Thursday, May 6, 2010

Angel Wings Tattoo With Footprints

tips to learn

"knowledge, which does not take a day off more." -Chinese proverb-

Below I explain how to better learn not just by itself is struggling to learn or how to achieve learning goals and divides his time. There is also this article: Time Management - 10 Tips to work more efficiently

To correct, to learn to efficiently and effectively, one must understand the process of learning and of memorization. In the brain there is a part of the hippocampus called. It is part of the limbic system, ie, the oldest part of the brain. The limbic system controls our oldest instincts, thus ensuring our survival. When it comes down to hear the body only on the limbic system and the consciousness has no control over. It is not possible to work around the limbic system, it remains one of only live by his rules.

The hippocampus serves a kind of gatekeeper function. He is responsible to decide what information from the short-term memory is transferred into long-term memory. He saves himself no information. A man whose work not hippocampi is no longer able to form new memories. The old, they are usually retained. Alzheimer's disease is an example of such a disease.

Correct Learning must therefore start at this central point. Therefore one must know what criteria the hippocampus makes its decisions. The hippocampus makes us any information note, which he regards as important to our lives. Some learning methods aimed at the brain through repetition to make a white background, it is remarkable. The hippocampus can not deceive, because he remembers the first course if the student is bored. Such methods require many repetitions so often ridiculous.

  • emotions
information associated with emotions Pinned particularly well. The joy may be grief, anger or whatever. To learn more you should make early accurate idea why you want to learn this or that. What are the benefits to us and what desires we will be able to fill us with it. Worrying can make about the possible negative consequences, however, be counter-productive and should be left better. Positive thinking makes learning more enjoyable and efficient.

  • stress-free learning
stress is known to have many negative effects on our health. The brain is particularly affected. In people with excessive Stress can be the hippocampus does not develop properly. A traumatic experience in childhood can damage the hippocampus for life and lead to a learning disability. Although stress can not always prevent, but you can learn to deal with it properly. Autogenic training, meditation and sports help to cope with stress.

  • Talk to the hippocampus
Everyone knows that children learn very well. The hippocampus likes colorful. Visual stimuli enhance the learning and linking both halves of the brain together. What the hippocampus bored the other hand, it is difficult to Long-term memory to pass through. If we enjoy learning, we learn very well. The hippocampus links the information with the joy we have felt. To experience this joy again, the information is stored.

  • text work
The reading of a text is the hippocampus, a conceivably boring experience. The feeling it leaves us, as we read some sentences over and over again have to until we have at least understood part of it. to keep the contents of a unilateral statement is possible in this way to a lengthy endeavor, of it at all.

To the hippocampus occasion to give the contents of a text to consider important, we are doing something you Maki Keywords color and get not only a color, the more colorful the more fun for the hippocampus. Do even small marginal notes and skim the text at the end again, and you only read their selected words. If you are using this framework to understand the contents of the text you have selected the right words. If you do not select a text may, for example in a textbook, it is advisable to write down the key words on a label on the side. It is important that connect the passive reading process with a little active. All write down what you will award her brain a certain importance and the chance for a long time to remember, is higher than the mere reading. Instead of a lying next to slip, you can also use a transparent film that you put directly to their text. If you use this water-soluble pencils, you can use the film again and again.

  • Mind Mapping
For long texts, it is necessary to make a clear summary. To not end up sitting in front of yet another text, it should briefly clear and visually pleasing. A mind map meets this requirement. Simply use the previously selected words and create a mind map of it. If you edit multiple texts on a topic, you can all be summed up in a mind map. This helps not only to capture many details, but to also keep an overview of the whole issue. The visual component of the creative mind map makes the information our brain also tasty, as both halves of the brain are addressed.

  • clustering
Everything that has happened once the hippocampus, is to kept to our death. The brain has to delete old information, it is not necessary, because its capacity is so incredibly powerful that it could never get into a bottleneck. Rather, we simply do not see a lot of memories back. We can think of it as a computer hard drive, with a virtually infinite capacity. All data that is stored once the user has to stay there forever if they are not destroyed by external influences such as alcohol. Although these data are available, the computer can not access some because they were deleted from its index. A search is impossible because of the infinity of the plate size. The data are therefore useless. In humans this is similar. Even with Alzheimer's illness, the patient can still remember things past decades without problems. For him it is not possible to say what he ate yesterday.

Our goal is to keep not only the most information, but you also make time available for as long as possible. The more links are bound to a memory, the more likely it is that we find later one of them. You know the movies from. If someone comes along in a certain place, he recalls at once to things that were repressed for a long time.

When clustering is similar to the mind map as a keyword in the center. Other keywords are now linked to this. Still others with these words, etc. Over time, results in a net. For each of these words can be linked with new. If we remember these links, we have several ways in which we can access the information. The more subject areas can be gerbacht the name, and the more abstract and creative the links are, the higher the probability to remember in stressful situations in it.

Optimally, they can after the clustering some time in thought and link any information to make all by themselves.

  • the right time to learn
the best learning you can record, if learning is the last thing you do before bedtime. Before bed or watch TV or "take your mind elsewhere" is therefore very disadvantageous. It is quite possible to drive out the important stuff with irrelevant garbage, which we know to power the television. For although the capacity of the long-term memory is virtually unlimited, it is not the short-term memory. Every evening a Relax in front of the boob tube flooded so much important information that should be transferred into long-term memory during sleep. Because the hippocampus is with so many fast and colorful images are no longer able to distinguish important from unimportant.

could now be scientifically proven that a short sleep at midday can improve memory performance significantly. It gives the brain the opportunity for short-term memory space for the rest of the day to create. A learning session at noon, followed by a maximum 90-minute nap and one at night, without distracting themselves after that, are optimal.

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