As Omega 3s may be omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs, essential fatty acids) not by the body itself, but must instead be obtained from food. The fatty acids are essential for many bodily functions (especially the brain) is required and a deficiency can lead to mental disorders, weakened immune function, skin problems (dermatitis), hormonal imbalances and infertility.
Omega 6 EFAs are soy and other vegetable oils, meat, nuts and avocados contain and most people get enough of these fatty acids. It is also true that the typical American diet (which is now widespread, but not only in the USA) 15-20 times more Omega 6 than Omega 3 offers. It would be a ratio of 3 to 1 is very much ideal! This imbalance in favor of omega 6 is blamed for the rising number of infections, depression, cardiovascular disease, cancer, asthma and arthritis. For example, a study shows older people, that those seniors suffering from depression much higher Omega 6 levels compared to Omega 3 had as their non-depressed peers.
Omega 6, however, is not equal to omega 6! There are several different forms. Plants and plant oils contain mostly omega-6 EFA linoleic acid (LA). The body converts linoleic acid into GLA (gamma linolenic acid) to *. GLA can in turn be converted to arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is also present in fatty meat and here we are at the real culprit! Arachidonic acid lowers blood pressure increase and increased inflammation, allergic reactions and cell growth.
is generally GLA but not arachidonic acid, but in a 'friendly' substance in DGLA is converted. DGLA is one of the prostaglandins and reduce inflammation. According to the support of the Medical Center of the University of Maryland magnesium, zinc , vitamin C and vitamins B3 and B6 the conversion of GLA to DGLA (instead of arachidonic acid).
Because of the different omega 6 fatty acids, a supply of meat, plant foods is preferable. However, vegetable oils have their own problems. Especially when they are cheap and not 'organic' are vegetable oils in general are filtered, bleached and deodorized oils and almost all are due to oxidation during the Manufacturing process and storage rancid (not to mention that they are stored in plastic bottles that estrogen-containing substances, so-called xeno-estrogens make!). Since the heat-sensitive essential fatty acids also destroyed, monounsaturated fats like olive or coconut oil or saturated fats like butter are much more suitable for baking, boiling or frying.
If we have also not usually omega 6 deficiency, it is quite possible that we eat a lot of bad (meat, cheap oils) and too little of the good (nuts, avocados) to us. The recommended amount is 12-22 grams of Omega 6 EFAs daily. Accordingly, we should take 4-7 grams Omega 3 fatty acids to us. The secret is in the right balance!
* borage, evening primrose or black currant seed oil are also good sources of GLA.
Ellis-Christensen, T: What are Omega 6 Fatty Acids? http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-omega-6-fatty-acids.htm
Natural News: Omega-6 fatty acids found to be dietary cause of depression, heart disease. http://www.naturalnews.com/022860_depression_fatty_acids_omega-6_fatty_acids.html
ScienceDaily: Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Make Them Part Of Heart-Healthy Eating, New Recommendations Say. 02.02.2009. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090126173725.htm
University of Maryland Medical Center: Omega 6 Fatty Acids. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/omega-6-000317.htm
Walling, E: Fats to Avoid: The Epidemic Polyunsaturated Oil. 18.06.2009. http://www.naturalnews.com/026471_fats_health_fatty_acids.html
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