So, here is the third part of the self-management series. The first and second part can be found here: "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 1)" , "100 Self-Management Tips (Part 2)"
41) Slack
scheduling Do not waste your whole time. As a rule of thumb, scheduling for 60% of working time and leave 40% for unexpected. This does not mean that you assign each task 40% more time than was actually needed. The buffer time is only for protection from their own inevitable failures or miscalculations. In the optimum case, you will not need the buffer time and you can use to have to take a job the next day or just relax.
42) Text blocks
Customize up for frequently used phrases, quotes and signatures chunks, you can now use again and again. You save an immense amount of time if you do not five times a day your name contact address and phone number by hand, an e-mail can müssen.Sie to manage your text modules rely on a software or simply a text file and copy & paste . use
43rd) stenographer
Write faster, both hand-written, and the computer. Get to the ten-finger system and work out regularly. For learning and practicing there are various freeware programs to. I myself use: Tipp10
44) fragrances
fragrances can also increase our productivity. Stimmungsaufheiternd act: lemon, orange, clary sage, rosewood, Grapefriut, nutmeg, coriander and basil. To increase concentration can: Lemon grass, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, verbena, mint and lemon are used.
45) Appealing work
There is hardly a place you spend as much time as in your workplace. Make yourself comfortable. A plant breaks up a sterile office environment. This maybe a small indoor fountain and a scented candle. The better you feel, the more productive you will be.
46) Password Manager
Countless e-mail accounts and online accounts, and each will receive a private and secure password? In addition, there PIN and PUK codes and already is the perfect chaos. Often the consequence of one or two, usually inadequate to use secure passwords for all applications. A password manager can help. Henceforth, a master password is sufficient to manage numerous passwords. Associated user and account name can be Just note and for additional protection can be used Keyfile. I personally use the free software Keepass .
47) Creative
Use creative techniques. Become familiar with the use of Mind Maps, brainstorming and clustering.
48) questions
Ask lots of questions. Often one knows someone who has dealt with an issue at some length and the most important in a few sentences can explain. This saves one's own research and valuable time.
49) polyphasic
two hours of sleep a day is enough. With six hours of additional time each day to reach goals that you would never have expected. Read the polyphasic sleep Howto .
50) Fiat Lux
Always ensure balanced lighting conditions at the workplace. The monitor should not be the only bright point of reference. A reduction of the monitor gamma protects the eyes. The room should be evenly lit and bright enough. Do you prefer light yellow whites. Indirect lighting is by Torchiere pleasant than direct light from desk lamps. Reflections on the monitor or the desk must be prevented.
51) Ergonomics
Set up your desk with ergonomic rules. Position of mouse, keyboard and monitor is just as important as the table height and the quality of the office chair. An ergonomic workstation prevent back and neck pain and makes it faster and better work. The main rules here: workplace ergonomics .
52) supply of goods
of office life, such as folders, adhesive rolls, sticky notes, file folders, etc. You should always have enough supply on hand. They must not come into the situation to perform a task can not because they lack material.
53) Gößerer Monitor
Buy a bigger monitor. Or even more. You can at least two monitors current graphics cards to run simultaneously. Due to the larger work surface to increase their productivity.
54th) Challenges
Demanding and challenges motivate more and longer than normal or routine tasks. You try to make some common tasks more challenging. Treat it as a dishwasher in the three minutes, you write ten emails in 15 minutes. Catch up on a day the work of three days and take some time for it then. The possibilities are limited by only your creativity. Let your imagination run wild. eat
55) Maßvoll
If you, then you do not overdo it. Satisfy your hunger only. Eat to Live life and not to eat. A full stomach to restrict a power, tired and unproductive.
56) multitasking
Connect together as many routine tasks. Listen to audiobooks whenever you have time. Take every opportunity to educate themselves. Read while eating, or customize to your to-do list in the subway.
57) To-do list
The essence of time management is the to-do list. It helps, and every day, every week, every month, every year and even plan to make clear. A glance is enough to see yet what to do. We need less keep in mind and avoid missing important things. Free to-do lists in PDF format can be found here: To-Do List Download
58) squirrel
Every day, an hour can work on a project after a year to cause that you wrote a book or run a website on have to live on their passive income you. Find a huge task that you ever wanted to do like and reserve an hour every day for it.
59) Big Picture
Lose yourself not in detail. Always keep the big picture in mind. Its final objective must always remain in focus. Each sub-step is only a means to an end, bring the big things done. say
60th) No
Will again be the same person that you come for a minute? Or is there something you have missed? Could not you get this and that, to do, taken away to buy? No, you can not!
Continue to Part Four: "100 Productivity Tips (Part 4)"

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