Why do we ever lose our youthful vigor with age and are more susceptible to diseases? The more we learn about the mechanisms that allow us to experience the age, the closer we get to potential solutions that allow us a fine, good living to a ripe old age. Researchers are studying different approaches to time.
Do we need to stay hungry?
Sorry - the days of Rubens and his stout Beauties are long gone and today is youth and beauty with a slim, fit bodies associated. Many of us feel the 'thinness' - particularly with increasing age - as an insidious form of terrorism, but there are now scientifically sound evidence that 'young slim =' in the idea something is up. Professor Tim Spector says Wieser of St. Thomas Hospital in London and American colleagues at the length of chromosome ends (telomeres) found that obesity and cigarette smoking are two factors that accelerate the aging process. A study with 1122 women aged 18 to 76 years showed that much of the telomeres of obese and smokers shorter than the same age and slim Non smoking. According to Professor Spector corresponds to the age difference between lean and overweight 8.8 years. (A pack of cigarettes a day for four years 'gifted' an extra 7.4 years). a
Another buzzword in scientific circles is the so-called "caloric restriction". Even 60 years ago, scientists observed that rats on a low calorie diet (about 70% of conventional energy intake) significantly - up to 40 or 50% - lived longer than normal fed animals. The over the years, with other animal-based tests showed that the 'little eaters' lower body temperatures, lower insulin levels and relatively youthful hormone levels shows. There were fewer signs of age-related diseases - the blood pressure and triglycerides (both evidence of potential cardiovascular disease) were lower and the blood sugar levels normal. Chronic diseases were less frequently. 2, 3
But how can eating less to lead to better health? It seems that at a lower caloric intake, the 'power plants' of our cells, the mitochondria, much more efficient to deal with the use of oxygen, with the effect that caused less dangerous free radicals . This protects the mitochondria. But not only that - the entire endocrine and metabolism remain balanced. And this gives the body more energy for an important function: the gene inactivation.
genes must be put to sleep
When the gene is inactivated, it is an important biochemical process in our body. Our genetic information of DNA consists of about 30,000 genes, which all our bodily processes - of organ function, bone growth to hair color - . Control All over our bodies are the same genes, but depending on the organ and function of certain genes are active, inactive, but the majority of genes, or 'shut down'. This switching-off of genes is extremely important for optimal functioning of the active, working genes. The older our cells, however, the more often it happens that inactive genes become active again and it is believed that this process is responsible for many age-related changes.
is controlled by the gene inactivation of an enzyme called SIR2, or silent information regu-lator, which is activated by the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD short, is. NAD has other functions in the body. So it is needed eg for metabolic processes. And the more calories we absorb, the more NAD, the body needs for metabolic processes - and the less is left for gene inactivation. Leonard Guarente, a scientist who studies the issue for over a decade, said: 'NAD could very well be a signal for the metabolic status of cells. If an organism low in calories are supplied to increase the NAD level. More NAD means SIR2 activation, which shut down certain sections of the genome and thus prolong their lives. " That is, 'If we can keep SIR2 longer active, we could possibly slow down the aging process. " 4
SIR2, NAD ... this all sounds very abstract, and terribly complicated. It is understandable but when you know that one of the chemical precursor of NAD to us all well-known Vitamin B3 (niacin) is. Also, most experts are well aware that it is "caloric restriction" not a particularly attractive way of life. Dr. Tory Hagen of the Linus Pauling Institute said: 'To the same as those observed in animals, to achieve effects on our life span, caloric intake should be severely limited - something what most people would not tolerate. " 5 employs Therefore, the research by asking whether the same phenomenon - increased longevity and better health - can be achieved with the help of micro-nutrients. This Tory Hagen: 'We want to provide the right substances in the right amounts' 5. Simple dietary supplements such as vitamin B3 , CLA or HCA could effectively help with our personal (sorry free) 'caloric restriction' program and its support for the NAD.
The Alpha substances also Professor Bruce Ames of the University of California at Berkeley studying the mechanisms of aging and ways to delay aging. The 1998 with the 'National Medal of Science Distinguished biochemist has been working for half a century with the subject cell damage in the course of his research and knew our' cellular power plants ', the mitochondria, as the "weak link in the chain'. Her slow decline was one of the main reasons for the aging process. free radicals caused by oxidation processes take aged not only to - they cause the aging: The more often lose their mitochondria in energy production of oxygen molecules, so that this can be a 'free radicals' behave, the more the mitochondria are damaged by this 'crazed molecules'. Which in turn results in the mitochondria, free radicals even less able to control - a vicious circle! 'Although the mitochondria are trying to keep everything under control, increasing the free radical level with age. That is, it is more oxidized proteins, which in turn leads to more damaged DNA. " 6
The irony of history is that our most vital element - Oxygen - we simultaneously - by the formation of free radicals in the oxidation - brings to the grave. Ames estimates that the DNA (genetic information) in every cell of at least 100,000 times a day by free radicals 'bombed' and potentially harmed is: 'Life is like a radiation therapy. " 6 Ames had also realized early on that caused by oxidative damage, degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, and memory problems caused by nutrients such as vitamin C and E can be prevented. Could the Biological Clock of the mitochondria but be turned back by using nutrients at all?
early 2002 surprised Ames and his team the scientific world with a new discovery: Experiments on rats have shown that the combination of the two natural nutrients acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid could stop the aging process . 7 The results were published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Ames described it: 'These two nutrients jumped on the old rats and danced the Makarena ... The brain looks better, they are full of energy. All of us studied more like a young animal. " 8 But what were these miracles for substances that could give the old rats again the momentum of pups?
The universal antioxidant ...
alpha-lipoic acid or Thioctinsäure, was discovered in the 50s. Alpha-lipoic acid acts as a cofactor for several important enzymes and was recognized in 1988 as an antioxidant. Both fat-like water, can Alpha-lipoic acid free radicals in fatty tissues (eg nervous system) and in tissues, which consist mainly of water (eg heart) to eradicate. Alpha-lipoic acid in particular, protects the mitochondria and the genetic material, DNA. It's recycled, and supports the action of other antioxidants (vitamin C , glutathione, coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E), forming with these materials a 'antioxidant network'. The B vitamins, it helps in converting proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy. In Germany, alpha-lipoic acid for a long time is prescribed for the treatment of diabetic complications such as nerve damage. Scientific studies show that it can also be helpful for insulin resistance and to control blood sugar levels.
... and the energy supplier can L-carnitine
is the only molecule in the body, the long-chain fatty acids to their place of combustion, to the mitochondria to transport - bodybuilder circles is in the amino acid L-carnitine no longer a secret anymore. It provides energy and helps the body to burn fat, instead of storing. Conversely, it is transported toxic substances produced during the lipid metabolism ', out of the cell. This provides an optimal energy level and that the cells remain fresh and young and good work.
acetyl-L-carnitine and L-carnitine are not the same!
acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) and L-carnitine are like cousins. They both have the same basic chemical structure. ALC has, however, an additional component that is responsible for ensuring that it has an additional spectrum of activity than L-carnitine and think this is.
acetyl-L-carnitine affects as positive as L-carnitine on the activity of mitochondria and thus the cell metabolism from. Due to its slightly different chemical structure, it is better able to cross the blood-brain barrier, so keep that different areas of the brain from toxic damage can. Because ALC raises the level of neurotransmitters, it has not only positively affect the energy level, it also enhances the cognitive capacity - memory and concentration. It was further observed that the concentration of other nutrients, which decrease with age (eg, vitamin C ) is improved.
According to Bruce Ames, the two substances work best in combination. While acetyl-L-carnitine protects the proteins and can function optimally, making alpha-lipoic acid the free radicals an end. 'Any substance solves a different problem - and interact two better than in isolation. " 9
Transferring the success of the 'tapered' rat on people, this would correspond to a 75 - to 80-year-old who was back as fit as a man in his middle years. As Dr. Tory Hagen of Linus Pauling Institute: 'With increasing age, so many different changes in the mitochondria can be observed, leading over time to consequences in the cell. By the mitochondria 'hochtunt' one can at least postpone a number of age-related problems, or, hopefully, some changes have taken place again reversed . Make ' 9
Professor Bruce Ames, 76 years old, concluded: 'It makes no sense to try to make people live longer if they shorten their life span at the same time with cigarettes or poor nutrition. [...] You can do many things that make the mitochondria age faster and one of them is not to take enough vitamins and minerals to be. We not only need fuel - fat and carbohydrates - we also need 40 different micronutrients. These are the vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids that keep our biochemistry and running. [...] A multi-vitamin-mineral pill is a kind of life insurance. [...] I think if you are an old rat, you can be enthusiastic. For old people, we do not yet know all the answers. [...] Many people say they feel it [Alpha-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine] take and tip. I take it and do not feel very different - but I'm always pretty lively. I'm definitely optimistic. In the early 30's, [...], the people went with 60 retired. It was assumed that only a small proportion of the population in general would be 65 years old. I will not go into retirement. I have way too much fun. In a recent New Yorker there is a cartoon in which the physician to a patient says, 'I see you are 57th I would like to reduce a bit.'' 10
alpha-lipoic acid ° is particularly important for the production of energy from glucose in the body.
· Provides an effective antioxidant against both water-soluble and fat-soluble against free radicals dar.
· as antioxidant neutralizes free radicals and converts them into harmless molecules.
· Is capable of other antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, glutathione and to 'recycle' Co-enzyme Q10 .
· Is a liver and nerve agent.
· supports the detoxification of heavy metals (particularly mercury).
· raises the Glutathionniveau. glutathione is important for immune system and Entgiftung.schützt the lens and retina of the eye from degeneration and helps with glaucoma (glaucoma).
fit into old age - what can I do?
· Check your weight is an aid to weight control, for example CLA, HCA, chromium and glutamine. Take as much as possible, fresh, unprocessed, high-quality, bio-organic foods.
· Not smoke! Cigarettes contain over 4,000 toxic substances and can make you look and feel older than you are.
· Connect with sufficient nutrients
The level of many important nutrients such as vitamin C , decreases with increasing age. Vitamin E protects the heart and B-vitamins are good for the nerves and support the conversion of food into energy. Vitamin B3 (niacin) plays an important role in gene inactivation.
· fatty acids are essential
Eat fish, or take a fish oil . Fish oil contains including DHA, a long-chain omega 3 fatty acid , and 30 percent of our brain is composed of DHA. A precursor of vegetarian Omega 3 Linseed oil. counteract
· With AL & ALC aging Scientific studies indicate that naturally occur in our Cells occurring substances acetyl-L-carnitine and Alpha-lipoic acid aging process can contribute.
Although meat and sometimes even vegetables (eg spinach) contain, can take the body through food alone is not enough alpha-lipoic acid to benefit from its antioxidant properties. Therefore, usually 50 to 100mg daily is recommended as a dietary supplement. For acetyl-L-carnitine normally recommended around 250mg daily. offers a high quality combination product Higher Nature .
Referenzen: 1 Smoking and Fat Speed Up Ageing, Say Researchers. James Meikle. The Guardian, 14. Juni 2005.
2 The Serious Search for an Anti-Aging Pill. Mark A. Lane, Donald K. Ingram und George S. Roth. Scientific American. August 2000.
3 The Longevity Gene. Lisa Scanlon; Technology Review. October 2004
4 MIT researchers uncover new information about anti-ageing gene – Gene's function may be tied to metabolism in yeast and higher organisms. Massachussetts Institute of Technology News, 16.02.2000
5 Aging with Dr. Tory Hagen, http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/f-w00/aging.html
6 Defying the Years. Amy Ellis Nutt. The Star Ledger; December 2002
7 Memory loss in old rats is associated with brain mitochondrial decay and RNA / DNA oxidation: Partial reversal by feeding acetyl-L-carnitine and / or R-lipoic acid. Jiankang Liu, Elizabeth Head, Afshin M. Gharib, Wenjun Yuan, Russell T. Ingersoll, Tory M. Hagen, Carl W. Cotman, Bruce N. Ames. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 19 February 2002.
8 New tricks for old rats. Higher Nature Health News, Spring / Summer 2002.
9 Dietary Supplements Make Old Rats Youthful, May Help Rejuvenate Aging Humans, According To UC Berkeley Study. February 2002. http://nootropics.com/acetylcarnitine/rejuvenation.html
10 Forever young: Do not help the Reaper (Part 1) & The Scientific Frontier (Part 2). Dan Olmsted. 14. July 2005. Copyright2005 by United Press International. http://www.sciencedaily.com/
· Not smoke! Cigarettes contain over 4,000 toxic substances and can make you look and feel older than you are.
· Connect with sufficient nutrients
The level of many important nutrients such as vitamin C , decreases with increasing age. Vitamin E protects the heart and B-vitamins are good for the nerves and support the conversion of food into energy. Vitamin B3 (niacin) plays an important role in gene inactivation.
· fatty acids are essential
Eat fish, or take a fish oil . Fish oil contains including DHA, a long-chain omega 3 fatty acid , and 30 percent of our brain is composed of DHA. A precursor of vegetarian Omega 3 Linseed oil. counteract
· With AL & ALC aging Scientific studies indicate that naturally occur in our Cells occurring substances acetyl-L-carnitine and Alpha-lipoic acid aging process can contribute.
Although meat and sometimes even vegetables (eg spinach) contain, can take the body through food alone is not enough alpha-lipoic acid to benefit from its antioxidant properties. Therefore, usually 50 to 100mg daily is recommended as a dietary supplement. For acetyl-L-carnitine normally recommended around 250mg daily. offers a high quality combination product Higher Nature .
Referenzen: 1 Smoking and Fat Speed Up Ageing, Say Researchers. James Meikle. The Guardian, 14. Juni 2005.
2 The Serious Search for an Anti-Aging Pill. Mark A. Lane, Donald K. Ingram und George S. Roth. Scientific American. August 2000.
3 The Longevity Gene. Lisa Scanlon; Technology Review. October 2004
4 MIT researchers uncover new information about anti-ageing gene – Gene's function may be tied to metabolism in yeast and higher organisms. Massachussetts Institute of Technology News, 16.02.2000
5 Aging with Dr. Tory Hagen, http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/f-w00/aging.html
6 Defying the Years. Amy Ellis Nutt. The Star Ledger; December 2002
7 Memory loss in old rats is associated with brain mitochondrial decay and RNA / DNA oxidation: Partial reversal by feeding acetyl-L-carnitine and / or R-lipoic acid. Jiankang Liu, Elizabeth Head, Afshin M. Gharib, Wenjun Yuan, Russell T. Ingersoll, Tory M. Hagen, Carl W. Cotman, Bruce N. Ames. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 19 February 2002.
8 New tricks for old rats. Higher Nature Health News, Spring / Summer 2002.
9 Dietary Supplements Make Old Rats Youthful, May Help Rejuvenate Aging Humans, According To UC Berkeley Study. February 2002. http://nootropics.com/acetylcarnitine/rejuvenation.html
10 Forever young: Do not help the Reaper (Part 1) & The Scientific Frontier (Part 2). Dan Olmsted. 14. July 2005. Copyright2005 by United Press International. http://www.sciencedaily.com/
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