Time Management - 10 Tips to work more efficiently " It is not enough time, we have, but it is a lot of time, we do not use. "-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Who has not: The day passes you by in the evening and did not know you what you have achieved. At the same torments a knowledge that many tasks need to be done still and slowly but surely running out of time. Here are a few tips and methods how to put an end.
an orderly and tidy workplace is the A and O. Remove all things from her desk, you do not really need. Ten pens of which half are not working unnecessarily, two are not only sufficient but even better. Less is more in most cases. Müllen your desk is not complete with labels that you want to sort. Get some storage baskets and place them in a suitable space on a cabinet or the like. The desk is not only to keep on working there, and storing.
you check your e-mail more than twice a day, you do not waste time to do this more often. Do not browse the web aimlessly. Go unnecessary calls from the road. Force yourself sometimes "no" to say. Cut your TV viewing. The messages must not be seen every day. I can assure you that you will hear of really important events early enough. Once a week you can read on the Internet a summary of the important events. When you go shopping, then do the same for a whole week. Eat only when hungry have and use it as an excuse not to interrupt their work. If you work on the computer remember your work to save at short intervals. Nothing so strongly discouraged and costs as much time as a crashed computer when unsaved work.
"work expands in exactly the extent that time of their completion is available - and not to the extent of how complex it really is."
Everyone knows about from school: When you received several weeks for a paper or the like period, takes place is insane in the length and only in the last days and hours worked properly. If you want to work more efficiently, it means that you are deliberately short time to accomplish tasks. Most things are still exactly done as well or even better, because you work more concentrated and not always cut off the flow of work.
The Pareto or called 80-to-20- rule states that can do 80% of a task with 20% of the work involved. For the last 20% 80% of the total time needed. This also means that bring 20% of the tasks 80% of the benefit / profit / fame etc..
For us, this means that we are aware of some tasks not done to perfection, or even completely missed. In many ways the effort is simply disproportionate and therefore not worth it. We try to find the 20% of the things that bring us 80% of success. A trader should be focused on as the 20% of its customers that generate 80% of its turnover.
This also means that we do not read text word for word over, for male 80% of the information to capture in 20% of the words and by 80% this information, we need only 20% of the time we need, we would read the text completely.
All tasks are based on the criteria important / unimportant and urgent / not urgent divided into four quadrants. All tasks in Quadrant unimportant / not urgent are done not .
important and urgent tasks are naturally processed first. Then you can pay even less and less urgent and unimportant things. Many unimportant but urgent tasks are ideal to be delegated. Think about who can do the job for you. It makes sense to prepare for the execution of some tasks a new list is a new important and urgent task to find.
This system can also use it to filter out many of the tasks that are unimportant but, according to Pareto require 80% of the time and would be avoided in this way.
related to print A free template here: Eisenhower principle It makes sense beginning of each new day, a list of to-do things to make. Take this quiet time and a quarter hour consider consider to be done based on the Pareto principle, which tasks and Eisenhower today and they want while respecting the law Pakinsonschen how much time you estimate for each task. Remember this time deliberately kept short. can
A To-Do list will not only set up for daily goals, but also for weekly, monthly and annual targets. Try to work with each daily list a few points of your larger goals.
Free templates for printing can be found here: to-do lists
If they have found the to-do list ready, take all tasks one before and divide it into small tasks. Each of these sub-tasks can not be longer than ten minutes to complete, better five minutes. This will help the motivation not to lose heart in the work flow at a time not to know where you can or should continue. Many tasks we push ahead of us because they appear to us to be huge. The division into sub-tasks also helps very major projects to tackle, allowing you to the steady progress to be aware of.
An example of splitting the task would be to clean the apartment. This might look like this: - window cleaning kitchen
- window cleaning living room
- window cleaning bedrooms
- vacuuming
- dishes in dishwasher give
- dishwasher overcome
- garbage out bring
- wipe window sills
- etc.
Development of mini-tasks is not bound by any order. very large tasks, such as a book to be written to cope without a division into many small steps barely.
it is very important that you reward yourself. Think about the morning while their to-do list to write what reward would be appropriate for it. A reward may not be great, but definitely not to be too small. If you do not fulfill the task, you must remain firm and deny the reward. But do so immediately if you have fulfilled the task. eliminate
Do not be distracted. Neither you nor other places itself on your phone and mobile phone to silent or completely. Turn off the sound for incoming messages in their e-mail program and disable all instant messenger. Tell your children / wife / husband / etc. That you do not want to be disturbed. Concentrate on your job and leave it to devote themselves unimportant tasks, for example, suddenly to water the flowers. If you have such thoughts come, grab a piece of paper and write on these tasks. When creating the next-to-do list, you can include them.
Who day by day works a lot that needs a balance so as not to get at the end of the burnout syndrome. A cardio workout is excellent for this. Jogging, cycling or inline skating are a treat for body and mind. But even a daily walk or gardening can have some effect. In the fresh air to get your mind off things and can be a bit off. The improved condition leaves a persistent Work and provides for greater efficiency 11 92 this link to ten more tips. 10 tips to work more efficiently II
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