Costa Rica Fights Child mortality sustained
Bonn - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC
) Ver signed in two new reports progress in reducing opium cultivation in Asia. In Southeast Asia and especially in the notorious Golden Triangle in the border area between Burma, Laos and Thailand, the results are groundbreaking in Afghanistan after all remarkable.
"This is a story of success of drug control," UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa said at the publication of the 'South East Asia Opium Survey' on 2 February in the Thai capital Bangkok-between. The situation in Afghanistan, on 1 February in the Afghan capital Kabul, reports tabled 'Opium Winter Assessment' document, said he even here there are substantial profits.
delivers to the new report for the Southeast Asia region is now 424 tonnes of opium. This is five percent of all illicit production and significantly less than in 1998 and 1990. In those two years were 33 and over 50 percent of the intoxicant in the region. Apart from the slump Thailand and Laos are now concentrated almost opium free Burma and in the cultivation on the Shan State.
89 percent of Burma's production comes from this country in the east of the country. A total of opium grown in Burma last year to 28,500 hectares. Thus, the area under cultivation has in Ver-equal to 2007 increased by three percent. "Still too much opium comes from Burma. But still the progress of the last two decades is impressive, "said Costa. In 1996, the poppy fields in Burma, with 163,000 acres larger than the fields in Afghanistan last year. She stretched than 157,000 hectares.
18 Afghan provinces free How The report on Afghanistan notes were opium-free even there in 2008 18 provinces and will remain in all likelihood, this year for seven other provinces -. is-in the main growing region of Helmand in the south - UNODC experts predict for 2009 with a further reduction the cultivated area.
date keeps the poppy cultivation before the opium production in Afghanistan especially in the seven most unstable provinces in the south and southwest. A total of 2008 came 92 percent of opium for the illicit international market in Afghanistan.
Nevertheless, the opium cultivation in the south and southwest declined. The reasons include high wheat and low opium prices and water shortages due to drought. In the north, east and the central region further government pressure and has food-food poverty is a decline in opium production. described as a happy development, the UNODC, the fact that the decline continues in opium prices by around 20 percent despite tighter new deliveries. thank for this trend of overproduction in the last three years, which could saturate the market sustainably.
continue the fight on all fronts
"Drug money is a lubricant for corruption," insisted Costa. The success in the fight against opium was not only based on the to measure reduction of cultivated area. He depended on a higher security, from more integrity, economic growth and good governance. With a Pyrrhic victory in Afghanistan, no one was served.
Also for the Golden Triangle drug fighters warned the chief of the United Nations. Like a UNODC report shows the distribution of amphetamines and ecstasy in the last year is the greater Mekong sub-region long been one of the most important places for the production and marketing of new synthetic drugs. - Heike Nasdala request a month's salary in the amount of 2,300 U.S. dollars. Currently earns a Zimbabwean teacher 70 trillion Zimbabwean dollars. This represents a street value of just three U.S. dollars, or three loaves of bread.
As the whole country suffer so the teachers at a rate of well over 200 million percent in the last calculation, a change in the daily payment for hard currency as the U.S. dollar and a cholera epidemic, with almost 3,000 dead. In the country come accusations of sympathizing with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) was added.
"Our message is clear: you are not bad and the government must act," says the Secretary-General Teachers Union of Zimbabwe PTUZ, Raymond Majongwe. In addition to a salary in U.S. dollars, calling for the teacher to introduce school meals for the students and themselves and the guarantee that they will no longer be persecuted politically.
means for the students of the continuing strike for months an already two-time shift of the lessons start this year. Passed the deadline of 13 January and 27 January. Is closed in the African-crisis state is currently working on the colleges and universities.
still missing the students also the last exam certificates. No one knows how to cut-added, because the competent authority shall not teachers who work could evaluate and correct. - IPS Europe (03/03/2009)
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