Last week, make my road bike enthusiasts Agency, a small lunch break excursion to Trionik here in Hamburg, the place where I bought my Cervelo R3 almost exactly one year.
are redeemed 2 coupons that I used to be my birthday - and of course checked the same time, the present range of Cervelo illustrious family.
One thing first: The coveted S3 is unfortunately not present for an S2 (also impressive) and - of course for a triathlon shop specializing in - some P models of the Canadian manufacturer.

impressive and the logical approach to Cevelo-BBRight own system: This is the left chain stay on them because of the higher forces acting on the drive hub thicker than the right. This saves weight. And looks left.

But when I still even have the budget of that time, my choice would certainly be the R5 - a real treat! Or ... another, on the phone twice with Omi and increased the budget for the S3.
Yes, you can still dream ...
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