Resveratrol - Savior in the menopause?
hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, depression ... not enough that menopause makes women aware that they are older, the menopausal period is often associated with a number of unpleasant side effects. The conventional treatment of allopathic medicine is HRT, or hormone replacement therapy. However, after studies showed that HRT is in real health risk and increases the risk of heart attack, for example, and breast cancer, many women are seeking more natural alternatives. Agnus castus , red clover, black cohosh and Dong quai all belong to the phytohormonhaltigen plants, the best known supplier of plant hormones is certainly soy . soy contains isoflavones daidzein, genistein and Glycetein and can be helpful for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Studies have also indicated that it protects against breast cancer. (More about here .)
In resveratrol is a (stale) in grapes and red wine substance located. Because it has strong antioxidant properties, lowers cholesterol, anti-inflammatory effect and acts against aging, resveratrol is a popular dietary supplement. That it has also estrogen-like properties, is less well known. But a new study has indicated that resveratrol the ideal substance could be a natural hormone-replacement therapy. In this, the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry study published in the estrogen-and anti-tumor effects of different phytoestrogens were compared. It was shown resveratrol more apoptotic activity than genistein and Glycetein. (Apoptosis-programmed cell death and an important step of the body to protect itself from cancer.) Is (daidzein, however, showed slightly cell-stimulating effect.)
Based on these results by leading scientists came to the conclusion that the search for natural therapies " resveratrol the most promising candidate as an alternative HET "is.
with red wine but it is difficult enough to take resveratrol (unless you try to drink to 50-100 bottles a day). But it there's always more food supplements - rounded off perhaps with a glass or two ...
Byrne, J: Resveratrol could prove HRT alternative study. Food Navigator, 23/11/09. utm_source% 3D% 3D & = & newsletter_daily utm_medium = email & utm_campaign = Newsletter% 2BDaily
Henry LA, Witt DM: Resveratrol: Phytoestrogen Effects on Reproductive Physiology and Behavior in Female Rats Hormones and Behavior, Vol 41, Issue 2, March 2002, Pages 220-228.
Labinskyy, N et al: Vascular Dysfunction in Aging: Potential Effects of Resveratrol on anti-inflammatory phytoestrogen. Curr Med Chem 2006, 13 (9): 989-996.
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