South-South trade as an opportunity in the crisis
Berlin - crimes are committed usually by men. No wonder that 90 percent of all prison inmates are male. But unlike the situation in humans dar. trade statistics, which has evaluated the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), show a surprisingly high proportion of women who get involved at the court business strong.
As UNODC stressed in a new report finds, women with this form of organized crime minalität-even has a key role. The UN agency had information about the difficulties Geschlechtszugehö-court convicted traffickers in 46 countries evaluated. The result was that more women are sitting around in Europe for human trafficking than for other crimes behind bars. According to the report of human trafficking ends in 79 percent of all cases of prostitution, the victims are mostly women and girls. Same time, women represented 30 percent of countries were able to provide information on the gender of the perpetrators, the majority of people between dealers. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 60 percent of convicted traffickers women. "In these regions, the trafficking of women by women the norm," said UNODC chief An-tonio Maria Costa. It was shocking that former victims slipped into the role of perpetrators. UNODC has been considered on the basis of information from 155 countries with laws against human trafficking, and criminal law processes and the victims and perpetrators. Were provided by the information from public authorities and other institutions. The analysis showed that most traffickers were arrested mainly in their home countries, thereby suggesting that local supply networks, the international trafficking networks with men, women and children.
favor of this theory that in many countries, from which the victims, poverty is high and foreigners in the minority are. This is supported further that criminals in the countries of origin of the victims but in a better position to control their targets. Also, there are often country people, who lure their victims with false promises in the countries where they are to be exploited.
trafficking same trafficking The new report also provides information on the number of people who took the traffickers in the year 2006 in the catch: UNODC calls 21 000 people from 111 countries tices in which Opferstatis-present. In 61 countries, put together two thirds of the victims are women and 13 percent girls. In 52 States as refugees were sexually exploited.
As the new report shows an increasing number of people who are convicted of trafficking in persons, in a few countries. In most states, however, the perpetrators are un-clipped it. There is statistically in 1.5 of 100,000 cases a conviction. "In many criminal justice systems, the seriousness of the crime underestimated," Costa warned. So it happened in the period 2007-08 in only two of five countries that have addressed the UNODC, no single conviction.
Young protocol with great effect
reported as hopefully the UNODC that the UN protocol against human trafficking - the most important international agreements in this area - the first since December 2003 is in force, the number of Contracting States, however, the implement the protocol in recent years from 54 125 more than doubled. However, there are mainly in Africa a number of countries that lack the legal instruments, or the political will.
The new report says 20 percent of all victims of trafficking are children. The percentage rate varies from region to region. In Africa and the Mekong region, it is increasing dramatically. In West Africa, he could even up to 100 percent. The adolescent was misused for all sorts of jobs: as cheap labor, prostitutes, beggars and soldiers. Says Costa: "There are boys who learn to kill before reading it, and girls who are sexually sklavt VER before they are women."
Given the different shapes and Background in human beings, it is important to adapt the fight against modern slavery in the circumstances, said Mr. Costa. Thus, there is an un-difference between parents who sold their children out of trouble, and forcibly recruited warlords, the girls and boys. They would also have reasons to be explored, including those of women other women forced into prostitution. As long as the many knowledge gaps are not closed, the fight against human trafficking can not be won. - Karina Boeckmann (12.02.2009)
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