The Global Hunger
"cereals that could be used to feed the hungry, is used instead, used to fatten animals for food. It takes up to 16kg of grain to produce just 1kg of meat."
eating meat means hunger for the world :
are more than enough food in the world to feed all of humanity. Why do so hungry still 840 million people?
This will in part our responsibility to meat-based diet. Because land, water and other resources that could be used for growing food for people, instead of growing of feed for the so-called "useful" animals wasted. Following the recent report by the Compassion in World Farming, is "grain that could be used to feed the hungry, instead, used to animals to fatten for food. It takes up to 16 kg of grain to produce just 1 kg of meat .
The average adult burns about 2,000 calories per day in daily life. We use almost all the calories we consume, only for it to move, to breathe and consider the everyday tasks. The same is true for farmed animals. From every kilogram of food which is fed to them, only a fraction of the calories set of edible meat. The rest of those calories are burned while the animals are fattened to slaughter weight, or contribute to the development of feathers, bones, blood and other parts of the animal that can not consumed by humans. Therefore, animals that are bred for food, eat up to 16 kg of grain to turn it into just 1 kg of edible meat. Export
developed countries to developing countries, cereal import and turn the meat that is produced by the grain. As a result, farmers in developing countries who are trying to feed themselves, evicted from their land.
your efficient, based on plant Agriculture will be replaced by intensive farming, which also polluted air and water and leave once fertile land dead and barren.
If this trend continues to be developing countries will never be able to produce enough food for themselves and global hunger will continue to plague hundreds of millions of people around the planet. The Guardian explains that there is only one solution: "It now seems clear that a vegan diet is the only ethical response to the world's most pressing problem of social justice [of the world hunger] is."
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