How was that still the same - failure as an opportunity? Or so. Well. Let's be positive, now, 2 weeks after our botched season-ending. Steven and I go to troubleshoot, an interview is to clarify what was the reason.
nutrition - how did you diet before and during the certification cards?
Steve: "Nutrition is very important and thus one of the biggest factors that can influence the outcome of such a story. Gels are great - they replace the nutrients and minerals that the body loses. But I trust there prefer my homemade power bars to plug the holes in my stomach "
Lars:". To feed only on gels and to hope otherwise, that you get to the food items and petrol stations, fatal . I know why, but somehow I had forgotten in the HH-B "
Lars:".. I would have to prepare better, because only now I know that along the way Petrol stations are less likely - but lots of passages along the wild and romantic Elbe. View yes, food no. So when you try number 2 states: whole wheat bread stuffing in the back pocket "
Lars!" I was glad that the RG final sprint this ingenious super buffet meals and had built up at the checkpoint, otherwise I would not have survived even the silly 116 km. From Nicole's packed full catering van apart: It was paradise "
clothing. - have failed your clothes? It was wet and cold weather and extreme wind conditions on that 16th October.
Steve: "I had completely the wrong clothes for my upper body in the cold on this day completely underestimated So I had a thick fleece sweatshirt over my function clothes, who will then, of course, not everything worked properly..."
Lars: "I was attracted to me but after Ziebelprinzip with no less than 4 layers top and a long thick and thin trousers down, but that was not
First my cotton sweater brought the desired heat was with the windbreaker.. I actually quite well protected. "
Lars: "However, we are not even in the nasty rain came, who had tortured 18 clock drivers because my clothes had failed I also had nothing for the feet, as I will next year certainly with.. Grandfather of overcoats compete. "
Steve: "For next year, I must decisively to the wind and the density - weight of my work clothes - small!"
Training - How did you prepare for this certification?
Lars: "To ! Little "
Steve:" You can work out something - for example, by doing the Ironman cycling training. But I myself am relatively unprepared to start this adventure. And purely physically I was actually cope quite well. "
Lars:" Yes, of course: Such a route is not simply at times from the cold. Cyclassics, Münsterland Giro, because it all goes. The routes are shorter, much shorter, and the wind shadow of the Grupettos sucks with one. "

.." But how bad weather and head wind, lack of wind shadows and low Adrenalispiegel can mean the end, I realized quickly that day. Poor training, injury-prone - and you're out! "
Steve:" Hours, hours, hours, boring GA-1 training is the prerequisite for such a trip! . You need stamina and a lot of stamina to endure about 280 km in the Road "?.
technology - What influence the material that you're gone're Still You two adopted very different wheels
Lars had:" My Cervélo R3 is a purebred, very stiff bike that is optimized for just such events. It has not Paris-free Rubaix 2 times won. Even the choice of my wheels I'm using the - gone deliberately Mavic R-Sys to the more tour-oriented driving - not very aerodynamic, stiff and extremely robust for this. My bike just felt perfect that day: Even if it was a time trial, with the guys on the extreme time trial machines, I want to swap in any case "
Steve. "With my Cervélo P2 - a stream-line triathlon frame - I felt very good. I deliberately chose this Trenga and against my road bike. Especially when the wind came from the front, it has slowed me less than Lars (I had the feeling.) And since I drive a lot with the P2, was also the big time driving position is no problem. . Next year: Again. "
motivation - the role the mind game with this type of race
Steve?" ! Almost the most important role "
Lars:" I was very motivated - but unlike in the previous events also very careful about what my "inner" As for predictions. This time there were so many unknowns: distance, weather, my ass ... Motivation wise, I'm definitely for next year but before that is at the destination my friend waiting for me. And in a hotel room with jacuzi! How much drive the knowledge that his girlfriend is waiting for him, Steve has brought, it was madness! "
Steve "My motivation was high. But in itself, a journey into the unknown. If you like something for the first time makes prevails, always the "wait and see - but now know I, what is phase and may 2011 start properly "
team - you are launched as a team what things you should consider
Lars." It was my opinion, a mistake that Steven and I at all team had no strategy. How could they? We were after the Münsterland Giro, and before the certification is not one we'll see more. need for the next time we talk more, play through "what if?" cases "
Steve: "Good question. I think it can happen to anyone that the body fails suddenly, as Lars has happened. Of course, one should also consider, however, previously in detail if you ever create such a distance - or, if you know that you have physical aches and pains now and then, addressing perhaps the route differently, plan more stops or so. Perhaps as a single tackle the whole starter. In the end it is TEAM WORK, baby ... "
Lars again:" I wonder now, with a few days apart, what would have happened if we had identified, not just get out immediately. What if we had agreed to say: "Lars, watch out - so wear inside a gel we travel times to Wittenberge and watch then "What if we had identified to motivate us for the first - and then, when really there is nothing to fold, I do not know - a dodgy knee is a dodgy knee, but the other part:?. Who knows ? Perhaps it would have been over after 20 kilometers, or do not? "
win-Factor - What is your opinion the most important factor in such a voyage?
Lars: "Above all, once the psyche Anything more than 160 180 km on. Road is run you drive because the head wants it. The muscles, the meat will be established that is already long gone. A good team with a healthy team spirit is the second most important. If you still good stuff (especially on the body), then one can even the most modest weather did not hinder the success. "
Steve:" Health / Training is the most important point for me. Only then is the motivation - and I agree with you as Lars - the clothes on third place. Everything else can be hinbiegen still "
Thank you for this interview But do not worry.. Next year we'll be back next year and we provide this security and promise.!
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