Friday, May 14, 2010

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time management - working 10 Tips efficiently II

Here is now the continuation of the article : Time Management - 10 Tips to work more efficiently. Many of the techniques and methods can be combined with each other, some can be considered as alternatives. Their use depends on your personal taste.

  • Time Boxing
Time Boxing can be applied in two ways. First, it is helpful if you have to do many tasks and limited time is available. to prevent a single task takes too much time, expose ourselves to a deadline to which we pass on any event to the next task. They are then forced to achieve the best possible result in the given time. It will also prevent unnecessary perfectionism that you can continue working until no effort in relation to the benefit is. Time Boxing is thus a technique that takes into account the law and the Pareto Pakinsonsche.

the many jobs we can not by us wrestle to start, because we do not know how long we would need to achieve success or where to start. Such things we are pushing for ever. Here, too, is Time Boxing to address the problem. You set before work how much time you want to invest. The range of 15 - 60 minutes is suitable for very well. The knowledge that the work after the defined period of time is over and not matter how far you have come to help you overcome and get started. If you are the first time in the workflow, you will often work even longer than you had originally made.

  • Time Log
Time logging is a technique for creating a detailed list and write down dates to show when you run an activity. Do not leave anything out. Any disruption and disorder we are to be listed on each detail, the more helpful is the Timelog. How long have you watched television? How long have you had discussions? Important or unimportant? How much time did the food service? And how much of the news? How long were you at work? And how long have you worked it really? You should for Repeat 3-7 days. Next, sort the activities into three categories one and add the respective periods.

A: For the most important activities
B: For important activities
C: for unimportant and routine tasks

The Time Log gives the following information:
  1. How much time have you spent on really important and urgent tasks?
  2. What are your time wasters?
  3. What problems interrupt their important tasks?
  4. How efficiently you work. How much of the work will actually work? wasting
  5. Where to time?
  6. What tasks run as scheduled?
  7. How much time taking different areas of their life to complete (family, work, hobbies, entertainment, unnecessary, etc.)?
you will be surprised how little you really spend time with important things. A study has shown that an office employee spends only about 20% of his time with real work. Most of the time he spends to get to social activities, eating, surfing or coffee.

Under this approach quickly becomes clear why a lot of work stress is unfounded. If we do not work, only 20% of our time really, but 40% or 60% or even 80%, then you get double, triple or four times as much. Another consequence could be that we reduce our working hours and because of the cope Pakinsonschen Act, the same work, but this time much more efficiently and at the same time can use more time for other areas.

The Time Logging is an important technique to be aware of his time to be. Thus, you will learn to control your day really. Even the finding how much time is lost by not important similarities will help them to take this out of the way in the future.

you should make every few weeks a new Timelog to prevent adapt old habits again

As a software solutions I have good experience with the freeware. HourGuard and Rachota made

  • power curve
Figure 1 shows a power curve, the so-called REFA standard curve, which is valid for most people. In a polyphasic sleeper curve, however, would be nearly straight. The first high performance is usually in the morning. The current depth of between 14 und 16 clock can be overcome by a good nap or a nap. In the evening, followed by another high performance.

  • concentration curve
Figure 2 shows a concentration curve for a period of 60 minutes. It is easy to see that falls rapidly after about 45 minutes the concentration. It is therefore sensible about every 50 minutes take a break of 5 to 10 minutes.

  • correctly ABC Analysis-The time of day divided
Now we come to the three categories into which you have classified all activities from their Time Log. They will come to the following result.

10-15% of the time A-tasks have been used.
15-25% B-tasks
60-75% C-tasks

is by far the majority of time on it for so trivial and routine tasks. The goal of time management is to turn this distribution.

When preparing your to-do list, you should divide the tasks in the first three categories. If you have all gathered to be done, you can your to-do list to try to fill in such a way that take the A-tasks at least 60% of your time, the B-up tasks still about 20% and C-functions 15%. It does not leave out the target C-tasks altogether. That would not be possible, for even cooking food is a C-task. Rather, it is to plan the day so that the most important tasks are in your power ups and routine tasks in their power downs. It makes sense your to-do list to be extended such that you have to attend to directly specify what times the most important tasks.

  • ALPS method
The ALPS method is used to create an effective plan for the day. The letters stand for the following steps:
  1. A TASKS, events and activities planned note
  2. L ength appreciate
  3. P ufferzeiten schedule
  4. ECISION E take
  5. N achkontrolle

In the first step down all are gathered to-do tasks. Also tasks the day before could not be done is set out. In this step, the tasks are sorted and the unimportant, non-urgent tasks to be removed directly after the Eisenhower principle. estimate

Consider likely to need based on their experience, how much time that task. Think of the Act and constructed Pakinsonsche The time, neither too short nor too long. In this step, you can also directly specify at what time, what task is done. Consider this your personal power curve. Scheduling

buffer times
Since you can never be sure without interference and without undue complications can work, you need to plan for buffer times. The rule here is that 60% of the working set can be scheduled and 40% remains free. Appreciate the work but to see the temptation to slack even as working time. Optimal way, the buffer times more than pauses between different tasks over, you can use for recreation.

In this step you set priorities and decide what tasks need to be done in any case, or what tasks you can delegate. Whether you use it to Eisenhower or the ABC analysis, or both is up to you.

In the last step, check at the end of the day what you have accomplished, what tasks could not be met or not yet completed are. This must of course be included in the planning of the next day. Control has to also work as their time management. Whether performance highs and lows have been considered. What problems have interrupted you at work and whether your timelines were too short or long. Use this knowledge to optimize the planning for the next day.

  • schedule book / Organizer
for planning the daily schedule, creating to-do lists and view of important dates is a schedule book, the first choice. When you buy you should make sure that you like the format and layout and meets your needs. Many providers allow a very unique combination of individual sites. Also make sure that you buy more content that is passed to an end can. Check whether the perforation is compatible with other manufacturers and there are even more useful content.

  • software
Located in the computer age, of course, also a software-based solution. There are now also free programs for almost any purpose. Time and Time for Logging in Boxing for example, offers the open source project Rachota or the freeware: HourGuard on. For scheduling and to-do lists and online solutions are interesting, allowing worldwide access over the Internet. For the creation of concise to-do lists on the computer I can recommend the Open Source Tool ToDoList 6.0 .

  • multitasking
Try to combine as many unimportant tasks together. Listen to audio books whenever you can. Driving, shopping and many time-consuming but less demanding activities are best suited for. Check you emails, while you eat. Read must wait during the television breaks, or otherwise. Take every opportunity to educate themselves.

Use multitasking but never at a major activity. This will only cause you to work less and slower. Even if you take a break, you should not hear or read a book, but rest and relax completely. Do not make yourself more stress than necessary and allow yourself plenty of rest, otherwise multitasking does more harm than good.

  • challenges
Sit down big goals. Many people are asking only those tasks which they know that many are able to cope with and they have already mastered. Such tasks, there is no long-term challenge. Much more difficult projects to motivate and drive to excel. But we must also not really expire impossible task. Think carefully about whether you can achieve the goal and stick with it realistically. If you do not even believe the target is manageable, will you give up one day and despair. But many small projects fail because the prospect to success is not enough motivated. If you know that this goal has been accomplished by thousands of others without problems, there is nothing special to do it too. Then, when the first obstacles appear to be mostly abandoned. In contrast, very large projects, such as motivation to write a book for years. The desire to accomplish something big spur to the end, and lets you manage each problem. This applies to many areas of life. By choosing a career to hobbies, you should always think about a healthy balance between challenge and feasibility associated with. a

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