The Global Hunger
"cereals that could be used to feed the hungry, is used instead, used to fatten animals for food. It takes up to 16kg of grain to produce just 1kg of meat."
eating meat means hunger for the world :
are more than enough food in the world to feed all of humanity. Why do so hungry still 840 million people?
This will in part our responsibility to meat-based diet. Because land, water and other resources that could be used for growing food for people, instead of growing of feed for the so-called "useful" animals wasted. Following the recent report by the Compassion in World Farming, is "grain that could be used to feed the hungry, instead, used to animals to fatten for food. It takes up to 16 kg of grain to produce just 1 kg of meat .
The average adult burns about 2,000 calories per day in daily life. We use almost all the calories we consume, only for it to move, to breathe and consider the everyday tasks. The same is true for farmed animals. From every kilogram of food which is fed to them, only a fraction of the calories set of edible meat. The rest of those calories are burned while the animals are fattened to slaughter weight, or contribute to the development of feathers, bones, blood and other parts of the animal that can not consumed by humans. Therefore, animals that are bred for food, eat up to 16 kg of grain to turn it into just 1 kg of edible meat. Export
developed countries to developing countries, cereal import and turn the meat that is produced by the grain. As a result, farmers in developing countries who are trying to feed themselves, evicted from their land.
your efficient, based on plant Agriculture will be replaced by intensive farming, which also polluted air and water and leave once fertile land dead and barren.
If this trend continues to be developing countries will never be able to produce enough food for themselves and global hunger will continue to plague hundreds of millions of people around the planet. The Guardian explains that there is only one solution: "It now seems clear that a vegan diet is the only ethical response to the world's most pressing problem of social justice [of the world hunger] is."
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Bloody Ewcm Before Af
self-management: 100 tips to increase your personal productivity. (Part 5)
The predecessors here goes:: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1)" ,: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 2)" ,: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 3)" , : "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 4)"
81) No television
Try to get by a week without television. You will be surprised how much time you suddenly have available. If you want to watch a movie. then there are still DVDs or the Internet, without any commercial interruptions.
82) No Shopping
Rumbummeln costs time and money. Use as often as possible online services. If you are not around a purchase, you are goal-oriented. Buy only what you really need, but it so much that you buy at least a week have not come back, better two or even three. Organize your purchase as much as possible. Arrange your shopping list for stores and stroke unimportant things.
83) Not a bad influence
Keep away from moaners who have nothing better to talk than to blaspheme God and the world. Surround yourself with successful, friendly, intelligent and fun-loving people. Maintain only those relationships. Do not waste time on people who are not literal value. The people with whom we surround us determine our character. Remember!
84) No small talk
Go unnecessary and irrelevant conversations from the road. Perform interviews determined and focused. If there is nothing important to say more, go back to your work. When old friends (see: 32) scores can of course be talking a bit extravagant. Even conversations with customers can be decorated so that the other person feels not been released.
85) No alcohol
One of the great scourges of our society and health systems worldwide. Just because alcohol is socially accepted, he is one of the most dangerous drug in the world. Only to tobacco use kills more people. In Germany there are over 70,000 every year.
86) No smoking
Smoking is the deadliest drug in the world. In Germany, every year people die from the effects of 110000-140000. By comparison, death on all illegal drugs combined is less than 1500 people. Every cigarette reduces life expectancy by personal ~ 22 minutes. This delay can make up no time management again. Smoking is lethargic, weakens the immune system, lowers Gedächnis and intellectual performance. I think it is clear why productivity and smoking do not mix.
87) feeds muck
How many feeds in your feed Reeder read today really still? Or there are so many that you have completely lost interest and nothing to read? What feeds you forward and boost your productivity? What are a waste of time? Crap you generously. Dear read five feeds regularly, as a slew of 20 werden.Gleiches goes for newsletters and other subscriptions.
88) Extreme
in Extreme A differentiated approach can be very motivating, effective and efficient. Try again, if your work situation you potential avenue to provide a working day, the performance of two days. For this you take the next day off completely. Try to be in one week to the performance of two weeks and take up to nine days off at a time. Since most people less than half as productive as they work could actually, that's even possible without having to work longer. Need more time then you work ten, twelve or even more hours. have the knowledge you need to keep only a week and then totally free, you will motivate and facilitate concentration.
89th) obstacles
Although you should realize perceive obstacles and you should not look for you - It could be none.
90) Optimize
Optimize whenever there is an opportunity. Optimize your desk. Streamline operations. Enhance problem-solving processes. Be always strive to make each process more efficient.
91) Inbox
Collect all incoming notes, documents, invoices, etc. in one place. If a couple have accumulated, you can work off all in one go.
92 ') Conservative
Never change a running system Countless programs promise the perfect time management and the optimal daily plan. All very quickly and easily. In the end, only one has disappointed and wasted the whole day. Stay there at good old software and replace it only when needed and expect to really benefit.
93) Not-To-Do List
with to-do lists, you're now familiar. How about a list of things you do not want to do. Here are time wasters and bad habits Place. With a Not-To-Do list to keep track of what weaknesses you have given and for which you improve. It is often easier not to do something, which automatically adjust cause you to have more time to something better.
94) checklists
create for recurring events checklists. Especially packing lists for the holidays are useful and prevent the annoying feeling of having forgotten something. But also some other areas may checklists save unnecessary work. Be the list for garden care, is in the fertilizer to antifreeze all listed. Or the check list for the bi-annual school starts. The more checklists you write, the more things you will find that tolerate even a check list.
95th) Singletasking
However worthy Multitasking with simple tasks, so obstructive It is in complex activities. Focus your attention on only a single activity. Distractions of any kind are taboo.
96th) Automate
Try to automate as many things in the long term to save time. Install a spam filter. Set up a software for automatic backups or Datensyncronisation one.
97th) eye drops
monitor work load, the eyes huge. It speaks of the "Office Eye Syndrome." The hour-long focus reduces the eyelid blink and prevents the regeneration of the Lipidshicht.
If you have a tendency to dry and irritated eyes, you should definitely get eye drops. These are available over the counter in various strengths in pharmacies and even in drug stores or supermarkets do. Do not wait until it comes to conjunctivitis.
98) storage system
Consider a useful filing system. Be the now Noguchi, an inbox system or something completely separate. Only an efficient filing system you may also eventually help the economy to slip will rule.
99th) No torture
There are days where you simply come to nothing. You can not motivate yourself, is not out of bed or feel listless, weak, tired and sick. On such days it pays to not force themselves to work. Make the most of it and take it freely. Use the day to relax. Make this decision consciously and get no complaints.
100th) Now!
There is no better time than now to bring a change in your life. Take the chance!
See also:
10 Tips efficient to work to work 10 Tips efficiently II
The predecessors here goes:: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1)" ,: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 2)" ,: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 3)" , : "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 4)"
81) No television
Try to get by a week without television. You will be surprised how much time you suddenly have available. If you want to watch a movie. then there are still DVDs or the Internet, without any commercial interruptions.
82) No Shopping
Rumbummeln costs time and money. Use as often as possible online services. If you are not around a purchase, you are goal-oriented. Buy only what you really need, but it so much that you buy at least a week have not come back, better two or even three. Organize your purchase as much as possible. Arrange your shopping list for stores and stroke unimportant things.
83) Not a bad influence
Keep away from moaners who have nothing better to talk than to blaspheme God and the world. Surround yourself with successful, friendly, intelligent and fun-loving people. Maintain only those relationships. Do not waste time on people who are not literal value. The people with whom we surround us determine our character. Remember!
84) No small talk
Go unnecessary and irrelevant conversations from the road. Perform interviews determined and focused. If there is nothing important to say more, go back to your work. When old friends (see: 32) scores can of course be talking a bit extravagant. Even conversations with customers can be decorated so that the other person feels not been released.
85) No alcohol
One of the great scourges of our society and health systems worldwide. Just because alcohol is socially accepted, he is one of the most dangerous drug in the world. Only to tobacco use kills more people. In Germany there are over 70,000 every year.
86) No smoking
Smoking is the deadliest drug in the world. In Germany, every year people die from the effects of 110000-140000. By comparison, death on all illegal drugs combined is less than 1500 people. Every cigarette reduces life expectancy by personal ~ 22 minutes. This delay can make up no time management again. Smoking is lethargic, weakens the immune system, lowers Gedächnis and intellectual performance. I think it is clear why productivity and smoking do not mix.
87) feeds muck
How many feeds in your feed Reeder read today really still? Or there are so many that you have completely lost interest and nothing to read? What feeds you forward and boost your productivity? What are a waste of time? Crap you generously. Dear read five feeds regularly, as a slew of 20 werden.Gleiches goes for newsletters and other subscriptions.
88) Extreme
in Extreme A differentiated approach can be very motivating, effective and efficient. Try again, if your work situation you potential avenue to provide a working day, the performance of two days. For this you take the next day off completely. Try to be in one week to the performance of two weeks and take up to nine days off at a time. Since most people less than half as productive as they work could actually, that's even possible without having to work longer. Need more time then you work ten, twelve or even more hours. have the knowledge you need to keep only a week and then totally free, you will motivate and facilitate concentration.
89th) obstacles
Although you should realize perceive obstacles and you should not look for you - It could be none.
90) Optimize
Optimize whenever there is an opportunity. Optimize your desk. Streamline operations. Enhance problem-solving processes. Be always strive to make each process more efficient.
91) Inbox
Collect all incoming notes, documents, invoices, etc. in one place. If a couple have accumulated, you can work off all in one go.
92 ') Conservative
Never change a running system Countless programs promise the perfect time management and the optimal daily plan. All very quickly and easily. In the end, only one has disappointed and wasted the whole day. Stay there at good old software and replace it only when needed and expect to really benefit.
93) Not-To-Do List
with to-do lists, you're now familiar. How about a list of things you do not want to do. Here are time wasters and bad habits Place. With a Not-To-Do list to keep track of what weaknesses you have given and for which you improve. It is often easier not to do something, which automatically adjust cause you to have more time to something better.
94) checklists
create for recurring events checklists. Especially packing lists for the holidays are useful and prevent the annoying feeling of having forgotten something. But also some other areas may checklists save unnecessary work. Be the list for garden care, is in the fertilizer to antifreeze all listed. Or the check list for the bi-annual school starts. The more checklists you write, the more things you will find that tolerate even a check list.
95th) Singletasking
However worthy Multitasking with simple tasks, so obstructive It is in complex activities. Focus your attention on only a single activity. Distractions of any kind are taboo.
96th) Automate
Try to automate as many things in the long term to save time. Install a spam filter. Set up a software for automatic backups or Datensyncronisation one.
97th) eye drops
monitor work load, the eyes huge. It speaks of the "Office Eye Syndrome." The hour-long focus reduces the eyelid blink and prevents the regeneration of the Lipidshicht.
If you have a tendency to dry and irritated eyes, you should definitely get eye drops. These are available over the counter in various strengths in pharmacies and even in drug stores or supermarkets do. Do not wait until it comes to conjunctivitis.
98) storage system
Consider a useful filing system. Be the now Noguchi, an inbox system or something completely separate. Only an efficient filing system you may also eventually help the economy to slip will rule.
99th) No torture
There are days where you simply come to nothing. You can not motivate yourself, is not out of bed or feel listless, weak, tired and sick. On such days it pays to not force themselves to work. Make the most of it and take it freely. Use the day to relax. Make this decision consciously and get no complaints.
100th) Now!
There is no better time than now to bring a change in your life. Take the chance!
See also:
10 Tips efficient to work to work 10 Tips efficiently II

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Hot Drinks In Camelbak
self-management: 100 tips your personal to increase productivity. (Part 4)
The predecessors here goes:: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1)" ,: " 100 can self-management tips (part 3) "
61) pushed procrastination will also be a benefit: 100 Self-Management Tips (Part 2)"
, ". Try to postpone simply unimportant tasks in favor of important. Particularly tasks that make sense to you or not entirely convinced the disproportionate take a long time and be unlikely to benefit, as long as can often be deferred until you resolve by itself or you can be that you will be removed by the To-Do list können.Hüten but postpone tasks that will fall later in the back and you shove an important, on a trivial task.
62) Delegating
If you apply for a job or feel qualified to do just enough, think about who is suitable for the task yet. Be bold. Think how often you have it foisted on tasks and could not say no to. It is time to turn the tables.
63) Investing
To make investments that increase your productivity. A larger desk. A convenient computer mouse and keyboard. Pens that write to you. Maybe a laptop or a more comfortable office chair. Perform in mind how quickly an investment through increased productivity and your enjoyment of work, pay off. Make your purchase decision pursuant to this cost-benefit ratio.
64th Organizing) email organization
Your e-mail accounts. Take for example the freeware Thunderbird to manage multiple accounts. Archive E-mail useful and train the spam filter on your needs.
65) Trash mails
Use Complimetary junk email addresses for registration with irrelevant websites. To share spam no chance. For example, to: or
66) Ignore
Do not answer stupid questions. Make clear that you assume a certain level and only answer questions that the other person through independent research or reflection, within five minutes, can not solve themselves.
67) Quid pro quo
Begin to ask for consideration when someone demands on you. You can be fair and choose to return realistic, or even be unfair to halten.In to cut out unwanted people and tasks from the body each case we will consider in the future more accurately, whether you want to really bother you.
68) Headset
Purchase a telephony enabled headset. Put it permanent on. Listen to audio books, music or just let it out. If someone bothers you at work, turn to stress and exhibit a half-open mouth on the headset. Turn once again towards the desk and pretend you would be taking important notes. Enter at irregular intervals "mhm yes" on its own and suggested a way as to be the major interview in full swing.
69) Annoyed
If you are disturbed at work, take a few folders or pens in hand and throw them ostentatiously to the desktop. To do say moan: "What is there now again, we come to do so. "
70) Persecuted
Look at everything they do from rushed. purposefully and quickly go over to your colleague. Her gaze is directed only to the front. Look anybody in the eye to prevent that you will be addressed. Who's so rushed and goal-oriented, has much to do, which is the chief good.
71 .) Stressed
See stressed out, you complain about the workload, if someone asks you for your time, you can always say.. "You know as far as I'm busy, but I've just no time. "It will not take long and you will only have to ask for really important things for help. If you help then we will really appreciate your support value.
72) Meditation
you should indeed look stressed, but there are not. Meditate for health and balance to stay. Meditation also reduces your need for sleep and increases your concentration at work.
73) Snacks
Eat frequently throughout the day a little thing. The best fruit and any sweets. Many small meals evenly supply of energy, swirling the blood sugar level is not around and not burden the body too much.
74) have the deep
Most things are planned out not quite to the end. Mostly found in the middle of editing all alone the way forward. Response is usually easier to anticipate than anything and proactively act.
75) hotkeys
Use shortcuts whenever possible. All popular browsers offer more or less detailed ways to do so. Use "Ctrl + s" to save in many programs. Use "win + e" to go to Windows to work.
"Win + l" Locks the desktop and "win + d" minimizes all windows and return to the desktop. Re-press, all the windows restored. Find out what kind of hotkeys your programs. Every second you save adds up to over the course of the day to minutes and more than a year to several hours.
76) Personalize
Set up your workspace with personal items one. This not only Image of the woman or family, but especially your attachments. Use your own computer mouse, mouse pad and keyboard.
77th) Phone
disconnect the phone to an e-mail and instant messengers before. You do not long for an answer wait, so you get a matter resolved in a few minutes.
78) backups
not neglect to create a backup of important data. In particular, the databases of password managers and Keyfiles should always be physically separated, gespeichtert in several places be.
79) Music
experimenting with music. Find out if you can increase your productivity by appropriate music. Work with faster music and faster? Or increases your work ethic? Helps you music on motivation and performance downs to get over? Try just a few playlists from Youtube and find the right music for themselves. I prefer Power Metal to work. Only when the highest concentration is required, you may prefer silence.
80) milestones
Place , small goals where you need to take a bite, or just make a break. You must always have the feeling that the next goal is within reach.
Continue to part five: "(5A) 100 Productivity Tips"
The predecessors here goes:: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1)" ,: " 100 can self-management tips (part 3) "
61) pushed procrastination will also be a benefit: 100 Self-Management Tips (Part 2)"
, ". Try to postpone simply unimportant tasks in favor of important. Particularly tasks that make sense to you or not entirely convinced the disproportionate take a long time and be unlikely to benefit, as long as can often be deferred until you resolve by itself or you can be that you will be removed by the To-Do list können.Hüten but postpone tasks that will fall later in the back and you shove an important, on a trivial task.
62) Delegating
If you apply for a job or feel qualified to do just enough, think about who is suitable for the task yet. Be bold. Think how often you have it foisted on tasks and could not say no to. It is time to turn the tables.
63) Investing
To make investments that increase your productivity. A larger desk. A convenient computer mouse and keyboard. Pens that write to you. Maybe a laptop or a more comfortable office chair. Perform in mind how quickly an investment through increased productivity and your enjoyment of work, pay off. Make your purchase decision pursuant to this cost-benefit ratio.
64th Organizing) email organization
Your e-mail accounts. Take for example the freeware Thunderbird to manage multiple accounts. Archive E-mail useful and train the spam filter on your needs.
65) Trash mails
Use Complimetary junk email addresses for registration with irrelevant websites. To share spam no chance. For example, to: or
66) Ignore
Do not answer stupid questions. Make clear that you assume a certain level and only answer questions that the other person through independent research or reflection, within five minutes, can not solve themselves.
67) Quid pro quo
Begin to ask for consideration when someone demands on you. You can be fair and choose to return realistic, or even be unfair to halten.In to cut out unwanted people and tasks from the body each case we will consider in the future more accurately, whether you want to really bother you.
68) Headset
Purchase a telephony enabled headset. Put it permanent on. Listen to audio books, music or just let it out. If someone bothers you at work, turn to stress and exhibit a half-open mouth on the headset. Turn once again towards the desk and pretend you would be taking important notes. Enter at irregular intervals "mhm yes" on its own and suggested a way as to be the major interview in full swing.
69) Annoyed
If you are disturbed at work, take a few folders or pens in hand and throw them ostentatiously to the desktop. To do say moan: "What is there now again, we come to do so. "
70) Persecuted
Look at everything they do from rushed. purposefully and quickly go over to your colleague. Her gaze is directed only to the front. Look anybody in the eye to prevent that you will be addressed. Who's so rushed and goal-oriented, has much to do, which is the chief good.
71 .) Stressed
See stressed out, you complain about the workload, if someone asks you for your time, you can always say.. "You know as far as I'm busy, but I've just no time. "It will not take long and you will only have to ask for really important things for help. If you help then we will really appreciate your support value.
72) Meditation
you should indeed look stressed, but there are not. Meditate for health and balance to stay. Meditation also reduces your need for sleep and increases your concentration at work.
73) Snacks
Eat frequently throughout the day a little thing. The best fruit and any sweets. Many small meals evenly supply of energy, swirling the blood sugar level is not around and not burden the body too much.
74) have the deep
Most things are planned out not quite to the end. Mostly found in the middle of editing all alone the way forward. Response is usually easier to anticipate than anything and proactively act.
75) hotkeys
Use shortcuts whenever possible. All popular browsers offer more or less detailed ways to do so. Use "Ctrl + s" to save in many programs. Use "win + e" to go to Windows to work.
"Win + l" Locks the desktop and "win + d" minimizes all windows and return to the desktop. Re-press, all the windows restored. Find out what kind of hotkeys your programs. Every second you save adds up to over the course of the day to minutes and more than a year to several hours.
76) Personalize
Set up your workspace with personal items one. This not only Image of the woman or family, but especially your attachments. Use your own computer mouse, mouse pad and keyboard.
77th) Phone
disconnect the phone to an e-mail and instant messengers before. You do not long for an answer wait, so you get a matter resolved in a few minutes.
78) backups
not neglect to create a backup of important data. In particular, the databases of password managers and Keyfiles should always be physically separated, gespeichtert in several places be.
79) Music
experimenting with music. Find out if you can increase your productivity by appropriate music. Work with faster music and faster? Or increases your work ethic? Helps you music on motivation and performance downs to get over? Try just a few playlists from Youtube and find the right music for themselves. I prefer Power Metal to work. Only when the highest concentration is required, you may prefer silence.
80) milestones
Place , small goals where you need to take a bite, or just make a break. You must always have the feeling that the next goal is within reach.
Continue to part five: "(5A) 100 Productivity Tips"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
How Do You Know If Your Bunionette Needs Surgery?
self-management: 100 tips to increase your personal productivity. (Part 3)
So, here is the third part of the self-management series. The first and second part can be found here: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1)" , "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 2)"
41) Slack
scheduling Do not waste your whole time. As a rule of thumb, scheduling for 60% of working time and leave 40% for unexpected. This does not mean that you assign each task 40% more time than was actually needed. The buffer time is only for protection from their own inevitable failures or miscalculations. In the optimum case, you will not need the buffer time and you can use to have to take a job the next day or just relax.
42) Text blocks
Customize up for frequently used phrases, quotes and signatures chunks, you can now use again and again. You save an immense amount of time if you do not five times a day your name contact address and phone number by hand, an e-mail can müssen.Sie to manage your text modules rely on a software or simply a text file and copy & paste . use
43rd) stenographer
Write faster, both hand-written, and the computer. Get to the ten-finger system and work out regularly. For learning and practicing there are various freeware programs to. I myself use: Tipp10
44) fragrances
fragrances can also increase our productivity. Stimmungsaufheiternd act: lemon, orange, clary sage, rosewood, Grapefriut, nutmeg, coriander and basil. To increase concentration can: Lemon grass, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, verbena, mint and lemon are used.
45) Appealing work
There is hardly a place you spend as much time as in your workplace. Make yourself comfortable. A plant breaks up a sterile office environment. This maybe a small indoor fountain and a scented candle. The better you feel, the more productive you will be.
46) Password Manager
Countless e-mail accounts and online accounts, and each will receive a private and secure password? In addition, there PIN and PUK codes and already is the perfect chaos. Often the consequence of one or two, usually inadequate to use secure passwords for all applications. A password manager can help. Henceforth, a master password is sufficient to manage numerous passwords. Associated user and account name can be Just note and for additional protection can be used Keyfile. I personally use the free software Keepass .
47) Creative
Use creative techniques. Become familiar with the use of Mind Maps, brainstorming and clustering.
48) questions
Ask lots of questions. Often one knows someone who has dealt with an issue at some length and the most important in a few sentences can explain. This saves one's own research and valuable time.
49) polyphasic
two hours of sleep a day is enough. With six hours of additional time each day to reach goals that you would never have expected. Read the polyphasic sleep Howto .
50) Fiat Lux
Always ensure balanced lighting conditions at the workplace. The monitor should not be the only bright point of reference. A reduction of the monitor gamma protects the eyes. The room should be evenly lit and bright enough. Do you prefer light yellow whites. Indirect lighting is by Torchiere pleasant than direct light from desk lamps. Reflections on the monitor or the desk must be prevented.
51) Ergonomics
Set up your desk with ergonomic rules. Position of mouse, keyboard and monitor is just as important as the table height and the quality of the office chair. An ergonomic workstation prevent back and neck pain and makes it faster and better work. The main rules here: workplace ergonomics .
52) supply of goods
of office life, such as folders, adhesive rolls, sticky notes, file folders, etc. You should always have enough supply on hand. They must not come into the situation to perform a task can not because they lack material.
53) Gößerer Monitor
Buy a bigger monitor. Or even more. You can at least two monitors current graphics cards to run simultaneously. Due to the larger work surface to increase their productivity.
54th) Challenges
Demanding and challenges motivate more and longer than normal or routine tasks. You try to make some common tasks more challenging. Treat it as a dishwasher in the three minutes, you write ten emails in 15 minutes. Catch up on a day the work of three days and take some time for it then. The possibilities are limited by only your creativity. Let your imagination run wild. eat
55) Maßvoll
If you, then you do not overdo it. Satisfy your hunger only. Eat to Live life and not to eat. A full stomach to restrict a power, tired and unproductive.
56) multitasking
Connect together as many routine tasks. Listen to audiobooks whenever you have time. Take every opportunity to educate themselves. Read while eating, or customize to your to-do list in the subway.
57) To-do list
The essence of time management is the to-do list. It helps, and every day, every week, every month, every year and even plan to make clear. A glance is enough to see yet what to do. We need less keep in mind and avoid missing important things. Free to-do lists in PDF format can be found here: To-Do List Download
58) squirrel
Every day, an hour can work on a project after a year to cause that you wrote a book or run a website on have to live on their passive income you. Find a huge task that you ever wanted to do like and reserve an hour every day for it.
59) Big Picture
Lose yourself not in detail. Always keep the big picture in mind. Its final objective must always remain in focus. Each sub-step is only a means to an end, bring the big things done. say
60th) No
Will again be the same person that you come for a minute? Or is there something you have missed? Could not you get this and that, to do, taken away to buy? No, you can not!
Continue to Part Four: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 4)"
So, here is the third part of the self-management series. The first and second part can be found here: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1)" , "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 2)"
41) Slack
scheduling Do not waste your whole time. As a rule of thumb, scheduling for 60% of working time and leave 40% for unexpected. This does not mean that you assign each task 40% more time than was actually needed. The buffer time is only for protection from their own inevitable failures or miscalculations. In the optimum case, you will not need the buffer time and you can use to have to take a job the next day or just relax.
42) Text blocks
Customize up for frequently used phrases, quotes and signatures chunks, you can now use again and again. You save an immense amount of time if you do not five times a day your name contact address and phone number by hand, an e-mail can müssen.Sie to manage your text modules rely on a software or simply a text file and copy & paste . use
43rd) stenographer
Write faster, both hand-written, and the computer. Get to the ten-finger system and work out regularly. For learning and practicing there are various freeware programs to. I myself use: Tipp10
44) fragrances
fragrances can also increase our productivity. Stimmungsaufheiternd act: lemon, orange, clary sage, rosewood, Grapefriut, nutmeg, coriander and basil. To increase concentration can: Lemon grass, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, verbena, mint and lemon are used.
45) Appealing work
There is hardly a place you spend as much time as in your workplace. Make yourself comfortable. A plant breaks up a sterile office environment. This maybe a small indoor fountain and a scented candle. The better you feel, the more productive you will be.
46) Password Manager
Countless e-mail accounts and online accounts, and each will receive a private and secure password? In addition, there PIN and PUK codes and already is the perfect chaos. Often the consequence of one or two, usually inadequate to use secure passwords for all applications. A password manager can help. Henceforth, a master password is sufficient to manage numerous passwords. Associated user and account name can be Just note and for additional protection can be used Keyfile. I personally use the free software Keepass .
47) Creative
Use creative techniques. Become familiar with the use of Mind Maps, brainstorming and clustering.
48) questions
Ask lots of questions. Often one knows someone who has dealt with an issue at some length and the most important in a few sentences can explain. This saves one's own research and valuable time.
49) polyphasic
two hours of sleep a day is enough. With six hours of additional time each day to reach goals that you would never have expected. Read the polyphasic sleep Howto .
50) Fiat Lux
Always ensure balanced lighting conditions at the workplace. The monitor should not be the only bright point of reference. A reduction of the monitor gamma protects the eyes. The room should be evenly lit and bright enough. Do you prefer light yellow whites. Indirect lighting is by Torchiere pleasant than direct light from desk lamps. Reflections on the monitor or the desk must be prevented.
51) Ergonomics
Set up your desk with ergonomic rules. Position of mouse, keyboard and monitor is just as important as the table height and the quality of the office chair. An ergonomic workstation prevent back and neck pain and makes it faster and better work. The main rules here: workplace ergonomics .
52) supply of goods
of office life, such as folders, adhesive rolls, sticky notes, file folders, etc. You should always have enough supply on hand. They must not come into the situation to perform a task can not because they lack material.
53) Gößerer Monitor
Buy a bigger monitor. Or even more. You can at least two monitors current graphics cards to run simultaneously. Due to the larger work surface to increase their productivity.
54th) Challenges
Demanding and challenges motivate more and longer than normal or routine tasks. You try to make some common tasks more challenging. Treat it as a dishwasher in the three minutes, you write ten emails in 15 minutes. Catch up on a day the work of three days and take some time for it then. The possibilities are limited by only your creativity. Let your imagination run wild. eat
55) Maßvoll
If you, then you do not overdo it. Satisfy your hunger only. Eat to Live life and not to eat. A full stomach to restrict a power, tired and unproductive.
56) multitasking
Connect together as many routine tasks. Listen to audiobooks whenever you have time. Take every opportunity to educate themselves. Read while eating, or customize to your to-do list in the subway.
57) To-do list
The essence of time management is the to-do list. It helps, and every day, every week, every month, every year and even plan to make clear. A glance is enough to see yet what to do. We need less keep in mind and avoid missing important things. Free to-do lists in PDF format can be found here: To-Do List Download
58) squirrel
Every day, an hour can work on a project after a year to cause that you wrote a book or run a website on have to live on their passive income you. Find a huge task that you ever wanted to do like and reserve an hour every day for it.
59) Big Picture
Lose yourself not in detail. Always keep the big picture in mind. Its final objective must always remain in focus. Each sub-step is only a means to an end, bring the big things done. say
60th) No
Will again be the same person that you come for a minute? Or is there something you have missed? Could not you get this and that, to do, taken away to buy? No, you can not!
Continue to Part Four: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 4)"

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thermal Gradient Calculations
self-management: 100 tips to increase your personal productivity. (Part 2)
Here's the second part of the self-management series. The first part can be found: " 100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1) "
21) early birds
Try for a week to get up an hour earlier. Test that is not 6 or even 5 clock the right time for you. Most people are very early in the morning the most productive. Collect your own experience and find your personal best Aufstehzeit.
22) Visualize
Imagine how you will feel if you have established a task or a goal. What are you thinking? What will others think about you? What are the advantages and amenities you will enjoy from now on can? What other negative consequences to you if you do not meet the task? Watch out for each major task to imagine a minute to your fulfillment. If the performances are not satisfactory enough to motivate you through the entire period of treatment, you have just noticed in time that this object is probably not worth to be processed. In the trash it.
23) Moleskin
Write down everything that you rumspukt in the head. Do not settle for the illusion to even the most can remember. Even if this is really true, you are wasting unnecessary capacity and if you forget something then it will cost you much longer than the time and effort that the note could have been used.
24) one after the other
When you edit an issue, do not listen to before you're done. Slide in any other duties and work to inevitable errors immediately consistently. Takes Task was too long, you have either chosen the sub-steps too large or have fallen into unnecessary perfectionism. They plan to use the experience to do better the next day.
25) The worst first
try to do the unpleasant tasks as quickly as possible. During the day, you will not get motivation problems. bundle
26th) tasks
Connect many small tasks similar to a large one. Read e-mails once or twice a day and answer all at once. Gather to stapled List in one place and do all in one go. But do not wait until you grow the tasks through the head.
27) baby steps
parts of each task into as many steps, so that each task can be accomplished without interruption in one piece. 5-15 minutes is optimal. Too small steps are better than große.In sufficiently small steps, split schaffbar be daunting tasks.
28) Micro breaks
Many short breaks are essential for the maintenance of concentration. But be careful that the breaks their flow of work do not interrupt too often. Make short for movement. Bring the cardiovascular system going. Forget the hands are not enough, a few finger exercises in order not to fall ill on RSI.
29th) Time Boxing
they take your present between 15 and 90 minutes to work on a project. Time Boxing will not help but result-oriented goal-oriented thinking. Its goal is the predetermined time to work, the result is not in favor of concern. This technique means that you take on tasks in the hand that you would normally put off, because you fear no result to come.
30) Dead Lines
Sit fixed deadlines. They will work more efficiently when you know you have to be ready in 15 minutes and not have long-term, as the task requires. At the same time protecting you from unnecessary perfectionism and its concentration increases to the essentials. See: Pakinsonsche law.
31) Rules
keep order. The faster you find anything and the bigger your desktop the more productive you will be working. Take place and discard folder and Them some distance away from your desk. Treat your computer desktop exactly like this: This applies only to folders and links out that are really needed and not the download corpses of the last month.
32) Read
Hardly any activity carries so many benefits, such as reading. Read as much to do it. Twice a day for half an hour and they will tackle several books a month. Be the fiction or literature is always a good read. You train your brain power, your concentration, your memory, your language skills and in turn your reading tempo. Read literature and become an expert in your area.
33) Offline
Allow yourself the luxury of being sometimes out of reach. Turn on instant messenger, phone and e-mail program. You will be amazed at how focused you are working suddenly. Because the knowledge may be too bothered to be reducing their concentration.
34th) Juggernaut
Bring things rolling. The first step is the hardest. Many things make a lot easier than expected if the start has been made. If you are in the workflow, you can most obstacles than slow down, but not stop.
35th) imperfection
Think carefully to what quality you need to perform a task. If the benefits no longer justify the amount of work it is time to stop. Always be aware of Pareto and have courage to refrain from unreasonable perfection.
36) Chaos space
Find a place where you allow chaos. Whether it's the basement, a closet in the bedroom or the attic. It is important that you place this chaos does not interfere with the work. Things of which you do not separate but may not need, you can create that space. If found after a few weeks still no use, you will be throwing away easier.
37th) pauses
Take one to three times a day for five to ten minutes a time, you just use to think. Maybe you drop some tasks for your to-do list, or priorities change, and a task can even be removed entirely. Think about your next steps. Can you optimize something? Let your mind wander.
38) Reevaluieren
Rate each situation several times. As you complete a task it may be that you find that a different task, which is still on your to-do list, not really important. Or the task at which you work is just not important. Do not be afraid to stop in the middle of it. If you decide to withdraw aware of the task. Appreciate to have not invested the feeling that a lot of work and time and therefore can not stop. Every minute wasted on an unimportant task, a lost minute.
39) Optimusmus
pessimism takes you further in any way. Who is pessimistic works not motivated. See the best in things. Over spilled tea should not complain. It's not worth getting upset about things immutable. Looking for solutions for the future, but will save you the trouble. Positive thinking even extends your life, but you do not lose touch with reality.
40th) Feedback
Give yourself feedback. How have you changed recently? Do more? They can be distracted by what? What are their time thieves? Were You self-disciplined? Encourage also friends, colleagues or family members to give you constructive criticism. Perhaps you will be informed what you yourself have overlooked something. Or someone even has a suggestion what you can actually change. In any case, you have to deal positively with criticism. Take no one criticism badly on you and make you not be attacked.
Next to the third part: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 3)"
Here's the second part of the self-management series. The first part can be found: " 100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1) "
21) early birds
Try for a week to get up an hour earlier. Test that is not 6 or even 5 clock the right time for you. Most people are very early in the morning the most productive. Collect your own experience and find your personal best Aufstehzeit.
22) Visualize
Imagine how you will feel if you have established a task or a goal. What are you thinking? What will others think about you? What are the advantages and amenities you will enjoy from now on can? What other negative consequences to you if you do not meet the task? Watch out for each major task to imagine a minute to your fulfillment. If the performances are not satisfactory enough to motivate you through the entire period of treatment, you have just noticed in time that this object is probably not worth to be processed. In the trash it.
23) Moleskin
Write down everything that you rumspukt in the head. Do not settle for the illusion to even the most can remember. Even if this is really true, you are wasting unnecessary capacity and if you forget something then it will cost you much longer than the time and effort that the note could have been used.
24) one after the other
When you edit an issue, do not listen to before you're done. Slide in any other duties and work to inevitable errors immediately consistently. Takes Task was too long, you have either chosen the sub-steps too large or have fallen into unnecessary perfectionism. They plan to use the experience to do better the next day.
25) The worst first
try to do the unpleasant tasks as quickly as possible. During the day, you will not get motivation problems. bundle
26th) tasks
Connect many small tasks similar to a large one. Read e-mails once or twice a day and answer all at once. Gather to stapled List in one place and do all in one go. But do not wait until you grow the tasks through the head.
27) baby steps
parts of each task into as many steps, so that each task can be accomplished without interruption in one piece. 5-15 minutes is optimal. Too small steps are better than große.In sufficiently small steps, split schaffbar be daunting tasks.
28) Micro breaks
Many short breaks are essential for the maintenance of concentration. But be careful that the breaks their flow of work do not interrupt too often. Make short for movement. Bring the cardiovascular system going. Forget the hands are not enough, a few finger exercises in order not to fall ill on RSI.
29th) Time Boxing
they take your present between 15 and 90 minutes to work on a project. Time Boxing will not help but result-oriented goal-oriented thinking. Its goal is the predetermined time to work, the result is not in favor of concern. This technique means that you take on tasks in the hand that you would normally put off, because you fear no result to come.
30) Dead Lines
Sit fixed deadlines. They will work more efficiently when you know you have to be ready in 15 minutes and not have long-term, as the task requires. At the same time protecting you from unnecessary perfectionism and its concentration increases to the essentials. See: Pakinsonsche law.
31) Rules
keep order. The faster you find anything and the bigger your desktop the more productive you will be working. Take place and discard folder and Them some distance away from your desk. Treat your computer desktop exactly like this: This applies only to folders and links out that are really needed and not the download corpses of the last month.
32) Read
Hardly any activity carries so many benefits, such as reading. Read as much to do it. Twice a day for half an hour and they will tackle several books a month. Be the fiction or literature is always a good read. You train your brain power, your concentration, your memory, your language skills and in turn your reading tempo. Read literature and become an expert in your area.
33) Offline
Allow yourself the luxury of being sometimes out of reach. Turn on instant messenger, phone and e-mail program. You will be amazed at how focused you are working suddenly. Because the knowledge may be too bothered to be reducing their concentration.
34th) Juggernaut
Bring things rolling. The first step is the hardest. Many things make a lot easier than expected if the start has been made. If you are in the workflow, you can most obstacles than slow down, but not stop.
35th) imperfection
Think carefully to what quality you need to perform a task. If the benefits no longer justify the amount of work it is time to stop. Always be aware of Pareto and have courage to refrain from unreasonable perfection.
36) Chaos space
Find a place where you allow chaos. Whether it's the basement, a closet in the bedroom or the attic. It is important that you place this chaos does not interfere with the work. Things of which you do not separate but may not need, you can create that space. If found after a few weeks still no use, you will be throwing away easier.
37th) pauses
Take one to three times a day for five to ten minutes a time, you just use to think. Maybe you drop some tasks for your to-do list, or priorities change, and a task can even be removed entirely. Think about your next steps. Can you optimize something? Let your mind wander.
38) Reevaluieren
Rate each situation several times. As you complete a task it may be that you find that a different task, which is still on your to-do list, not really important. Or the task at which you work is just not important. Do not be afraid to stop in the middle of it. If you decide to withdraw aware of the task. Appreciate to have not invested the feeling that a lot of work and time and therefore can not stop. Every minute wasted on an unimportant task, a lost minute.
39) Optimusmus
pessimism takes you further in any way. Who is pessimistic works not motivated. See the best in things. Over spilled tea should not complain. It's not worth getting upset about things immutable. Looking for solutions for the future, but will save you the trouble. Positive thinking even extends your life, but you do not lose touch with reality.
40th) Feedback
Give yourself feedback. How have you changed recently? Do more? They can be distracted by what? What are their time thieves? Were You self-disciplined? Encourage also friends, colleagues or family members to give you constructive criticism. Perhaps you will be informed what you yourself have overlooked something. Or someone even has a suggestion what you can actually change. In any case, you have to deal positively with criticism. Take no one criticism badly on you and make you not be attacked.
Next to the third part: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 3)"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Dying Satin Ribbon With Tea
self-management: 100 tips to increase your personal productivity. (Part 1)
In this five-part series, I'll give you 100 more or less quick tips, rules and Suggestions To give as your personal effectiveness, efficiency and productivity increase können.Viel fun reading.
1) goals
Without a goal is not the right way. Get a clear idea how much and what you want. Select the goals realistic but challenging. What do you want to achieve tomorrow? What this week? This month? This year?
2) self-knowledge
Get to know yourself. What are your vices, your bad habits? What are your strengths and what comes easy and fun? What motivates you most, recognition, money, fame, to do something good, self-fulfillment, security? How did you get distracted unsettling in, or discourage? The more accurately you discover who you really are, the better you will be able to work on themselves.
3) egocentric
Be egocentric to a healthy rate. Compare your performance and not always with others, it will give someone who is better. Compare initially only with itself. What did you do in your personal situation? What would you have in your situation better can do and how you want the change in the future? The comparison with others can make sense only feel when you are motivated by seeing what some people have mastered even from much worse situations. Look for inspiration or role model not the biggest, best and greatest, but the people who had the hardest and where you can learn the most.
4) conditioning
Many people were told as children, you can do and that is not, its always late, undisciplined, aimless, messy, consistently stupid and will never be what to bring. Recognize that such characteristics are not innate but learned were. Let the friends or authority figures, such as teachers or parents. Escape is not in the idea, "but to be so." If you could learn it once, then you can forget it again.
5) two-front war
Work to eradicate not only because your weaknesses, but focus also on your strengths to promote. Try tasks fit your strengths. Give yourself never satisfied, there is always room for improvement.
6) egoist
Your task is not to please everyone. You are the most important person in your life, then you will get your family and then never. Do not make the mistake of principle, to make your needs backward.
7) audacity
Allow yourself to the fear of something false does not prevent them from addressing important issues. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said: "The biggest mistake you can make in life is to always be afraid to make a mistake." Most of this proves is not the end, do not be so master of your fear. Be bold, but not foolhardy. must
8) Immitation
Not every experience make for yourself. Learn from the mistakes of others. Watch successful people and copy the key behavior patterns. Find people who share the same weaknesses and bad habits as you have had and ask about how they have overcome.
9) performance highs
Find your own personal performance highs. Use this time for challenging or unpleasant Tasks. A high-performance graphics to be found in the third point: REFA standard curve.
10th) Powernap
Try the low performance at noon a short nap to make no more than 30 minutes. Your concentration, efficiency and thus productivity will then be almost as good as the morning.
11th) priorities
What things really help you move forward? What can be done even later or not you have? What takes more time than it is worth? Determine for each to-do Angelegenheit ihre Wichtigkeit. Ob Sie dabei das Eisenhowerprinzip, die ABC-Analyse oder ein eigenes System verwenden bleibt Ihnen überlassen. Details finden Sie hier unter Punkt fünf: ABC-Analyse und hier: Eisenhower Prinzip .
Ausdauersport baut Stress ab, erhöht die Anzahl der roten Blutkörperchen und stärkt das Immunsystem. Sie werden gesünder und belastbarer. Konzentrationsfähigkeit und Gehirnleistung verbessern sich. Joggen stärkt zudem noch den Rücken und kann lästigen Rückenschmerzen ein Ende machen.
13) Breakfast
not without reason, breakfast is commonly, known as the most important meal of the day. No or an inadequate breakfast reduces their performance across the whole day. Latest, at noon, you will fall into a deep hole performance. Also a big lunch, you can not save anymore. A coffee is not a breakfast replacement. On the contrary: The caffeine is a physical benefits it can provide not actually without breakfast. At the same burden on the stomach and tannins inhibit the absorption of iron in the body. The result is anemia and fatigue and poor performance so fast. Moreover, it removes coffee from anorexia, which closes the cycle. Details can be found in this link: coffee
14) Power-food
Not only do you eat, but from what you eat affects your performance. Breakfast should include as many long-chain carbohydrates. In addition, there as many fiber. Whole grain products are therefore the first choice. Crisp bread from rye meal is the ultimate, represents but breast milk is even healthier. Compared to other whole-grain bread has twice the nutrient content and is durable for years. Ein Müsli oder normales Vollkornbrot ist natürlich auch eine gesunde Alternative. Dazu noch ein Naturjoghurt und etwas Obst. Möglichst sollte auf kurze Kohlenhydrate verzichtet werden, also auf Zucker jeglicher Art. Wenn Sie absolut keine Zeit finden zu Frühstücken: Schnappen Sie sich wenigstens ein oder zwei Bananen und essen Sie diese auf dem Weg, um das gröbste zu verhindern.
Essen Sie drei Stunden vor dem zu Bett gehen nichts mehr. Wenn Sie spät am Abend noch Hunger überkommt sollten Sie sich auf Obst beschränken. Fettiges Essen belastet den Organismus, erschwert das Einschlafen und mindert die Schlafqualität.
16) Drinking
At every corner you read today how important it is to drink. Meanwhile, there are also voices that warn of excessive amounts of water. Overall, however, rather drunk too little than too much. The brain will be the first organ damage, dehydration is the most common cause of headache. Relatively quickly, it may even lead to irreversible damage. If the thirst is upon us, it's already too late. over the eight promotes concentration, memory and supports the kidneys in the detoxification of the body. What is drunk is relatively unimportant. Water, diluted Fruit juice or tea are of course optimal, but even coffee can have the water balance, the body will be made available. Only alcoholic beverages, there is a negative balance.
17) tea
are available for almost every purpose there is a tea. Are you sick helps colds. If you are anxious, nervous and have problems sleeping can help St. John's wort or TRANQUILISER with valerian, lemon balm and hops. Green tea boosts immune system, concentration and well-being. He even has a positive effect on life expectancy.
18) Music
experimenting with music. Find out whether you can increase your productivity by appropriate music. Work faster with fast music? Or increases your work ethic? Helps you music on motivation and performance downs to get over? Try just a few playlists from Youtube and find the right music for themselves. I prefer Power Metal to work. Only when concentration is required, you may prefer silence.
19th) Review
Make sure you know at the end of each day, how did you spend it. What have you achieved? What tasks you have failed and why? What were your biggest time wasters? What weaknesses have given you or resisted? Learn from the day and think about how you can improve the next day. Customize the same To-Do List for the next day and try to take measures to eliminate the time wasters in the future and eliminate weaknesses.
20th) planning
Plan on already at the end of the day, what exactly do you intend to do the next day. What you need to do to work towards your weekly, monthly and annual goals. The more detail and the smaller the Partial steps, the more likely that you are motivated to go to work. This does not mean that you include with every eventuality. The plan follows the Pareto Principle: 20% planning to bring 80% of the benefit.
Continue to part two: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 2)"
In this five-part series, I'll give you 100 more or less quick tips, rules and Suggestions To give as your personal effectiveness, efficiency and productivity increase können.Viel fun reading.
1) goals
Without a goal is not the right way. Get a clear idea how much and what you want. Select the goals realistic but challenging. What do you want to achieve tomorrow? What this week? This month? This year?
2) self-knowledge
Get to know yourself. What are your vices, your bad habits? What are your strengths and what comes easy and fun? What motivates you most, recognition, money, fame, to do something good, self-fulfillment, security? How did you get distracted unsettling in, or discourage? The more accurately you discover who you really are, the better you will be able to work on themselves.
3) egocentric
Be egocentric to a healthy rate. Compare your performance and not always with others, it will give someone who is better. Compare initially only with itself. What did you do in your personal situation? What would you have in your situation better can do and how you want the change in the future? The comparison with others can make sense only feel when you are motivated by seeing what some people have mastered even from much worse situations. Look for inspiration or role model not the biggest, best and greatest, but the people who had the hardest and where you can learn the most.
4) conditioning
Many people were told as children, you can do and that is not, its always late, undisciplined, aimless, messy, consistently stupid and will never be what to bring. Recognize that such characteristics are not innate but learned were. Let the friends or authority figures, such as teachers or parents. Escape is not in the idea, "but to be so." If you could learn it once, then you can forget it again.
5) two-front war
Work to eradicate not only because your weaknesses, but focus also on your strengths to promote. Try tasks fit your strengths. Give yourself never satisfied, there is always room for improvement.
6) egoist
Your task is not to please everyone. You are the most important person in your life, then you will get your family and then never. Do not make the mistake of principle, to make your needs backward.
7) audacity
Allow yourself to the fear of something false does not prevent them from addressing important issues. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said: "The biggest mistake you can make in life is to always be afraid to make a mistake." Most of this proves is not the end, do not be so master of your fear. Be bold, but not foolhardy. must
8) Immitation
Not every experience make for yourself. Learn from the mistakes of others. Watch successful people and copy the key behavior patterns. Find people who share the same weaknesses and bad habits as you have had and ask about how they have overcome.
9) performance highs
Find your own personal performance highs. Use this time for challenging or unpleasant Tasks. A high-performance graphics to be found in the third point: REFA standard curve.
10th) Powernap
Try the low performance at noon a short nap to make no more than 30 minutes. Your concentration, efficiency and thus productivity will then be almost as good as the morning.
11th) priorities
What things really help you move forward? What can be done even later or not you have? What takes more time than it is worth? Determine for each to-do Angelegenheit ihre Wichtigkeit. Ob Sie dabei das Eisenhowerprinzip, die ABC-Analyse oder ein eigenes System verwenden bleibt Ihnen überlassen. Details finden Sie hier unter Punkt fünf: ABC-Analyse und hier: Eisenhower Prinzip .
Ausdauersport baut Stress ab, erhöht die Anzahl der roten Blutkörperchen und stärkt das Immunsystem. Sie werden gesünder und belastbarer. Konzentrationsfähigkeit und Gehirnleistung verbessern sich. Joggen stärkt zudem noch den Rücken und kann lästigen Rückenschmerzen ein Ende machen.
13) Breakfast
not without reason, breakfast is commonly, known as the most important meal of the day. No or an inadequate breakfast reduces their performance across the whole day. Latest, at noon, you will fall into a deep hole performance. Also a big lunch, you can not save anymore. A coffee is not a breakfast replacement. On the contrary: The caffeine is a physical benefits it can provide not actually without breakfast. At the same burden on the stomach and tannins inhibit the absorption of iron in the body. The result is anemia and fatigue and poor performance so fast. Moreover, it removes coffee from anorexia, which closes the cycle. Details can be found in this link: coffee
14) Power-food
Not only do you eat, but from what you eat affects your performance. Breakfast should include as many long-chain carbohydrates. In addition, there as many fiber. Whole grain products are therefore the first choice. Crisp bread from rye meal is the ultimate, represents but breast milk is even healthier. Compared to other whole-grain bread has twice the nutrient content and is durable for years. Ein Müsli oder normales Vollkornbrot ist natürlich auch eine gesunde Alternative. Dazu noch ein Naturjoghurt und etwas Obst. Möglichst sollte auf kurze Kohlenhydrate verzichtet werden, also auf Zucker jeglicher Art. Wenn Sie absolut keine Zeit finden zu Frühstücken: Schnappen Sie sich wenigstens ein oder zwei Bananen und essen Sie diese auf dem Weg, um das gröbste zu verhindern.
Essen Sie drei Stunden vor dem zu Bett gehen nichts mehr. Wenn Sie spät am Abend noch Hunger überkommt sollten Sie sich auf Obst beschränken. Fettiges Essen belastet den Organismus, erschwert das Einschlafen und mindert die Schlafqualität.
16) Drinking
At every corner you read today how important it is to drink. Meanwhile, there are also voices that warn of excessive amounts of water. Overall, however, rather drunk too little than too much. The brain will be the first organ damage, dehydration is the most common cause of headache. Relatively quickly, it may even lead to irreversible damage. If the thirst is upon us, it's already too late. over the eight promotes concentration, memory and supports the kidneys in the detoxification of the body. What is drunk is relatively unimportant. Water, diluted Fruit juice or tea are of course optimal, but even coffee can have the water balance, the body will be made available. Only alcoholic beverages, there is a negative balance.
17) tea
are available for almost every purpose there is a tea. Are you sick helps colds. If you are anxious, nervous and have problems sleeping can help St. John's wort or TRANQUILISER with valerian, lemon balm and hops. Green tea boosts immune system, concentration and well-being. He even has a positive effect on life expectancy.
18) Music
experimenting with music. Find out whether you can increase your productivity by appropriate music. Work faster with fast music? Or increases your work ethic? Helps you music on motivation and performance downs to get over? Try just a few playlists from Youtube and find the right music for themselves. I prefer Power Metal to work. Only when concentration is required, you may prefer silence.
19th) Review
Make sure you know at the end of each day, how did you spend it. What have you achieved? What tasks you have failed and why? What were your biggest time wasters? What weaknesses have given you or resisted? Learn from the day and think about how you can improve the next day. Customize the same To-Do List for the next day and try to take measures to eliminate the time wasters in the future and eliminate weaknesses.
20th) planning
Plan on already at the end of the day, what exactly do you intend to do the next day. What you need to do to work towards your weekly, monthly and annual goals. The more detail and the smaller the Partial steps, the more likely that you are motivated to go to work. This does not mean that you include with every eventuality. The plan follows the Pareto Principle: 20% planning to bring 80% of the benefit.
Continue to part two: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 2)"
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
How Much Would It Cost To Get A Cyst Removed
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download template A4 (Bright Turquoise) (. pdf)
download template A4 (Light Green) (. pdf)
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