I s t i d e S c h w a e g r i p p e e i e n S ch w an n e r an g-ri p p e ?
While the media to fall back with warnings about the Schweinegrippen'seuche 'warm up my inbox swells with emails that tell me that this is mere hysteria and a major coup in the pharmaceutical industry, that large-scale vaccination programs mean with immature and potentially harmful vaccines just a big win for Glaxo SmithKline, and that it is H1N1 to an old, already in the 70s with 'Asian flu pigs' well-known, not particularly dangerous virus.
Now I am not a chemist or physician enough to know how likely a dangerous Mutation of H1N1 disease in the winter and whether it, and thousands die may be (so far, the number of deaths compared to a 'normal' flu season is quite low). But there is not only the swine flu - Winter is generally the peak season, from viruses and colds and flu with them.
The best course is to not even be sick - and the best strategy is this: little stress + good food + good sleep. Regular exercise (preferably outdoors - vitamin D !), And a diet of hot soups and hot dishes with ginger, curry and garlic, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and green tea and maybe now and then a glass of red wine are a good basis. For extra defense forces (or at the first sign of disease) to provide the additional resources of zinc , Vitamin C , selenium , quercetin and under stress theanine , 5-HTP or Rhodiola . (For more information on natural stress management here.)
would be a further protective measure, as little as possible to have contact with other people. This is of course rarely possible, and on his way to and at work is you exposed to all sorts of 'Immune Attack'. In 'my' company, therefore, all employees olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract Citricidal, colloidal silver, as well as hibiscus and elderberry preparations for one low price.
I see it already: We will make a beautiful picture when we - with our Silbersprühflasche 'armed' - wild around us and disinfect spray panting colleagues.
Hobert, I: Swine flu - collapse of confidence. 23.09.2009. World in Action. http://www.world-in-action.de/gesundheit/41-irrtuemer-der-medizin/250-schweinegrippe.html
Hobert, I: Swine flu - collapse of confidence. 23.09.2009. World in Action. http://www.world-in-action.de/gesundheit/41-irrtuemer-der-medizin/250-schweinegrippe.html
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