Click here for the first and second part sleep better sleep (part 1) , Better - - - Tips and Tricks Tips and Tricks - (part 2)
sleep mistakes
The body can not store recovery, so it is not possible vorzuschlafen. The subjective assessment of many people that work Vorschlafen goes back to the fact that they are not under normal conditions rested completely, usually without knowing the self. If they sleep longer now aware, in the hope vorzuschlafen by them to recover fully and feel the Vorschlafen have brought something. In humans, where Vorschlafen to work, so from a chronic sleep deficit be assumed.
Whoever tries on the day vorzuschlafen the next night to go through it can be successful if it is possible to sleep deep enough, but can offer no substitute for the long term Tagschlaf night's sleep.
sleep duration
Everyone needs at least eight hours of sleep - this statement is obsolete. The need for sleep is in a normally distributed population. A general rule it is not, who feels the whole day recovering, sleeping enough, regardless of whether five or eleven hours.
Der Schlaf vor Mitternacht zählt doppelt - hört man oft stimmt aber nicht. Auch die optimale Schlafzeit unterscheidet sich bei jedem Menschen. Wenn die maximale Melatoninkonzentration im Blut und die minimale Körpertemperatur in der Mitte des Schlafs zusammentreffen, ist der Schlaf am effizientesten. Bei den meisten Menschen findet das etwa um 0:00 - 4:00 statt.
Mit weniger Schlaf auskommen, als der eigene Körper vorschreibt, ist nicht möglich. Dazu muss man aber noch einiges sagen. Der persönliche Need for sleep is an established genetic and therefore unchangeable, permanent, and who sleeps less, goes one health consequences. However, many people sleep longer than they would have to without realizing it. It is often said that by external pressure (eg military service) manages to get along for a long time with much less sleep. The reason is that the body in the optimum amount of sleep most effective sleeping. The comfortable bed at home often means that there is sleeping for longer than necessary, sleep becomes less deep and inefficient. without deteriorating physical Anstregung the quality of sleep also leads what extent the one during the day müde fühlt und soagr ein tatsächliches Schlafdefizit ausweist, obwohl oder weil man zu lange geschlafen hat. Beim Wehrdienst trainiert man seienen Körper also nicht, mit weniger Schlaf auszukommen, sondern man lernt tiefer und besser zu schlafen, dazu kommt es noch zu einer Gewöhnung mit den Symptomen von Schlafmangel zurecht zu kommen, von einer Anpassung könnte man nur sprechen, wenn es trainerbar wäre mit weniger Schlaf auszukommen ohne gesundheitliche Konsequenzen einzugehen und das ist, mit Ausnahme von Polyphasischem Schlaf nicht möglich.
Ein gesunder Schläfer schläft durch, is a misconception. Every man wakes in the night up to 28 times and goes to sleep quickly again. If the wax phase was shorter than dei minutes, you can not remember them later. Some people wake up angry about it because they interpret it as a sleep disorder. Due to this excitement, she can fall asleep within three minutes back and remember waking up. If they then ask other people, whether they can not sleep well, they will usually reply that they will be monitored even once, even though they are in reality just do not remember it.
something boring on television watching is tiring and promotes falling asleep - is wrong. Television is a great Anstregung for the brain, too many stimuli must be processed when you fall asleep before the current TV can not sleep here. Even when not consciously perceived, the background noise has a major inconvenience to the brain. A relaxing active activity is much better for sleep. Reading stimulates the imagination, brings a mind off things and calm and is therefore much better suited to quick and relaxing sleep.
It nervet Although snoring is harmless - is not always true. Snoring can be a dangerous sign of breathing interruptions, known as sleep apnea. Insomnia, headaches on waking, concentration and memory impairment, daytime sleepiness, depressed mood and sleep episodes despite adequate sleep duration: a sign of a serious disease. If a symptom apply to you or your partner, you must not hesitate to consult a doctor, an untreated sleep apnea is a life-threatening disease.
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