. Basically, we need less sleep, the older we get. If we are tired, but sleep, but just can not fall asleep, or waking up after a short time and us the rest of the night awake in bed roll - this is frustrating and can, as most of us have to work during the day, also be quite stressful. The
certainly most famous non-drug substance is melatonin sleep. It should have all the books on this "miracle hormone" that helps us not only sleep but also young and well maintained. However, melatonin is a prescription in the EU and therefore can not be easily bought Sun
Another useful substance is 5-HTP obtained from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia . 5-HTP is the amino acid tryptophan very similar, it increases serotonin levels in the brain and can be helpful for depression such as insomnia. (Serotonin is the body in the evening converted to melatonin and depression are often associated with low serotonin levels;. No wonder that include sleep problems, the typical symptoms of depression) taken in the evening can 5-HTP contribute to sleep. Too high a dose can cause but show a reverse effect, or that one the next day, slightly dazed and sleepy feeling.
the dietary supplements is also different, which may help us to sleep better (and some should avoid what one): magnesium , calcium and Vitamin C be relaxing and should be (also) taken in the evening. High-dose B vitamins , Rhodiola and amino acids L-carnitine , acetyl-L-carnitine and tyrosine are all stimulating and should not be taken after lunch. Personally, I will milk thistle, taken in the evening, sometimes sleeping consuming. Besides, you can take
to support a good sleep, of course, things do : Light physical activity, such as a walk in the evening has a relaxing effect. Evening strenuous sports such as squash, tennis or jogging, can the level of adrenaline, however, can rise so that it is difficult to get back to sleep. Koffein-/teinhaltiger that coffee and tea can rob a sleep, of course by itself Some people swear by contrast, hot chocolate. However, cocoa contains caffeine, and even sensitive people feel it sometimes. Alcohol is certainly the most widely abused substance as a sleep aid, a revised liver can prevent one from sleeping well, and who tends to wake up between 1-3 Clock at night and can not sleep again, should take an alcohol-free period considered.
If I go through phases sleepless, I try to change my attitude. May mean not being able to sleep that I currently do not need as much sleep ... And if I have some time this evening glass of red wine and leave out the sleepless hours in a relaxed, meditative state spending, I am surprised with how little sleep I have, at least for a while, well get through life.
PS The amino acid theanine supports relaxation. I am not clear whether theanine taken in the evening might be too stimulating for some people. It would be great if those in the field (or with other, unnamed food supplements) have experience, would announce.
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