When I deny time trial Hamburg-Berlin , join my team-mate Steven with his time trial bike Cervelo P2. In itself a wise choice: For the 280 km route, with its very low profile rather than an Ironman bike just resembles a classic road bike racing.

We test at one of the few departures - is close to the same number of times it reasonably fast 7-8% owned ramps downhill. Steve is in time trial position, I at Sprint attitude. Until about 50 km / h, we are equally fast. Then I have to connect pure - while he can still roll much longer. And even more rapidly.
clear - the higher the speed the greater the braking portion of the air resistance. As a seasoned recumbent riders I know this only too well. But Steve Sun is much faster, that I had not thought of.

My manufacturer Cervélo boasts to be the inventor of the Aero-bikes. And the S3 is also considered one of the lightest and fastest of its kind generally Aero frame is heavier than the classic. This is because the flattened tube cross-sections, which are optimized aerodynamics and wing profiles reproduce, narrower, and therefore are verwindungsanfälliger than round cross section. The material must be more - more weight - are taken out again.

The whole of the S3 975 grams
Okay, okay, now let's not shit currants - 200 grams savings?
Here comes also the first point of criticism: Who needs an aero road bike?
outliers, the reverse actions on the peloton - must win even distance - and those 10 to 20 watts savings, which brings an aero frame, bitter need "- is in the magazines.
Okay. Outliers from the peloton so. And we? We normal people? How Cyclassics and RTF driver?
Sure. We do not need Aero. In areas in which we advance, we hardly come to the limits above which a resistance-optimized racing really brings something. And in front of a peloton we also go forth very rare. I, for one.
But hey, we are men. And men like to have the latest. The best. The most expensive one. Just toys. Road biking is a passion - and where, if not the material begins this passion? Such a framework Neilpryde for example - this is a stealth weapon? This is considered not just saugeil?

If you then (of course, extremely interested) girlfriend can announce to brag that this, precisely this context the drag coefficient of a Formula 1 car has, then, well, then you have the argument as to why the common salsa dance class, unfortunately it may well take place until next winter ... they will go nod understandingly, rejoice with her husband and shop once a new matching bib. would be nice.
But let's face it: Need does but only Hushhovd, Cavendish & Co.
like us ... brauchts more for the psyche. And then when I - in my opinion, currently the most exciting aero-bike - see Scott F01, then I just go to the heart:
comb profiles instead of the 0/8/15-Flügelrofile, sometimes really interesting forms, but a great design: simply wonderful. The possessiveness Print at this, probably available from spring '11 Super Renner is to be described almost as irresistible.
Well. And then seek a reality.
But thank God, is the one for me, anything but dull: after all, is there not a Cervélo R3 to the aero-optimized road bike, but a really cool driving machine in the living room.

A chic weekend you all.
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