Here's the second part of the self-management series. The first part can be found: " 100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1) "
21) early birds
Try for a week to get up an hour earlier. Test that is not 6 or even 5 clock the right time for you. Most people are very early in the morning the most productive. Collect your own experience and find your personal best Aufstehzeit.
22) Visualize
Imagine how you will feel if you have established a task or a goal. What are you thinking? What will others think about you? What are the advantages and amenities you will enjoy from now on can? What other negative consequences to you if you do not meet the task? Watch out for each major task to imagine a minute to your fulfillment. If the performances are not satisfactory enough to motivate you through the entire period of treatment, you have just noticed in time that this object is probably not worth to be processed. In the trash it.
23) Moleskin
Write down everything that you rumspukt in the head. Do not settle for the illusion to even the most can remember. Even if this is really true, you are wasting unnecessary capacity and if you forget something then it will cost you much longer than the time and effort that the note could have been used.
24) one after the other
When you edit an issue, do not listen to before you're done. Slide in any other duties and work to inevitable errors immediately consistently. Takes Task was too long, you have either chosen the sub-steps too large or have fallen into unnecessary perfectionism. They plan to use the experience to do better the next day.
25) The worst first
try to do the unpleasant tasks as quickly as possible. During the day, you will not get motivation problems. bundle
26th) tasks
Connect many small tasks similar to a large one. Read e-mails once or twice a day and answer all at once. Gather to stapled List in one place and do all in one go. But do not wait until you grow the tasks through the head.
27) baby steps
parts of each task into as many steps, so that each task can be accomplished without interruption in one piece. 5-15 minutes is optimal. Too small steps are better than große.In sufficiently small steps, split schaffbar be daunting tasks.
28) Micro breaks
Many short breaks are essential for the maintenance of concentration. But be careful that the breaks their flow of work do not interrupt too often. Make short for movement. Bring the cardiovascular system going. Forget the hands are not enough, a few finger exercises in order not to fall ill on RSI.
29th) Time Boxing
they take your present between 15 and 90 minutes to work on a project. Time Boxing will not help but result-oriented goal-oriented thinking. Its goal is the predetermined time to work, the result is not in favor of concern. This technique means that you take on tasks in the hand that you would normally put off, because you fear no result to come.
30) Dead Lines
Sit fixed deadlines. They will work more efficiently when you know you have to be ready in 15 minutes and not have long-term, as the task requires. At the same time protecting you from unnecessary perfectionism and its concentration increases to the essentials. See: Pakinsonsche law.
31) Rules
keep order. The faster you find anything and the bigger your desktop the more productive you will be working. Take place and discard folder and Them some distance away from your desk. Treat your computer desktop exactly like this: This applies only to folders and links out that are really needed and not the download corpses of the last month.
32) Read
Hardly any activity carries so many benefits, such as reading. Read as much to do it. Twice a day for half an hour and they will tackle several books a month. Be the fiction or literature is always a good read. You train your brain power, your concentration, your memory, your language skills and in turn your reading tempo. Read literature and become an expert in your area.
33) Offline
Allow yourself the luxury of being sometimes out of reach. Turn on instant messenger, phone and e-mail program. You will be amazed at how focused you are working suddenly. Because the knowledge may be too bothered to be reducing their concentration.
34th) Juggernaut
Bring things rolling. The first step is the hardest. Many things make a lot easier than expected if the start has been made. If you are in the workflow, you can most obstacles than slow down, but not stop.
35th) imperfection
Think carefully to what quality you need to perform a task. If the benefits no longer justify the amount of work it is time to stop. Always be aware of Pareto and have courage to refrain from unreasonable perfection.
36) Chaos space
Find a place where you allow chaos. Whether it's the basement, a closet in the bedroom or the attic. It is important that you place this chaos does not interfere with the work. Things of which you do not separate but may not need, you can create that space. If found after a few weeks still no use, you will be throwing away easier.
37th) pauses
Take one to three times a day for five to ten minutes a time, you just use to think. Maybe you drop some tasks for your to-do list, or priorities change, and a task can even be removed entirely. Think about your next steps. Can you optimize something? Let your mind wander.
38) Reevaluieren
Rate each situation several times. As you complete a task it may be that you find that a different task, which is still on your to-do list, not really important. Or the task at which you work is just not important. Do not be afraid to stop in the middle of it. If you decide to withdraw aware of the task. Appreciate to have not invested the feeling that a lot of work and time and therefore can not stop. Every minute wasted on an unimportant task, a lost minute.
39) Optimusmus
pessimism takes you further in any way. Who is pessimistic works not motivated. See the best in things. Over spilled tea should not complain. It's not worth getting upset about things immutable. Looking for solutions for the future, but will save you the trouble. Positive thinking even extends your life, but you do not lose touch with reality.
40th) Feedback
Give yourself feedback. How have you changed recently? Do more? They can be distracted by what? What are their time thieves? Were You self-disciplined? Encourage also friends, colleagues or family members to give you constructive criticism. Perhaps you will be informed what you yourself have overlooked something. Or someone even has a suggestion what you can actually change. In any case, you have to deal positively with criticism. Take no one criticism badly on you and make you not be attacked.
Next to the third part: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 3)"

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