The predecessors here goes:: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1)" ,: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 2)" ,: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 3)" , : "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 4)"
81) No television
Try to get by a week without television. You will be surprised how much time you suddenly have available. If you want to watch a movie. then there are still DVDs or the Internet, without any commercial interruptions.
82) No Shopping
Rumbummeln costs time and money. Use as often as possible online services. If you are not around a purchase, you are goal-oriented. Buy only what you really need, but it so much that you buy at least a week have not come back, better two or even three. Organize your purchase as much as possible. Arrange your shopping list for stores and stroke unimportant things.
83) Not a bad influence
Keep away from moaners who have nothing better to talk than to blaspheme God and the world. Surround yourself with successful, friendly, intelligent and fun-loving people. Maintain only those relationships. Do not waste time on people who are not literal value. The people with whom we surround us determine our character. Remember!
84) No small talk
Go unnecessary and irrelevant conversations from the road. Perform interviews determined and focused. If there is nothing important to say more, go back to your work. When old friends (see: 32) scores can of course be talking a bit extravagant. Even conversations with customers can be decorated so that the other person feels not been released.
85) No alcohol
One of the great scourges of our society and health systems worldwide. Just because alcohol is socially accepted, he is one of the most dangerous drug in the world. Only to tobacco use kills more people. In Germany there are over 70,000 every year.
86) No smoking
Smoking is the deadliest drug in the world. In Germany, every year people die from the effects of 110000-140000. By comparison, death on all illegal drugs combined is less than 1500 people. Every cigarette reduces life expectancy by personal ~ 22 minutes. This delay can make up no time management again. Smoking is lethargic, weakens the immune system, lowers Gedächnis and intellectual performance. I think it is clear why productivity and smoking do not mix.
87) feeds muck
How many feeds in your feed Reeder read today really still? Or there are so many that you have completely lost interest and nothing to read? What feeds you forward and boost your productivity? What are a waste of time? Crap you generously. Dear read five feeds regularly, as a slew of 20 werden.Gleiches goes for newsletters and other subscriptions.
88) Extreme
in Extreme A differentiated approach can be very motivating, effective and efficient. Try again, if your work situation you potential avenue to provide a working day, the performance of two days. For this you take the next day off completely. Try to be in one week to the performance of two weeks and take up to nine days off at a time. Since most people less than half as productive as they work could actually, that's even possible without having to work longer. Need more time then you work ten, twelve or even more hours. have the knowledge you need to keep only a week and then totally free, you will motivate and facilitate concentration.
89th) obstacles
Although you should realize perceive obstacles and you should not look for you - It could be none.
90) Optimize
Optimize whenever there is an opportunity. Optimize your desk. Streamline operations. Enhance problem-solving processes. Be always strive to make each process more efficient.
91) Inbox
Collect all incoming notes, documents, invoices, etc. in one place. If a couple have accumulated, you can work off all in one go.
92 ') Conservative
Never change a running system Countless programs promise the perfect time management and the optimal daily plan. All very quickly and easily. In the end, only one has disappointed and wasted the whole day. Stay there at good old software and replace it only when needed and expect to really benefit.
93) Not-To-Do List
with to-do lists, you're now familiar. How about a list of things you do not want to do. Here are time wasters and bad habits Place. With a Not-To-Do list to keep track of what weaknesses you have given and for which you improve. It is often easier not to do something, which automatically adjust cause you to have more time to something better.
94) checklists
create for recurring events checklists. Especially packing lists for the holidays are useful and prevent the annoying feeling of having forgotten something. But also some other areas may checklists save unnecessary work. Be the list for garden care, is in the fertilizer to antifreeze all listed. Or the check list for the bi-annual school starts. The more checklists you write, the more things you will find that tolerate even a check list.
95th) Singletasking
However worthy Multitasking with simple tasks, so obstructive It is in complex activities. Focus your attention on only a single activity. Distractions of any kind are taboo.
96th) Automate
Try to automate as many things in the long term to save time. Install a spam filter. Set up a software for automatic backups or Datensyncronisation one.
97th) eye drops
monitor work load, the eyes huge. It speaks of the "Office Eye Syndrome." The hour-long focus reduces the eyelid blink and prevents the regeneration of the Lipidshicht.
If you have a tendency to dry and irritated eyes, you should definitely get eye drops. These are available over the counter in various strengths in pharmacies and even in drug stores or supermarkets do. Do not wait until it comes to conjunctivitis.
98) storage system
Consider a useful filing system. Be the now Noguchi, an inbox system or something completely separate. Only an efficient filing system you may also eventually help the economy to slip will rule.
99th) No torture
There are days where you simply come to nothing. You can not motivate yourself, is not out of bed or feel listless, weak, tired and sick. On such days it pays to not force themselves to work. Make the most of it and take it freely. Use the day to relax. Make this decision consciously and get no complaints.
100th) Now!
There is no better time than now to bring a change in your life. Take the chance!
See also:
10 Tips efficient to work to work 10 Tips efficiently II

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