Better Sleep - Tips and Tricks - refreshed and fit through life (Part 2)
Click here for the first part, sleep Better - tips and tricks - (Part 1)
sleep hygiene
Optimum temperature
During sleep, the body lowers its temperature to provide energy for restorative functions and digestion save. Is it too warm, the body can only lower the temperature by sweating, that is uncomfortable and interferes with sleep. The best sleeping temperature is about 16-18 ° C. Before going to bed so sufficient ventilation, which also ensures sufficient oxygen in the air and promotes healthy sleep. Just make sure to not get cold, very cold feet are detrimental to good sleep. A warm bath, it helps the body reduce its temperature and provides for corporal and mental relaxation. should go
three hours before bed to eat anything heavy, fatty or spicy more. With a full stomach increases the body temperature, as mentioned above, the harm of sleep. At the same time one should also not empty Stomach or go to bed hungry. A poorly thought out and not very nutritious food diet leads to an inefficient sleep. Just before going to bed, light meals, such as fruits have much meaning, especially mango, cherries, pineapple, nuts and bananas have a positive effect on sleep, because they contain tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin. Tryptophan in the body can synthesize the happiness hormone serotonin, which in turn is synthesized into the sleep hormone melatonin.
Nicotine is not only bad for your body and mind, but also for sleep. The nicotine hit makes for a difficult entry into deep sleep and impairs their depth and length, the result is a restless sleep and lack of resilience. A few hours after falling asleep, it is also starting to make withdrawal symptoms, the good sleep impossible. Although alcohol is said to have a relaxing and calming effect, but does the quality of sleep is decreasing considerably. Even low doses relaxes the muscles of the throat and thus ensure breathing difficulties, such as snoring and sleep apnea. At the same time disturbing effect on the central system to switch Never sleep phases and the diuretic effect disturbs the sleep through the night, usually you can only sleep a few hours and wake up in the middle of the night and can not for a few hours more sleep. An alcohol Amount under 20g for men and 12g for women is a normal person, as the safe-Comply a glass of wine, 1-2 400ml brandy or beer for a man, however rich, these quantities already made to disturb the sleep, when the subjective feeling of many people is contrary to the.
objections to the use of caffeine is actually nothing wrong with that, only that: according to personal sensitivity should be about four hours before bedtime no more caffeine consumed, and should be absolutely avoided entirely during pregnancy.
interior design
The bedroom should be quiet and pleasant Atmosphere prevail. The less furniture, the better, if you are able, you should make even the closet in another room. Attachments are taboo, especially desks, computers, telephones, file cabinets. The bedroom is the space of peace, nothing you should remember to work or unpleasant things. Electrical equipment should also be avoided if possible, an alarm clock and stereo make an exception and some people are sensitive to electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields, it is not scientifically clear whether this assessment is only imagined or actually true. This commonly called electromagnetic pollution is suspected of the influence of the hormone melatonin and the central nervous system. has been proved so far only one thermal manipulation of the tissue. In each case, therefore, advisable not to place electrical equipment in the immediate proximity of the head. The bedroom should of course be possible dark and quiet. The standby light electrical appliances you can stick with black tape and can help against unavoidable noise ear plugs and soft music. Quiet music is more relaxing and easier to fall asleep.
Optimal sleep time
The sleep duration is on each other, normal is 6-10 hours. Seven hours are considered optimal, and people with seven hours of sleep the highest life expectancy. If the day until noon on the depth, not tired and feel fit and relaxed, you sleep long enough. Even if there are only five or even eleven hours, you must not go out from an illness. Einstein and Goethe should have both slept almost 12 hours, Napoleon and Churchill are to be got by with less than five hours. Both should have had some polyphasiche habits. Who more than seven hours sleep must also have in mind not that he thereby reduces his life expectancy, for it is possible that many people a frequently unrecognized disease leads to the increased need for sleep. So the sleep of the disease that shortens life expectancy is longer and not longer sleep triggers the disease. The personal Schläfbedürfnis can not change or wegtrainieren. So if you force permanently to less sleep is a health risk. The total sleep time can be shortened only by sleep is more efficient. In this way it is with polyphasic sleep can make do with only two hours a day. In the course of life the need for sleep at night is steadily decreasing. Older people sleep more deeply and so long as younger people. The still believe the usual need for sleep have to lead many to to sleep, depression and senile bed escape. A shorter night sleep time often provides a remedy to use without having to sleeping pills. Sleepiness during the day may be covered with a nap. The total sleep time is not very different from younger people. It turns out however that there is the age a return to a polyphasic pattern as it is for young children, of course
Go to Part Three: Better Sleep - Tips and Tricks - refreshed and fit. through life (Part 3)
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