Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dying Satin Ribbon With Tea

self-management: 100 tips to increase your personal productivity. (Part 1)

In this five-part series, I'll give you 100 more or less quick tips, rules and Suggestions To give as your personal effectiveness, efficiency and productivity increase können.Viel fun reading.

1) goals
Without a goal is not the right way. Get a clear idea how much and what you want. Select the goals realistic but challenging. What do you want to achieve tomorrow? What this week? This month? This year?

2) self-knowledge
Get to know yourself. What are your vices, your bad habits? What are your strengths and what comes easy and fun? What motivates you most, recognition, money, fame, to do something good, self-fulfillment, security? How did you get distracted unsettling in, or discourage? The more accurately you discover who you really are, the better you will be able to work on themselves.

3) egocentric
Be egocentric to a healthy rate. Compare your performance and not always with others, it will give someone who is better. Compare initially only with itself. What did you do in your personal situation? What would you have in your situation better can do and how you want the change in the future? The comparison with others can make sense only feel when you are motivated by seeing what some people have mastered even from much worse situations. Look for inspiration or role model not the biggest, best and greatest, but the people who had the hardest and where you can learn the most.

4) conditioning
Many people were told as children, you can do and that is not, its always late, undisciplined, aimless, messy, consistently stupid and will never be what to bring. Recognize that such characteristics are not innate but learned were. Let the friends or authority figures, such as teachers or parents. Escape is not in the idea, "but to be so." If you could learn it once, then you can forget it again.

5) two-front war
Work to eradicate not only because your weaknesses, but focus also on your strengths to promote. Try tasks fit your strengths. Give yourself never satisfied, there is always room for improvement.

6) egoist
Your task is not to please everyone. You are the most important person in your life, then you will get your family and then never. Do not make the mistake of principle, to make your needs backward.

7) audacity
Allow yourself to the fear of something false does not prevent them from addressing important issues. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said: "The biggest mistake you can make in life is to always be afraid to make a mistake." Most of this proves is not the end, do not be so master of your fear. Be bold, but not foolhardy. must

8) Immitation
Not every experience make for yourself. Learn from the mistakes of others. Watch successful people and copy the key behavior patterns. Find people who share the same weaknesses and bad habits as you have had and ask about how they have overcome.

9) performance highs
Find your own personal performance highs. Use this time for challenging or unpleasant Tasks. A high-performance graphics to be found in the third point: REFA standard curve.

10th) Powernap
Try the low performance at noon a short nap to make no more than 30 minutes. Your concentration, efficiency and thus productivity will then be almost as good as the morning.

11th) priorities
What things really help you move forward? What can be done even later or not you have? What takes more time than it is worth? Determine for each to-do Angelegenheit ihre Wichtigkeit. Ob Sie dabei das Eisenhowerprinzip, die ABC-Analyse oder ein eigenes System verwenden bleibt Ihnen überlassen. Details finden Sie hier unter Punkt fünf: ABC-Analyse und hier: Eisenhower Prinzip .

Ausdauersport baut Stress ab, erhöht die Anzahl der roten Blutkörperchen und stärkt das Immunsystem. Sie werden gesünder und belastbarer. Konzentrationsfähigkeit und Gehirnleistung verbessern sich. Joggen stärkt zudem noch den Rücken und kann lästigen Rückenschmerzen ein Ende machen.

13) Breakfast
not without reason, breakfast is commonly, known as the most important meal of the day. No or an inadequate breakfast reduces their performance across the whole day. Latest, at noon, you will fall into a deep hole performance. Also a big lunch, you can not save anymore. A coffee is not a breakfast replacement. On the contrary: The caffeine is a physical benefits it can provide not actually without breakfast. At the same burden on the stomach and tannins inhibit the absorption of iron in the body. The result is anemia and fatigue and poor performance so fast. Moreover, it removes coffee from anorexia, which closes the cycle. Details can be found in this link: coffee

14) Power-food
Not only do you eat, but from what you eat affects your performance. Breakfast should include as many long-chain carbohydrates. In addition, there as many fiber. Whole grain products are therefore the first choice. Crisp bread from rye meal is the ultimate, represents but breast milk is even healthier. Compared to other whole-grain bread has twice the nutrient content and is durable for years. Ein Müsli oder  normales Vollkornbrot ist natürlich auch eine gesunde Alternative. Dazu noch ein Naturjoghurt und etwas Obst. Möglichst sollte auf kurze Kohlenhydrate verzichtet werden, also auf Zucker jeglicher Art. Wenn Sie absolut keine Zeit finden zu Frühstücken: Schnappen Sie sich wenigstens ein oder zwei Bananen und essen Sie diese auf dem Weg, um das gröbste zu verhindern.

Essen Sie drei Stunden vor dem zu Bett gehen nichts mehr. Wenn Sie spät am Abend noch Hunger überkommt sollten Sie sich auf Obst beschränken. Fettiges Essen belastet den Organismus, erschwert das Einschlafen und mindert die Schlafqualität.

16) Drinking
At every corner you read today how important it is to drink. Meanwhile, there are also voices that warn of excessive amounts of water. Overall, however, rather drunk too little than too much. The brain will be the first organ damage, dehydration is the most common cause of headache. Relatively quickly, it may even lead to irreversible damage. If the thirst is upon us, it's already too late. over the eight promotes concentration, memory and supports the kidneys in the detoxification of the body. What is drunk is relatively unimportant. Water, diluted Fruit juice or tea are of course optimal, but even coffee can have the water balance, the body will be made available. Only alcoholic beverages, there is a negative balance.

17) tea
are available for almost every purpose there is a tea. Are you sick helps colds. If you are anxious, nervous and have problems sleeping can help St. John's wort or TRANQUILISER with valerian, lemon balm and hops. Green tea boosts immune system, concentration and well-being. He even has a positive effect on life expectancy.

18) Music
experimenting with music. Find out whether you can increase your productivity by appropriate music. Work faster with fast music? Or increases your work ethic? Helps you music on motivation and performance downs to get over? Try just a few playlists from Youtube and find the right music for themselves. I prefer Power Metal to work. Only when concentration is required, you may prefer silence.

19th) Review
Make sure you know at the end of each day, how did you spend it. What have you achieved? What tasks you have failed and why? What were your biggest time wasters? What weaknesses have given you or resisted? Learn from the day and think about how you can improve the next day. Customize the same To-Do List for the next day and try to take measures to eliminate the time wasters in the future and eliminate weaknesses.

20th) planning
Plan on already at the end of the day, what exactly do you intend to do the next day. What you need to do to work towards your weekly, monthly and annual goals. The more detail and the smaller the Partial steps, the more likely that you are motivated to go to work. This does not mean that you include with every eventuality. The plan follows the Pareto Principle: 20% planning to bring 80% of the benefit.

Continue to part two: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 2)"

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