Sunday, May 3, 2009

What Colorful Bracelets Mean

tourism as a growth engine in Cuba

India has, with the support of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) has a first report on poverty in the cities. According to the report live in the present state-specific südasiati more than 80 million city dwellers live in poverty. This is roughly the population of Egypt. Are affected in India more than 25 percent of the urban population of around 286 million people, especially slum dwellers and homeless people.
"The pace of urbanization in India is increasing, and with it a growing urban poverty, although probably 62 percent of India's gross domestic product is generated in the cities," the Indian-tion Housing Minister Kumari Selja said when presenting the report in early February New in the Indian capital Delhi.

participated Under the new report, in which 16 prominent writers, academics and representatives of civil society to be 575 million Indians by 2030 or 41 percent of the population live in cities. Although India's urbanization rate is lower than in other countries in the Region, but the number of city dwellers is rising faster than the population grows in the national average.

also live in India are still more poor people in rural areas than in urban centers, but the gap is smaller in recent decades. Moreover, economic growth is not reflected in a decline in urban poverty. The biggest problems of the urban poor lack access to adequate shelter, safe water, sanitation, education and the health system and social security.

About half of the slums without toilets

Most slum dwellers - 11.2 million - live in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It Andhra Pradesh followed by the southeast with 5.2 million and Uttar Pradesh with 4.4 million North East. Closest and most unhealthy living conditions to determine the existence in the slums. There is a lack including drinking water, medical supplies and toilets. As the report he-out is, there are nearly 55 percent of the slums no sanitary facilities. Also, most of the we-nigen existing public toilets are not to use because they are not maintained.

dramatic is the situation of homeless people in India. Their number is according to the census of 2001 to almost 7.8 million people. They live to 3.1 percent in New Delhi and to 1.6 and 7.3 percent in Bihar and Tamil Nadu in the north-east south-east. In Delhi there are about 100,000 homeless all 14 public night shelter in which more than 2937 people may come. The homeless are not only suffering loneliness - 71 percent have claims to any friends - but also the violent eviction by the police, the police, they chased away from their beds at night.

exodus makes poor

The authors of the new report is also the question of a link between the intra-urban migration and the Indian Poverty investigated. Apparently the migration has increased in India since 2001 after declining in the years 1961 to 1991. The most important Mon-tive for a move within the state is the hope of higher income. It drives people from poor to the wealthy European Union countries.

On average, migrants in India are less poor than non-migrants. This is true but does not apply to migrants from rural areas who migrate to cities. People who move from one city to another to benefit the most from their mobility. Very little inclination to move, have in India, the members of the middle and higher income groups. - Heike Nasdala (11/02/2009) IPS Europe gGmbH

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