Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Invest With Renaissance Technologies

aspirin to the Rescue!

"My brother has a cold," my mother says on the phone. "He has already taken aspirin?" I ask. "Did I even suggested him, but he will not." 'Well, if he prefer to suffer is his decision, "I think a little blankly. Now I am not yet gotten around to asking him what was the reason for his rejection, but sometimes it seems to me that under my naturopathic oriented acquaintances often a certain 'natural is good, drugs are prevalent böse' attitude.
And sometimes, if customers I say they want 'only natural! No chemicals! " I find it hard not to answer that EVERYTHING is chemistry, and that 'nature' is not automatically with 'healthy' can be equated. (The smallest amounts can make a killing not only Fingerhut, Fingerhut is also the source of very strong heart medication.)

But back to aspirin ... Whether happy pill swallower or voluntary martyrs - aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid is the active ingredient, it is a very interesting substance. Most people know that aspirin thins the blood and therefore often in small doses (about 80mg daily), is people with cardiovascular disease or at high risk of developing these prescribed.

But aspirin seems to work well as anti-carcinogenic. For example, a new, published in JAMA study in which the data from 1279, in colorectal cancer patients over 12 years were summarized that patients who regularly take aspirin, a 29% lower risk of dying from cancer. (And a 21% lower risk of death have not specified).

The idea that aspirin could potentially anticarcinogenic effect, scientists were the first time in the 60's, when they observed that aspirin Reduced tumor growth in rats. Over the years a number of studies have been conducted. For example, a 2007 study that the daily intake of 325mg aspirin at least five years, the risk of colorectal cancer by 30%, for prostate cancer by 20% and generally decreases by 15%. Another study, however, observed that the long-term use of aspirin does not lower cancer risk reduced quantities.

Although many scientists and physicians view aspirin as extremely promising, they stress that further studies are needed. It is important to remember that aspirin unpleasant side effects such as gastric ulcer and gastro-intestinal Bleeding may have. Aspirin also inhibits the formation of prostaglandins. These are substances that have both positive and negative effects in the body.

WHY but this shows aspirin effect? Aspirin fights inflammation by inhibiting COX-2 (cyclooxygenase) enzymes. These enzymes are involved in the development of specific tumors, including colorectal, prostate and breast cancer, participated. VIEWING 85% of all colorectal tumors increased COX-2 enzymes.
is in the body aspirin hydrolyzes into salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is also found in plants and, interestingly, vegetarians show similarly high serum salicylate and urine values, such as people who regularly take low-dose aspirin. Depending on the growth rates of salicylic acid in plants is 0.05 mg to 8μg. The plant grows under 'harsh' conditions, that without protection right, and they must protect themselves against infection, pathogens, heat, cold and wind, they developed a much higher salicylic acid content.

summary seems to indicate this fact that 1) organic vegetables is good for us, and 2) the child that we should not throw out with the bath water! Suffering is not only often unnecessary, a bit of pain avoidance can even be good for your health!

People with gastrointestinal problems should not take aspirin regularly or long term. Generally, aspirin, or can irritate the stomach acetylsalicylsäurehaltige drugs target membrane and. Because of the blood-thinning properties, people taking blood-thinning medications (eg Markumar) take to discuss with their doctor before taking / pharmacist. As always, pregnant women should be discussed before taking to their doctor. Children should not take because of rare but potentially fatal Reye's syndrome, aspirin or aspirin-like drugs.

References: aspirin
anti-cancer benefits of fruit and veg similar to. http://www.rssl.com/services/foodanalysis/foodenews
Ceaseless debate: Can aspirin prevent cancer? Associated Press, 05.06.2007. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18276251
Could aspirin metabolite be synthesised in the human body? http://www.rssl.com/services/foodanalysis/foodenews/Pages/Edition4200714January2009.aspx#1
Snowden, R: Does Aspirin Help Treat Colorectal Cancer? 14.08.2009. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/content/NWS_1_1x_Does_Aspirin_Help_Treat_Colorectal_Cancer.asp

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Friday, October 16, 2009

How To Transfer Pokemon Mac

Omega 6 - Goodies oder Baddies?

Längere Zeit habe ich versucht, mich to push around, but now I can not ignore the issue of Omega 6 fatty acids longer. However, they are not as 'straight forward' as the 3 ...

As Omega 3s may be omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs, essential fatty acids) not by the body itself, but must instead be obtained from food. The fatty acids are essential for many bodily functions (especially the brain) is required and a deficiency can lead to mental disorders, weakened immune function, skin problems (dermatitis), hormonal imbalances and infertility.

Omega 6 EFAs are soy and other vegetable oils, meat, nuts and avocados contain and most people get enough of these fatty acids. It is also true that the typical American diet (which is now widespread, but not only in the USA) 15-20 times more Omega 6 than Omega 3 offers. It would be a ratio of 3 to 1 is very much ideal! This imbalance in favor of omega 6 is blamed for the rising number of infections, depression, cardiovascular disease, cancer, asthma and arthritis. For example, a study shows older people, that those seniors suffering from depression much higher Omega 6 levels compared to Omega 3 had as their non-depressed peers.

Omega 6, however, is not equal to omega 6! There are several different forms. Plants and plant oils contain mostly omega-6 EFA linoleic acid (LA). The body converts linoleic acid into GLA (gamma linolenic acid) to *. GLA can in turn be converted to arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is also present in fatty meat and here we are at the real culprit! Arachidonic acid lowers blood pressure increase and increased inflammation, allergic reactions and cell growth.
is generally GLA but not arachidonic acid, but in a 'friendly' substance in DGLA is converted. DGLA is one of the prostaglandins and reduce inflammation. According to the support of the Medical Center of the University of Maryland magnesium, zinc , vitamin C and vitamins B3 and B6 the conversion of GLA to DGLA (instead of arachidonic acid).

Because of the different omega 6 fatty acids, a supply of meat, plant foods is preferable. However, vegetable oils have their own problems. Especially when they are cheap and not 'organic' are vegetable oils in general are filtered, bleached and deodorized oils and almost all are due to oxidation during the Manufacturing process and storage rancid (not to mention that they are stored in plastic bottles that estrogen-containing substances, so-called xeno-estrogens make!). Since the heat-sensitive essential fatty acids also destroyed, monounsaturated fats like olive or coconut oil or saturated fats like butter are much more suitable for baking, boiling or frying.

If we have also not usually omega 6 deficiency, it is quite possible that we eat a lot of bad (meat, cheap oils) and too little of the good (nuts, avocados) to us. The recommended amount is 12-22 grams of Omega 6 EFAs daily. Accordingly, we should take 4-7 grams
Omega 3 fatty acids to us. The secret is in the right balance!

* borage, evening primrose or black currant seed oil are also good sources of GLA.

Ellis-Christensen, T: What are Omega 6 Fatty Acids? http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-omega-6-fatty-acids.htm
Natural News: Omega-6 fatty acids found to be dietary cause of depression, heart disease. http://www.naturalnews.com/022860_depression_fatty_acids_omega-6_fatty_acids.html
ScienceDaily: Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Make Them Part Of Heart-Healthy Eating, New Recommendations Say. 02.02.2009. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090126173725.htm
University of Maryland Medical Center: Omega 6 Fatty Acids. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/omega-6-000317.htm
Walling, E: Fats to Avoid: The Epidemic Polyunsaturated Oil. 18.06.2009. http://www.naturalnews.com/026471_fats_health_fatty_acids.html

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How Long Does Trimethoprim Last In Your System?

Zimt (Cinnamomum verum)

The term describes the cinnamon the inner bark, at higher elevations, tropical rain forests growing, cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum verum ). Cinnamon is not the same as cassia, Chinese cinnamon and mentioned.
medical or used as a spice, cinnamon has a warming, stimulating and stressbekämpfend. It promotes blood circulation and has sweat and fever impulsive. Traditionally, cinnamon is used and therefore to defend against colds and infections. Other traditional applications include cramps, colic, diarrhea, nausea, bloating, heartburn, anxiety and stress, high blood pressure, bad breath, tooth pain (cinnamon numb the nerve endings), neuralgia, menstrual problems, headache, muscle and joint pain.

cinnamon contains active plant chemicals that mediate antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. A 1974, in the Journal of Food Science published study describes how cinnamon kills aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are naturally occurring mycotoxins that often - are in flour and cereals, but also peanuts, pistachio nuts and poppy seeds - especially when no chemical fungal inhibitors used. The most dangerous, aflatoxin B1, is deadly in doses of a few milligrams. Aflatoxins are hepatotoxic and can cause lung and liver cancer.

Recent scientific studies show that cinnamon improves insulin sensitivity and so a balancing effect on blood sugar levels. For this reason, cinnamon in various dietary supplements for weight loss or Blood sugar balance mentioned.

cinnamon is generally considered safe and a 'normal' income is considered as safe as a spice. Due to which, especially in Cassia, contained substance coumarin, the regular use of larger doses (more than ½ teaspoon daily) may be reversible liver toxicity. Who wants to take long-term large doses should therefore select products, guaranteed to those who will be that the insulin-active polyphenols are included, but potentially harmful substances have been removed. Pregnant women should not take large quantities of cinnamon bark or cinnamon to a head because they can contribute abortifacient.

more information on healthy weight management at: eat right instead of suffering hunger!

Daniells, S: Cinnamon may improve blood sugar levels: Study. 20.02.2009. http://www.nutraingredients.com/Research/Cinnamon-may-improve-blood-sugar-levels-Study
Health Compendium.com: Cinnamon Is Toxic? http://health-compendium.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=30&Itemid=9
Herbs2000. Cinnamon. http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_cinnamon.htm
Soliman, KM et al: Effect of oil extracted from some medicinal plants on different mycotoxigenic fungi. Food and Chemical Toxicology Vol 40, Iss. 11, November 2002 Pages 1669-1675.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

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Mönchspfeffer (Vitex agnus castus)

... auch n i c h t n u r i m K l i m a k t e r i u m
Agnus castus When do I always think of a visit to the gynecologist. I'm late 20s and my daughter was a baby. 'You all right? " she asks. 'Actually, yes. I appear before my days have all sorts of premenstrual symptoms only lately been two weeks ... "" Already? "She asks with raised eyebrows. "This is still a bit early," 'Oh God, not yet 30 and already in menopause?', I think. "Maybe I need yes progesterone ?" I suggest. (I just read the book 'Natural Progesterone' was read by John Lee.) yet not. We start with Agnus castus "Agnus castus

-. Also known as Vitex, or chaste tree chaste tree - especially in Germany is a frequently prescribed plant at PMS, hormone imbalances and menopause.
The plant from which most of the berries (actually the seeds) are used, was already known in ancient times for their libido-control, but was also used for pelvic inflammatory disease, to stimulate the milk flow and infertility. The name of 'chaste' based on the fact that monks are, for the suppression of the instincts, the berries sprinkled regularly to the meal. In medieval times, Agnus castus used to cure madness, hysteria and epilepsy.

Recent studies show that Agnus castus reduces Prolactinausschüttung in rats. However, this means that it does not promote milk production, but inhibits. For this reason, Agnus castus is now also recommended for excessive milk production. Vitex seems to normalize not only the prolactin, but also the progesterone level. As part of this balancing effect, it is recommended for premenstrual swollen, tender breasts (a symptom that is attributable to too much prolactin). Studies from Germany, who came to the conclusion that Agnus castus, the progesterone levels in the blood increased and helpful with premenstrual symptoms (eg flatulence, bloated feeling in irritability and depression) may be criticized, however, often as not scientific enough (no double blind studies).

Another study concludes that Agnus castus, because of its broad impact, rather should be counted as adaptogens. (Adaptogens are plants that help the body cope with stress and strain.) This is supported by other studies that suggest that the intake may increase the level of melatonin.

order to achieve an effect that must be taken chaste tree for several months on a regular basis. Agnus castus is available as a capsule, tablet or liquid, just as powdered berries (seeds) or standardized dry extract. Since it acts synergistically with other plants, it is often combined with quai cohosh, wild yam or Dong . Agnus castus
is generally well tolerated. Rarely it can cause gastrointestinal problems, dizziness and itching of the skin and are crucial. It should not be used during pregnancy or by persons with pituitary gland or breast cancer. take
people, psychotropic drugs, or 'the pill' should be discussed before taking to the doctor. Although it traditionally by men to suppress of the sexual instinct, was taken to be, chaste tree now no longer recommended for men.

wondering thinking back I wonder why the gynecologist has not considered that I had recently weaned - this would be no indication of a high prolactin levels may still be able to? Nevertheless, her Agnus castus tip was indeed still correct.

And one final note: The leaves of Vitex agnus castus see hemp leaves are very similar and are often confused.

Another plant, may be the not only in climacteric helpful is soy . More information here .

Chaste Tree. http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_chaste_tree.htm
chasteberry. http://nccam.nih.gov/health/chasteberry/
melatonin. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/patient-melatonin.htmlSchellenberg, R: Treatment for the premenstrual syndrome with agnus castus fruit extract: prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study. BMJ 2001; 322 (7279): 134 (20.01.2000), doi: 10.1136/bmj.322.7279.134 http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/322/7279/134

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Invited To An Pastor's Anniversary

Oink, Oink

I s t i d e S c h w a e g r i p p e e i e n S ch w an n e r an g-ri p p e ?
While the media to fall back with warnings about the Schweinegrippen'seuche 'warm up my inbox swells with emails that tell me that this is mere hysteria and a major coup in the pharmaceutical industry, that large-scale vaccination programs mean with immature and potentially harmful vaccines just a big win for Glaxo SmithKline, and that it is H1N1 to an old, already in the 70s with 'Asian flu pigs' well-known, not particularly dangerous virus.
Now I am not a chemist or physician enough to know how likely a dangerous Mutation of H1N1 disease in the winter and whether it, and thousands die may be (so far, the number of deaths compared to a 'normal' flu season is quite low). But there is not only the swine flu - Winter is generally the peak season, from viruses and colds and flu with them.

The best course is to not even be sick - and the best strategy is this: little stress + good food + good sleep. Regular exercise (preferably outdoors - vitamin D !), And a diet of hot soups and hot dishes with ginger, curry and garlic, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and green tea and maybe now and then a glass of red wine are a good basis. For extra defense forces (or at the first sign of disease) to provide the additional resources of zinc , Vitamin C , selenium , quercetin and under stress theanine , 5-HTP or Rhodiola . (For more information on natural stress management here.)

would be a further protective measure, as little as possible to have contact with other people. This is of course rarely possible, and on his way to and at work is you exposed to all sorts of 'Immune Attack'. In 'my' company, therefore, all employees olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract Citricidal, colloidal silver, as well as hibiscus and elderberry preparations for one low price.

I see it already: We will make a beautiful picture when we - with our Silbersprühflasche 'armed' - wild around us and disinfect spray panting colleagues.

Hobert, I: Swine flu - collapse of confidence. 23.09.2009. World in Action. http://www.world-in-action.de/gesundheit/41-irrtuemer-der-medizin/250-schweinegrippe.html

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wallpaper Border Without Glue

Rotklee (Trifolium pratense)

The inconspicuous food plant of many gardeners and a curse has a long tradition as a medicinal plant. Sun, for example, red clover was traditionally used to treat infections and inflammation, especially tuberculosis and whooping cough, for water retention and to accelerate healing. Even today, red clover is a component of various cough syrup.
Nowadays Trifolium pratense - along with soy, dong quai , Agnus castus , Mexican Yam , hop and cohosh - mainly with 'Menopause plant' known. Scientific studies show that red clover contains four phytoestrogens: biochanin A, formononetin, daidzein and genistein (the latter two are also included in soy ). As these plant estrogens mimic the action of endogenous estrogens in the climacteric can be reduced if the level of sex hormones, helpful for menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes. (More information at:. Natural progesterone and not only in the climacteric - Soy )
The fact that large quantities of red clover eating cows get bigger teat, has meant that the plant is touted as a natural breast enlargement products. (However, there are no human studies on the subject!) Another study raises the question whether the positive effect of red clover in the menopause is due to the fact that the opiate receptors 'dock', which activity have a strong influence on temperature regulation, mood and hormone levels and.
It seems that red clover in menopausal women, the vessel elasticity and circulation support, and so may also be good for people could be high blood pressure and circulation problems (red clover also contains tocopherols, which are important for a healthy cardiovascular system).
red clover can be prepared as a tea or purchased in capsule form. Although there seems to be at a moderate income, no side effects, is in medical studies suggest that there are no data on long-term use. Pregnant women and persons who must avoid estrogen (such as for breast cancer), red clover should not eat. Extremely high doses are associated with miscarriage, birth defects, infertility and growth disorders. People with cardiovascular disease and women who 'the Pill ', should consult their doctor before taking.

Coon JT, et al: Trifolium pratense isoflavones in the treatment of menopausal hot flushes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Phytomedicine 2007; 14:153-9. Nissan
HP et al: A red clover (Trifolium pratense) phase II clinical extract poss esses opiate activity. J Ethnopharmacol 2007, 112:207-10. Red clover may combat hot
flushes. BBC News. 2. August 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4738277.stm
Vitamin Stuff. Red clover. http://www.vitaminstuff.com/herbs-red-clover.html

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why Do I Get Dry Mouth With Adderall

Peachy Skin

Faux-Pas happen so easy ... Some time ago I congratulated a friend for her birthday. She was standing with some other women in a round, and saw them: "My birthday is next week. We are in fact almost the same age "I could not understand why my friendly question" will Ah, you also 39 "met with stony silence - until she answered:" No, 33 "!. Oops ... But in retrospect I must say that the two looked pretty similar age. E s just common ... We all want long as possible and have skin as beautiful as possible, but some do have it easier than others. Genetic factors play a big role, but lifestyle (smoking, stress and nutrition) and sun exposure over the years also left their mark. When clients ask me

whether a particular product has helped me for the skin, if I have noticed a difference, I usually reply: '! No idea' I do not remember exactly when it started that I was able to pass any anti-aging cream more. If a nice saleswoman wanted to tell me that I would not need something OR interested me not at all. (What she knows about all the sun rays
in Australia?) Over the years I have tried products with collagen, hyaluronic acid , Co-enzyme Q10, green tea extract, polysaccharides, ceramides, oligopeptides resveratrol etc. etc.. How am I supposed to know the best friend of all anti-wrinkle creams, then, whether and which of these substances, the wrinkles have kept? The real question is though: If the age our skin does not necessarily correspond directly with our years of life, when what skin care is the right one?

For most of us first show signs of aging in the 30s. The skin begins to feel not so smooth. This is because the cell exchange in the Epidermis slows down, and the level starts the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone fall. Especially when we have gotten an early age much sun (and the skin was not protected well), could also show its first wrinkles and discoloration.

For dull, uneven skin can exfoliate (mechanical 'Rubbel'cremes, scrubs or AHA) can help. The removal of the upper skin cells makes the skin smooth and supple and helps to ensure that the information contained in creams nutrients can be absorbed better. However, it is important to exfoliate too much because it irritates the skin and are sensitive to UV rays can be; which only accelerated aging processes.

In our 40s and beyond often show pigment disturbances in the form of skin discoloration and / or 'age spots'. You from resulting mostly by increased melanin production. Skin care products with vitamin C have a skin lightening, age spots and reduce production support collagen. (For more information on Vitamin C in anti-aging cosmetic products can be found here .) Vitamin A is similar and can be helpful in scarring. (For more on Vitamin A as a cosmetic ingredient can be found here .)

Depending on your budget, vanity willingness to suffer and of course there are plenty of other procedures (chemical peels, laser treatments to Botox). Anyone interested in this place on the internet a lot of sites with relevant information. Personally, I think that - with all vanity - a clean, beautiful and aged skin is very attractive.

1001 Despite ingredients, the pillars are simple:

first The skin from sun / UV rays protection.
second Drink plenty of moisture out = & (for dry skin) creams.
third If necessary, exfoliate.
4th eligible for aging skin include the following anti-aging substances (Internal and / or external) in question: vitamin A , Vitamin C , vitamin E , phytohormones , AHA , Centella asiatica , Co-enzyme Q10 , astaxanthin , DMAE , fish oil, MSM , zinc , collagen , lysine, hyaluronic acid & green tea. The fact that we

for beautiful, youthful skin is to sleep as much as possible, by the way is not it. The skin is constantly, not only at night, by repair processes. What, however, can negatively affect the skin, chronic stress - and this is often accompanied by sleep deprivation.

more tips for beautiful skin at: Mirror, mirror on the wall ...

Adjusting your skin care to fit your age. http://www.smartskincare.com/skincarebasics/skincare_and_age.html

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