Sunday, October 31, 2010

Quotes For Ill Family Members

Update: New Artwork / Templates

The following templates have been added and are available for free download.

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weekly schedule template checklist 11 lines per day 2x Din5

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thanking The Priest For Confirmation

Better Sleep - Tips and Tricks - refreshed and fit through life (Part 3)

sleep mistakes

The body can not store recovery, so it is not possible vorzuschlafen. The subjective assessment of many people that work Vorschlafen goes back to the fact that they are not under normal conditions rested completely, usually without knowing the self. If they sleep longer now aware, in the hope vorzuschlafen by them to recover fully and feel the Vorschlafen have brought something. In humans, where Vorschlafen to work, so from a chronic sleep deficit be assumed.
Whoever tries on the day vorzuschlafen the next night to go through it can be successful if it is possible to sleep deep enough, but can offer no substitute for the long term Tagschlaf night's sleep.

sleep duration
Everyone needs at least eight hours of sleep - this statement is obsolete. The need for sleep is in a normally distributed population. A general rule it is not, who feels the whole day recovering, sleeping enough, regardless of whether five or eleven hours.

Der Schlaf vor Mitternacht zählt doppelt - hört man oft stimmt aber nicht. Auch die optimale Schlafzeit unterscheidet sich bei jedem Menschen. Wenn die maximale Melatoninkonzentration im Blut und die minimale Körpertemperatur in der Mitte des Schlafs zusammentreffen, ist der Schlaf am effizientesten. Bei den meisten Menschen findet das etwa um 0:00 - 4:00 statt.

Mit weniger Schlaf auskommen, als der eigene Körper vorschreibt, ist nicht möglich. Dazu muss man aber noch einiges sagen. Der persönliche Need for sleep is an established genetic and therefore unchangeable, permanent, and who sleeps less, goes one health consequences. However, many people sleep longer than they would have to without realizing it. It is often said that by external pressure (eg military service) manages to get along for a long time with much less sleep. The reason is that the body in the optimum amount of sleep most effective sleeping. The comfortable bed at home often means that there is sleeping for longer than necessary, sleep becomes less deep and inefficient. without deteriorating physical Anstregung the quality of sleep also leads what extent the one during the day müde fühlt und soagr ein tatsächliches Schlafdefizit ausweist, obwohl oder weil man zu lange geschlafen hat. Beim Wehrdienst trainiert man seienen Körper also nicht, mit weniger Schlaf auszukommen, sondern man lernt tiefer und besser zu schlafen, dazu kommt es noch zu einer Gewöhnung mit den Symptomen von Schlafmangel zurecht zu kommen, von einer Anpassung könnte man nur sprechen, wenn es trainerbar wäre mit weniger Schlaf auszukommen ohne gesundheitliche Konsequenzen einzugehen und das ist, mit Ausnahme von Polyphasischem Schlaf nicht möglich.

Ein gesunder Schläfer schläft durch, is a misconception. Every man wakes in the night up to 28 times and goes to sleep quickly again. If the wax phase was shorter than dei minutes, you can not remember them later. Some people wake up angry about it because they interpret it as a sleep disorder. Due to this excitement, she can fall asleep within three minutes back and remember waking up. If they then ask other people, whether they can not sleep well, they will usually reply that they will be monitored even once, even though they are in reality just do not remember it.

something boring on television watching is tiring and promotes falling asleep - is wrong. Television is a great Anstregung for the brain, too many stimuli must be processed when you fall asleep before the current TV can not sleep here. Even when not consciously perceived, the background noise has a major inconvenience to the brain. A relaxing active activity is much better for sleep. Reading stimulates the imagination, brings a mind off things and calm and is therefore much better suited to quick and relaxing sleep.

It nervet Although snoring is harmless - is not always true. Snoring can be a dangerous sign of breathing interruptions, known as sleep apnea. Insomnia, headaches on waking, concentration and memory impairment, daytime sleepiness, depressed mood and sleep episodes despite adequate sleep duration: a sign of a serious disease. If a symptom apply to you or your partner, you must not hesitate to consult a doctor, an untreated sleep apnea is a life-threatening disease.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Desert Eagle Gold Wearing

broke the time trial Hamburg-Berlin: What hats located?

How was that still the same - failure as an opportunity? Or so. Well. Let's be positive, now, 2 weeks after our botched season-ending. Steven and I go to troubleshoot, an interview is to clarify what was the reason.

shaking & freezing when I sign (Photos: Nicole / Steve)

nutrition - how did you diet before and during the certification cards?

Steve: "Nutrition is very important and thus one of the biggest factors that can influence the outcome of such a story. Gels are great - they replace the nutrients and minerals that the body loses. But I trust there prefer my homemade power bars to plug the holes in my stomach "

Lars:". To feed only on gels and to hope otherwise, that you get to the food items and petrol stations, fatal . I know why, but somehow I had forgotten in the HH-B "

Fortunately, there were rich breakfast: More My stomach was in fact empty

Lars:".. I would have to prepare better, because only now I know that along the way Petrol stations are less likely - but lots of passages along the wild and romantic Elbe. View yes, food no. So when you try number 2 states: whole wheat bread stuffing in the back pocket "

God bless the RG final sprint and the checkpoint buffet

Lars!" I was glad that the RG final sprint this ingenious super buffet meals and had built up at the checkpoint, otherwise I would not have survived even the silly 116 km. From Nicole's packed full catering van apart: It was paradise "

clothing. - have failed your clothes? It was wet and cold weather and extreme wind conditions on that 16th October.

Steve: "I had completely the wrong clothes for my upper body in the cold on this day completely underestimated So I had a thick fleece sweatshirt over my function clothes, who will then, of course, not everything worked properly..."

Lars: "I was attracted to me but after Ziebelprinzip with no less than 4 layers top and a long thick and thin trousers down, but that was not
First my cotton sweater brought the desired heat was with the windbreaker.. I actually quite well protected. "

against the trained master Rendonneure even saw the recumbent riders of old.

Lars: "However, we are not even in the nasty rain came, who had tortured 18 clock drivers because my clothes had failed I also had nothing for the feet, as I will next year certainly with.. Grandfather of overcoats compete. "

Steve: "For next year, I must decisively to the wind and the density - weight of my work clothes - small!"

Training - How did you prepare for this certification?

Lars: "To ! Little "

Steve:" You can work out something - for example, by doing the Ironman cycling training. But I myself am relatively unprepared to start this adventure. And purely physically I was actually cope quite well. "

Lars:" Yes, of course: Such a route is not simply at times from the cold. Cyclassics, Münsterland Giro, because it all goes. The routes are shorter, much shorter, and the wind shadow of the Grupettos sucks with one. "

Cervélo P2 time trial bike: I too extreme for Steve the wheel of choice

.." But how bad weather and head wind, lack of wind shadows and low Adrenalispiegel can mean the end, I realized quickly that day. Poor training, injury-prone - and you're out! "

Steve:" Hours, hours, hours, boring GA-1 training is the prerequisite for such a trip! . You need stamina and a lot of stamina to endure about 280 km in the Road "?.

technology - What influence the material that you're gone're Still You two adopted very different wheels

Lars had:" My Cervélo R3 is a purebred, very stiff bike that is optimized for just such events. It has not Paris-free Rubaix 2 times won. Even the choice of my wheels I'm using the - gone deliberately Mavic R-Sys to the more tour-oriented driving - not very aerodynamic, stiff and extremely robust for this. My bike just felt perfect that day: Even if it was a time trial, with the guys on the extreme time trial machines, I want to swap in any case "

The noble Cervélo P4 Carbon Monster: Just what kind of ( heeled) rounder

Steve. "With my Cervélo P2 - a stream-line triathlon frame - I felt very good. I deliberately chose this Trenga and against my road bike. Especially when the wind came from the front, it has slowed me less than Lars (I had the feeling.) And since I drive a lot with the P2, was also the big time driving position is no problem. . Next year: Again. "

The Cervélo-Boys in the Belgian top

motivation - the role the mind game with this type of race

Steve?" ! Almost the most important role "

Lars:" I was very motivated - but unlike in the previous events also very careful about what my "inner" As for predictions. This time there were so many unknowns: distance, weather, my ass ... Motivation wise, I'm definitely for next year but before that is at the destination my friend waiting for me. And in a hotel room with jacuzi! How much drive the knowledge that his girlfriend is waiting for him, Steve has brought, it was madness! "

back pain? Normal after 100 km.

Steve "My motivation was high. But in itself, a journey into the unknown. If you like something for the first time makes prevails, always the "wait and see - but now know I, what is phase and may 2011 start properly "

team - you are launched as a team what things you should consider

Lars." It was my opinion, a mistake that Steven and I at all team had no strategy. How could they? We were after the Münsterland Giro, and before the certification is not one we'll see more. need for the next time we talk more, play through "what if?" cases "

Thumbs up & Hokage. As a team in a good mood Swanjee power
Steve: "Good question. I think it can happen to anyone that the body fails suddenly, as Lars has happened. Of course, one should also consider, however, previously in detail if you ever create such a distance - or, if you know that you have physical aches and pains now and then, addressing perhaps the route differently, plan more stops or so. Perhaps as a single tackle the whole starter. In the end it is TEAM WORK, baby ... "

Lars again:" I wonder now, with a few days apart, what would have happened if we had identified, not just get out immediately. What if we had agreed to say: "Lars, watch out - so wear inside a gel we travel times to Wittenberge and watch then "What if we had identified to motivate us for the first - and then, when really there is nothing to fold, I do not know - a dodgy knee is a dodgy knee, but the other part:?. Who knows ? Perhaps it would have been over after 20 kilometers, or do not? "

disappointed but all the more motivated for 2011!

win-Factor - What is your opinion the most important factor in such a voyage?

Lars: "Above all, once the psyche Anything more than 160 180 km on. Road is run you drive because the head wants it. The muscles, the meat will be established that is already long gone. A good team with a healthy team spirit is the second most important. If you still good stuff (especially on the body), then one can even the most modest weather did not hinder the success. "

Steve:" Health / Training is the most important point for me. Only then is the motivation - and I agree with you as Lars - the clothes on third place. Everything else can be hinbiegen still "

Thank you for this interview But do not worry.. Next year we'll be back next year and we provide this security and promise.!


Friday, October 22, 2010

Why Does Born Blonde Toner Come Out Brown?

Aero-frame - what are they really?

When I deny time trial Hamburg-Berlin , join my team-mate Steven with his time trial bike Cervelo P2. In itself a wise choice: For the 280 km route, with its very low profile rather than an Ironman bike just resembles a classic road bike racing.

I watch on Stevens wheel - compared to my Cervélo R3 - a logical, but still fascinating thing: He is with (apparently) the same pedaling faster than me, even if I'm in the bottom arm posture.

We test at one of the few departures - is close to the same number of times it reasonably fast 7-8% owned ramps downhill. Steve is in time trial position, I at Sprint attitude. Until about 50 km / h, we are equally fast. Then I have to connect pure - while he can still roll much longer. And even more rapidly.

clear - the higher the speed the greater the braking portion of the air resistance. As a seasoned recumbent riders I know this only too well. But Steve Sun is much faster, that I had not thought of.

So, what does that now with this mega-trend which is for 2011 (and even more for 2012) raise many new models and the racing industry a sales boom? Canyon has long been resistant to optimized Bikes, the brand-new Flasggschiff vob Bianchi - the super chic Oltre - has aero features, the list of aero wheels is long.
And the buyers: Love it!

My manufacturer Cervélo boasts to be the inventor of the Aero-bikes. And the S3 is also considered one of the lightest and fastest of its kind generally Aero frame is heavier than the classic. This is because the flattened tube cross-sections, which are optimized aerodynamics and wing profiles reproduce, narrower, and therefore are verwindungsanfälliger than round cross section. The material must be more - more weight - are taken out again.

The current Cervélo frame weighs R5 under 780 grams
The whole of the S3 975 grams

Okay, okay, now let's not shit currants - 200 grams savings?
Here comes also the first point of criticism: Who needs an aero road bike?

outliers, the reverse actions on the peloton - must win even distance - and those 10 to 20 watts savings, which brings an aero frame, bitter need "- is in the magazines.

Okay. Outliers from the peloton so. And we? We normal people? How Cyclassics and RTF driver?

Sure. We do not need Aero. In areas in which we advance, we hardly come to the limits above which a resistance-optimized racing really brings something. And in front of a peloton we also go forth very rare. I, for one.

But hey, we are men. And men like to have the latest. The best. The most expensive one. Just toys. Road biking is a passion - and where, if not the material begins this passion? Such a framework Neilpryde for example - this is a stealth weapon? This is considered not just saugeil?

Thus, a high-tech super-monocoque frame Nanotech-Power enjoys his proud owner but already when he just stands in the living room. If he looks smart and fast and on rainy Sundays cleaned spotless like a piece of art comes along.

If you then (of course, extremely interested) girlfriend can announce to brag that this, precisely this context the drag coefficient of a Formula 1 car has, then, well, then you have the argument as to why the common salsa dance class, unfortunately it may well take place until next winter ... they will go nod understandingly, rejoice with her husband and shop once a new matching bib. would be nice.

But let's face it: Need does but only Hushhovd, Cavendish & Co.
like us ... brauchts more for the psyche. And then when I - in my opinion, currently the most exciting aero-bike - see Scott F01, then I just go to the heart:

Source: Scott-Bikes

comb profiles instead of the 0/8/15-Flügelrofile, sometimes really interesting forms, but a great design: simply wonderful. The possessiveness Print at this, probably available from spring '11 Super Renner is to be described almost as irresistible.

Well. And then seek a reality.

But thank God, is the one for me, anything but dull: after all, is there not a Cervélo R3 to the aero-optimized road bike, but a really cool driving machine in the living room.

And happy about it, my friend - tüüüürlich! - Also quite nice ...

A chic weekend you all.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where To Donate A Washer And Dryer

recumbent vs. Road Racing - an autumnal Krätemessen to THF

"What was that?" - Incredulous whisper.
"A rocket?" - Open mouths, twisted necks.
"A carbon-flash?" "A man-machine clone?" - That, and much more, so the building walkers and kite flyers last Sunday have been asking when I was with my friend in Berlin Olli the tarmac of Tempelhof Airport - have tested - is now a public park.

Olli in Lowracer M5 and authentic carbon rear panel, I have drawn heavily from day-ahead time trial fiasco on my Cervelo R3 road bike.

Ready for Take-Off, it was said, I go to link below for purely kick. The runway in front of me, a grand backdrop, priceless, unique: Who is not a pilot himself, is able to enjoy such a sight rarely.

Even more so because most glorious autumn weather prevails in Berlin: A great shining sky, the skyline silvery. Perfect!

gear in and go!

I will not at this time on my humble condition push - because my legs were still tired from the icy headwinds and penetrating drizzle the time trial Hamburg-Berlin - but I did not stand a chance.

Logical. Recumbents, moreover, such a deep, speed-optimized as that of Olli, moreover, one that directs the air stream optimized perfectly through the rear panel without braking the vehicle by turbulence, are nunmal faster.

But so fast??

Breathless I sprint my tongue out of the lungs. Olli calls over to me: "48 mph!".
Okay, slight headwind, the takeoff and landing path of THF increases slightly.
tired legs.
48th Not bad.

But then. Slowly. Then faster. And a short time later only be seen as a small point, speeds up the recumbent bike. Moves steadily away. Uncatchable, no chance!

48 km / h? Normal cruise speed, I would say.
burns like me, the whole body. Let me crank the rest of the runway to the terminal. Olli turns even the second small square round.

After the large outdoor lap on the brand new asphalt Baby I'm just exhausted.

Olli suggests, perhaps "turn a few laps inside."

I suggest that I buy him a hot tea.

So we are sitting just under magnificent chestnut-colored, talk shop about recumbent bikes, racing bikes, this and that and somehow sells this surprisingly summery Surprisingly effective autumn day, the bitter disappointment that I carry from my job the day before racing around with me.

Well done!


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blueprints For Outside Wood Boilers

42 percent - My time trial Hamburg-Berlin 2010

I look at the map. Look at me the place exactly. Zoom in, can see it exactly. The card looks so friendly. Blue River. Greenery. All friendly Sun Inviting. More beautiful than it was. On Saturday. There, yes, right there, because I gave up the race.

at 42 percent.

Just 116 kilometers far can I take my legs, on that 16th October 2010. And not a meter. I climb out. I groan out jack. Disappointed, disillusioned. Devastated: Gone are the contest idea, the time trial to Hamburg-Berlin. Concluded from.

is the worst: For Steve, my team partner, it went so well. Is considered only by those who as a team - who together - arrives. Settle, let someone back get off someone who does not count. Brevet ride, that is just above all, to go as a team.

All or none. And in our case now so no.

this on race day I was actually really good on it. Getting up at 3:30 for a clock - traditionally before a race - very short, mostly sleepless night, I usually surprisingly good. I torture my pure muesli, I am already almost normal-get down. Today it is more important: energy for my leg motor.

Steven, Sunclass my team-mate, picked me up 5:15 clock in the long line. It is drizzling. It is cold. Really cold!

We sit at Nicole in the van, his girlfriend drives us, the middle seats have been removed, his time trial bike and my Cervélo P2 R3 fit into it comfortably. I can relax, the ride takes about 45 minutes in the dark. Hamburg is already behind us. Nothing but pitch-black night, dancing rain drops in the spotlight.

It is raining. But my packed with 10 layers of plastic wrap Toppits feet close-by and animals should be stunning Smell hold ...

some point, it's the dark meandering dike, peel the roadside silhouettes drought figures from the Dark: The Randonneurs.

cars, vans, caravans to park dozens of the dike. In a small party tent behavior of the RG final sprint glowing light - About a hundred shivering shadows stand in line, start numbers are distributed. Huge number of race wheels are leaning against the discounts. Most expensive carbon steel and Alurenner cars - a handful of recumbent bikes and a few velomobiles.

I meet Ollie, my Berlin recumbent colleagues. I meet with Morten, the fastest Lige cyclists I know (and the longest at that) and some other familiar faces. But somehow they are all far away: Far away, probably already on the immense I always occurring, 280 km route to the capital.

But I am prepared: 4-layer functional clothes should I keep it warm! (If they did not.)

And I also here today. Will my first road bike season end with a bang. My Palm to add a name, Brevet Hamburg-Berlin. Sounds good.

Inside, in the ferry house, they have set up a breakfast at its best. Dressed in colorful clothes of their favorite brands and cycling clubs Crouching over steaming coffee they dig themselves into scrambled eggs, eat yogurt, as yesterday was the first-wall stuff worked, the banana in his pockets and stacked slices of ham on the dark whole grain breads. Carbohydrates stash!

Opposite me sits Phaelim, Irish Randonneur I got to know one of my favorite deck cycling. He and his likeable quirky, British colleague taking a trip today on a tandem in attack.

Ollie decides to not to take. I am sorry, but respect his decision: After all, for today is all-day rain and a headwind the day. Temperatures around 7 degrees and the fact that M5 Lowracer be recumbent in this weather the warranty for 10 hours full-sodden freezing is to let him make this decision objectively. And yet I see disappointment in his eyes.

disappointment that I will soon have much better empathize.

Nicole and Steven leave. I eat quickly to an end: 7:02 clock is our start time. It's all in a trance - like a movie that attracts me by: We roll to the bank. Turn our lights on. I'm freezing notice nothing because I am so excited. Someone calls out "start numbers 210 and 211 on the track!" This is us! And before I know it, we must be going.

time trial Berlin-Hamburg: We're off! Unbelievable. Steven is the navigator - every few hundred meters Garmin beeps his turn. It's still dark, although I can already see on the horizon is a silver lining: there wins the day over the cold night. We drive along the bank, turn off at some point on a roundabout and are on a major road: Single. Hamburg? Seems to me hundreds of miles away.

But soon I see behind the dancing lights of another group. Come closer. Since we both do not know how fast we are, we take a comfortable speed. to pump iron now makes no sense. To whom it brings what, them all to hang out when we then after 100 miles more than any seeds?

Steve goes quiet and round, I find my step, and as we overtook the first group of about 10 km / h excess, I have to just grin: Now I have other worries. The cold is expected ... cold. And my body can (still) do not produce enough heat to keep me warm.

Thank God I'm still me just quickly pulled a long sweater before my baggage was on the bus to Berlin. Only with my 4 layers of clothes bike I would not have survived today. But clearly, to go with a cotton sweatshirt, is somehow anything but sporty. As the sweater today Evening will smell, I can imagine me now.

is miles and miles it brighter. The delicate silver coating is working more and more into a veil of light, Fluorescent Grey. A beautiful sight. And a frightening about this: After all, I can see now what we can expect throughout the day - thick, thick rain clouds!

We cross a highway, have the same dam and the left hand of us and drive around 29 to 31 km / h. It is drizzling, cold me crawling along the face and Steven is continuously on Naseschnauben. I do not want to know how many liters of snot I have distributed in the first hour already on my shoulders.

As we pass through a small, remote place, an age-old grandmother on the roadside weeds in her front yard flower smock. When she sees us she exclaims: "But you are late!"
I have no words.
Is it bad cut grandma?

We are making good progress - even in spite of the headwind, the us, according as we are now back to the dike along jagged, sometimes with sharp side but from the front brakes usually gusty. Then I bless God, the cross-town trips: Behind the rows of houses, you can connect is a quiet, sheltered from the wind.

Marschacht Tespe and fly past, it's raining again stronger. After 30 minutes of opening I got my first Nutrixxion Powergel - for today I have 10 Money with it and plan to provide me every hour with a bag. Lemon Fresh pappsüße I press my stuff into the mouth - disgusting. But effective. rinsed briefly, then it's back in driving attitude.

Two, three other groups move past us. When we make the first bathroom break, another two groups. Then a white velomobile - and a little later the yellow velomobile. And that has a special meaning. After all, this has been the last starter. So now I know that everyone is on the line. And no less a Christian than sitting by a mountain ash at the wheel, the man of the 6 and 12-hour world record has held.

like a futuristic spaceship hiss the sun fellow past us. 60 km / h is he can do. And that's not even the tip - if it is as bright as day once, they will turn up in their daring boxes probably correct.

Bleckede is towards it, we drive around the dike. Strong winds tear again on our bikes. We swear in the twilight, sometimes we cry - but mostly to talk Steve and I about this and that.

right And so we go at it loose. "Today, the fun is quite big," I still had joked at the start trembling. And that was quite serious: None of us ever drove 280 km at a stretch. As we go on the safe side and go on arrival.

Bleckede We leave the 10th miles from the New Darchau, and what's now, I already know of one, two sun-cycling: Mountains. Well, say, increases. In New Darchau but first we hold on to a Edeka, I put myself under a carport beside a bag of bark mulch, Steven buys batteries inside. "It does not beep!" He had earlier called. And the Garmin today should turn out better not. "I'm the good times Duracell taken," he says.

I fill my own bottles, mix me a drink Iso and I am very proud of us when we find ourselves behind another group of cyclists racing again - and catch up. work wave after wave, we ran: Not bitten biting, but very quiet.

at the first ramp we have them.

"Moin!" I call out from behind. The last two of the five turn around, saying nothing, looking only comment on the slope. There may of 10, 11 percent go to the top. Okay then do not, your rude ... Racing cyclists! They were probably in Berlin. Or they had to do with the ramp enough, as politeness costs unnecessarily precious watts.

mountain, as always, I'm somehow a Surplus. Effortlessly, I let the group - but also Steve - are on the rise and dash to the top.

My Cervélo R3 seems to be a mountain goat. Then let me fall I, collecting Steven again and after the second increase is the Moser group to pee. Steven and I are alone again.

We the mountains behind us - the only significant climbs this trip - and drive to become ordinary Daylight quality through a beautiful landscape dike. Krüppelweieden, lush meadows, and occasionally sheep or cattle, and a magnificent reward for us same drizzle in the face, cold feet and burning thighs.

pure contrast: How beautiful, the landscape, how cruel, that day!

The wind is the worst. He does not blow constantly, but comes in gusts, the tug on my bike. Steven, with his aerodynamic Triathlon since it even more difficult because the wind is from the site has to be extra flunderflaches roar attack. Sometimes the wind slows us down to 20 mph. Often I can only drive in an average response of the small leaf.

How do the just the other?
not too different, we think it is. Only that are well trained.

We do not talk much, but if so, we joke and make us courage.
Otherwise we bite us firmly in the arms, bend forward to our hard saddles and turns trying the other to go along in the slipstream. Crosswind that works only minimal.

Meanwhile, there is as bright as day - or what one could call it that. The sky is a thick, ragged clouds waste soup - evidence for all the work of the wind. Willows and poplars bend to rule, if the cold air masses tugging at her. The tall grass produced on the meadows swell. We have two drivers fighting Cervélo us lonely lot of holes in asphalt kilometers and kilometers.

first, than at any time of the dike is high right next to us - twice, three times as high as at the beginning - he creates enough wind protection to let us go for a few miles in the wind shadow. And hey, we even come across the 30 mph!

It is only 20 kilometers to the first checkpoint and Steven, it can hardly be expected: after all, his friend with the van on the road and will await him there. Pure motivation, of course. Waiting for me in Dömitz a hot coffee (I hope) and something to eat, because my strategy for me to eat only gel suggests today failed somehow.

We take a small country road, we wind hisses around the ears and I can almost feel the lactic acid in my thighs. At some point, we turn to the right on a busy, almost like a highway road upgraded from: "6 km Dömitz" stands on it and suddenly I feel victory swell up inside me.

The first checkpoint! The first damned checkpoint at your fingertips! But on the gas - but not over-tighten. Now purely show off again - but do not get ready. Easier said, for these last 6 kilometers it has in itself, since we in the wind. The direction of travel is now directly to North-East: The 191 makes it hard for us!

Ah, how much I enjoy it, how much I hate that! This duality of sport: the joy of their own suffering. The more it hurts, the more Endor Fine. Incredible or what? Saliva run me out of the mouth. I bite. Force myself. Fucking bridge!

Then she peels off the bridge peel itself from the haze. We did it, ah, sweet victory. We hard bitches, we heroes. We are fighters, warriors of the pinion. The first checkpoint, just 100 kilometers - and I feel like I had just won Olympic gold.

And yet: *** This shit weather, in this brutal Saukälte Fu and the wind! We have made it. Nicole is ready to take pictures, one beckons us to a parking space.

There they stand, 20, 30 brevet rider, around a table resting, eating and drinking plenty of set up. I brake, had no eyes or ears for Nicole. Steven is somewhere behind me in her arms. I'm freezing, shivering, me pelleted from the wheel, it opposed to the concrete monument on the occasion of the bridge after the turn and throw myself on the boxes, in which whole grain bread with cheese and sausage are stacked: Paradise!
breathe two sandwiches at once I literally away: stomach cramps me batting through the abdomen. set was probably not my digestive system so much hard food. Phaelim and his tandem Beipilot standing there to greet us us, wind and cold water drawn. Quiet jokes are made.

sit behind my wheel 4 Cervélo time trial machine at the pillars - the associated triathletes, all around 20, 22 years young - Milchbubigesichter, fall shy of the boxes and eat yogurt again. Is this a road bike trick?
Steve and I feast, a coffee, a second coffee. Ah, this warmth, this mucke celled heat to the fingers. Can I pour a cup of hot coffee just about my Eiszehen?

Nicole says: "You hobble yes!"
I shake my head, trying to grin.

We have 15 minutes. Most are anyway by - two, three are pending. Including a single driver, which we christened the "closet wall": it has legs as thick as the bridge piers of Dömitz and a backpack on his back, which would have relaxed the shoe cupboard my girlfriend found the place. Crazy type. Eyes like an eagle, but to a sympathetic smile, a very likeable. Stands there, not even strapped on his backpack, very cool, drinking coffee and eating his cheese sandwich.

The wall unit wins today definitely the cool prize.

Most break even again. The Cervélo-Boys are gearing up for launch. Rise. Come clean. Nozzles. For us, it is now Time. One of the local organizers me courage to speak (why?): "No thing, the weather is shitty, but you manage it, do not worry!"
Na jut. If you say so.
had not asked though. But

Groaning. Difficult. If I go back on my road bike: Directly above the rump I have a painful vertebral block, which takes me almost breathless when I stretch myself. Hossa na! In racing attitude, I feel nothing, but if I am. First deficits just before half way. That is, I think.

Is that cold? I am much attracted to thin (along with water-permeable), I know. What drafts within cause of 3 hours, I can see now all.
again groaning we make ourselves back on track. 100 km made it - Well, look, runs it! As long as we go in the woods, at least the wind away.

Does not!, I think, as I start just 5 kilometers to Dömitz to feel my knee. It stands directly under the left patella, with each revolution to me an unpleasant pain travels through the leg.

Take Out, Reduce speed, do not connect too hard!
I fall back a bit, Steven notices it immediately and brakes.
"Everything okay?" He asks.
"No." I gasp as I expected back from a squall balance brings. "The knee!" We immediately reduce the speed to take out, I apply myself to deliberately do not put too much pressure on the pedal to want to forgive. To drive in this wind even approximately in the high 20's range, you have to connect halt. Everything else slows down to 20 now, 18 km / h down.

Since the cupboard pulls past us. It hangs loosely on his steel Renner. The kick around, no trace of effort. A pleasant smile, winks at us. "Well, yes we have done the same." He says, grinning and is already 20 meters ahead of us.
"Yeah-ha!" Can we get there only after stilted.

I realize that it can not go on.

But what should I do? Still further reduce the speed? Then we can move the same. Apart from the fact that the aim in Berlin is only open to 22 clock.
alight? Really? ? Abandonment How is this possible - just stop? How do you say something to his teammates? Or should I not push it again? True purely depend - teeth bite together, eye to the core!

But it drives me up the back leg.
Arthrosopie is not mine. If the knee is once ruined, it will never again like before. But the knee is not joking! And yet: The Cyclassics I also had short Knee pain - have been eating them, pushed away. Was that! But these were only 155 kilometers. In 25 degree sunshine. Today, that's a different number: 280 kilometers. And 20 degree wind chill less.

I bite. Pull myself together.
And notice how weak I am. Steven drives off me all the time. He lies there on his triathlon bike comes hard - but some. And me? I can not even hold a 27 km / h-lee ...

I pull next to him. And it has to say: ".. To Wittenberg, Steve's where I get on the train There is not any more!"

Now it is out. All. That's it. Pronounced failure. Sealed. Decided Thing. Dry to make the bitter disappointment in me wide. It is the first race I give up. A blow to the gut. safe for him.

Up Wittenberge yet - 16 kilometers to the slow speed. Then train.
Steve calls immediately Nicole. If she could pick us up. And like magic it's there for only 3 minutes. Was probably right behind us.

I feel like shit. Lenzen. My exit point. Place of failure. Lenzen. That is for me today for a "disgrace". Lenzen, 116th km 42 percent of the route. 42 percent. Not even half done. Not even the Cyclassics distance. Not even the worst of the Münsterland Giro.

but tastes bitter As task. Disgusting. I could cry.

Steve will still continue. meaningless for the championship, he will at least still train a little bit. He starts to move, sure - he will be disappointed infinite. As he moves from there as this, still beckons, I feel dirty. As a traitor. An awful feeling.

Nicole looks after touching: The van is heated like a sauna, have a steaming-hot lemon, there are all sorts of delicacies and licorice, chicken thighs. Seventh heaven. For Loser.
We keep joking us. But every time we get people belonging to the Association, it cuts deep into my heart: the Cervélo-Boys, the wall unit, even the tandem we catch up.

I feel like a mangy dog.

Steven enters at km 160th The GPS track was gone. 500 Webpunkte maximum. For it is the end. At least he fails at just the technique, not of himself but always disappointing.
I sit in the ground, in front of me, tied up the race wheels. There are still 120 miles to Berlin.
astray. I shake my head just yet. Incomprehensible to me. Incredible!

The ride is quiet. Although Nicole and Steven are talking in front, try involve me, my mood at the low point. Much it is to me. to have stopped here today, I can not believe always, 'What started as a project "Shiny end of the season" ends, this time as "disgraceful Jahresendpeinlichkeit.

Now. A few hours later, I meet again Olli, who is now in civilian clothes and I will pick up with the combination on target. Envy is written to me in the face: the envy of all who have made it.

world champion Christian mountain of ash sits and talks shop. Okay, with a 70 km / h fast velomobile, fully dressed ... we had expected of him otherwise. Much more respect I have for the trembling, dry, wet types and women who fought drifting off again. And
would like to be one of them.

nobody. Really no one, not the 16th of this October in ice-cold 5 degrees in the drizzle in the darkness stood at Altengamme dike and trembled, no one who has not got up at 3, 4 clock this free Saturday and waited in the Boers of the North-east wind on the starting number, no one else can even begin to imagine what was the Hamburg-Berlin-time trial in 2010.

nobody. And no one may venture an opinion. On drivers who have not appeared for the start. Concerning drivers, although they appeared, but not started, and not us - namely concerning drivers, who have dropped during the race.

And who still does is nothing more than an idiot who has no idea.

other way around: Chapeau! Hats off and a deep bow to the men and women who fought through fog banks, over muddy, slippery roads, by the cool, pulling drizzle (and later real rain in Berlin) and against the constantly blowing against the wind the 280 miles to the finish have! Hats off - a performance you've done, you can not imagine. Really. And I came around a lot.

I've seen the mud-faces. The trembling like a leaf. Have seen how they come any more, let alone could go. As war veterans, Argus Schiffer, back from the dead. Only game in town - you deserve my respect. And my jealousy: for I had to give up was not strong enough.

And funny: Today, Monday, I feel like I could have done it yet. Look outside - it is klirrekalt, but in a blue sky is a sun that brings warmth to the heart at least. Funny, I think when the time trial would have been discharged only today ...

But that makes no sense. Brevet riders ride in any weather. And in sunshine, no wind, no wonder it did everyone. Yesterday, the, yes, it was time driving weather. Men temperatures. Rain. Squalls. Not for sissies, not for Knirscheknie.

But 2011th
It will be my year!
2011th October. I will arrive in Berlin.


hazards: 116.8 km in 4:28 hours with 26.7 km / h Net section
managed 42% of the route.
