menopause naturally
There is probably no woman who can look younger and feel younger, not would use, if there were a pill. But the hormone is actually such a fountain of youth, or might it even life-shortening effect? New findings suggest that researchers and doctors have observed fifty years the wrong hormone, and that natural progesterone is the natural response to hormone therapy.
women more than men are still subject to the image that the company makes from them a "real" woman should look young to be slim and have no wrinkles. The rest of the world of women, ie those with the typical mood swings of menopause, the graying hair and the age-related weight gain, although not labeled the same as the old matrons, but they rarely enjoy the attention of their younger rivals. This may sound pretty awesome, but these fears in most women lurking not too far below the surface. Some women carry these fears even to acts of desperation. Take means to stay young, even if they know that they can kill them.
The recent decision to hormonal therapy is not a good one. But there is a natural alternative in which the hormone progesterone, and possibly also natural estrogen are used.
Some doctors believe that women have always been principal function as a progesterone hormone therapy to use. It is proven to help against cancer and heart disease and may even reverse osteoporosis . Make It can help increase libido, let the skin look younger and reduce age-related weight gain by speeding up the metabolism. In addition, there is also an antidepressant and diuretic and can help with hot flashes. But first the bad news. What is hormone therapy, and why are women treated so?
The forgotten hormone
women, they say, need estrogen, because estrogen levels drop dramatically during menopause. So if women were given estrogen, it is said, the worst symptoms experienced by some women during menopause be reversed made. Such thinking can, however, some crucial aspects aside.
The estrogen levels, while falling during menopause, but not as dramatic as you would have us believe. According to Dr. Graham Colditz of Harvard Medical School, estrogen levels drop during menopause, in reality only 15%. The body continues to produce a considerable amount of estrogen, in the fat cells, adrenal glands, muscles, liver and brain. It's exactly the other female hormone, progesterone, namely, the level during menopause drops to almost zero. After menopause, women produce progesterone even less than men! Yet few researchers have asked whether perhaps Progesterone is the hormone that women really need.
include hormone therapy, most formulas now somewhat synthetic progestin, which is different but dangerous way of the natural hormone progesterone. Many progestins are made from testosterone, and behave more like this, some behave more like estrogen. These modified, synthetic forms of progesterone have nasty consequences for the body, as progesterone for the development of other important hormones is needed. The body behaves in this case as a cook the eggs for a cake, but need only Cheese added. The result is a disturbed and unbalanced hormone levels, which raises the body completely out of balance. It is hard to believe that natural progesterone, via its benign and helping properties was known already in the 40 years since has become an almost forgotten hormone.
doctors who are in the assumption that real progesterone prescribed is not available or not usable, so regular synthetic progestins, because they believe that progesterone could replace them. As synthetic progestins are highly toxic, however, and have very different effects on the body as the real hormone, fell into the whole Confusion, the progesterone itself into disrepute. Doctors in England and America are working on the re-discovery of the hormone, which has been widely ignored for so long and not at all poisonous. It may even prove to be the hormone have been waiting for the women all the time.
The estrogen myth
The female hormone estrogen has become a modern myth. Most women and their physicians find themselves in the belief that estrogen makes them sexy, her skin look younger leaves, hot flashes and prevents depression, reduces the risk of heart disease by half, and it protects against osteoporosis. But almost nothing of this is true.
is that estrogen hormone that is responsible for the changes that are going through a girl upon reaching puberty. Under the influence of estrogen mature sex organs, grow breasts and pubic hair and the body shape is increasingly female. From then on, estrogen stimulates each in the first half of each month to build the uterine lining for the fertilized egg. In addition, it also stimulates the growth and moistening of the vaginal mucosa.
can use this stimulatory effect of estrogen also explains why it is toxic in excess. Estrogen acts on the mammary gland tissue, which can lead to Brustgewebsgeschwülsten. In addition, increases in women by the supply of estrogen is well known the risk of developing breast cancer. It also stimulates the uterine lining (endometrium), thus increasing the risk of uterine cancer and tumors.
Some researchers, however, these factors do with the argument that the small cancer risk compared to the protection offered by the hormone against heart disease and brittle bones, is seen. The risk incurred by a woman in the supply of estrogen, but by no means small. An injection of estrogen increased the risk of breast cancer to suffer considerably. The risk of developing uterine cancer, tripled. Therefore, women with no hysterectomy (uterus removal) had, in addition, a synthetic progestin, as it is recognized that progesterone protects against the toxic effects of estrogen. Unfortunately, however, caused the synthetic, distorted form only further damage.
protection against heart disease questionable
estrogen reduces the risk of heart disease in a woman actually? Has been known for some time that increases by the contained in the contraceptive pill estrogen, the risk of cardiac and vascular disease. The blood is thick, and the body retains more salt and therefore water, which can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension). Both a favorable role on stroke, embolism, thrombosis and heart attacks.
The argument that estrogen therapy protects women against heart disease, based on the observation that by lowering cholesterol levels. However, this is no longer seen as a proven protection against heart disease. In addition, it turned out that the report in the New England Journal of Medicine (April 15, 1993), which stated that the hormone therapy, the risk of heart disease drops by nearly half, had serious shortcomings. In an editorial in the same publication, the study has been criticized and "speculative" means. In the 60 years of tests were conducted to see if estrogen could help prevent heart attacks in men. The experiment had to be canceled because the rate of heart attacks in men increased rapidly.
estrogen thus increases the risk of cancer in women, it seems his heart not to do just fine, but at least prevent osteoporosis but it helps ... is not it? The answer is no, unfortunately. In another published in the New England Journal of Medicine (October 14, 1993) study, we concluded that hormone therapy should not protect women against osteoporosis offers. Only in women more than seven years had been treated with hormones (which is far longer than most women do), took the bone density decreases more slowly, and even women who had ten years or more hormones taken to be were not immune against bone fractures.
These are not encouraging news. Millions of women take estrogen in the belief that it keeps them young. It seems to be so dangerous that it they may not even be alive.
What is the situation but with the statement that women feel good with estrogen? The very fact that this hormone with "sexy" is and "oh-la-la" can be associated, women may believe that they feel so good, however, estrogen causes increased salt and therefore water retention, which can lead to bloating and weight gain. These are certainly not as good feelings. With the bloating and the associated weight gain swells the brain, which can lead to irritability and depression. Leading Specialists in the field now believe that depression is more likely the actual effect of estrogen.
Some good sites have to offer the estrogen anyway. Hot flashes, which, although not directly caused by estrogen deficiency, can be reduced by administration of estrogen. Hot flashes, but go by the hypothalamus in response to a low of estrogen and progesterone. Often helps the much safer hormone, namely, natural progesterone, for hot flashes, with absolutely no estrogen is necessary. Estrogen can also help with dryness of the vaginal mucosa, although this also helps progesterone.
The progesterone-revolution
Nutrition Line In 1994, an American physician with revolutionary views to London. Doctor John Lee (MD) treated women over 15 years with natural progesterone instead of estrogen. The Term "natural progesterone" as he use Dr. Lee and others, refers to the same hormone produced by the body. It is usually derived from a Yamwurzelsorte (synthesized). Dr. Lee believed that natural progesterone is the one hormone that women lack the most. The idea that women need more estrogen, he said not at all, rather he believed that many women are already suffering from too much estrogen. This syndrome he called "estrogen dominance".
After hearing a lecture by Dr. Ray Peat (PhD), professor at Blake College in the U.S. state of Oregon, Dr. Lee began some of his patients to recommend a cream containing natural progesterone. A problem with natural progesterone is the question of how it can be solved. It dissolves in alcohol is not good, and suitable solvents are often highly toxic. Dr. Ray Peat, who had for years devoted to the study of female hormones, had solved the problem ingeniously by the resolution in vitamin E and this method was patented as well. The result was a cream that was applied to the skin from the body and so much better absorbed than oral administration in the case.
Dr. Lee was to help in search for a way to women in whom estrogen was contraindicated (for example, because breast cancer) to protect against osteoporosis. Because he was open-minded about new things and was able to offer these women have no alternative, he began to suggest to them that progesterone cream, hoping that it would somehow help to slow the deterioration of the bone condition. made
osteoporosis undo
revealed To his surprise on bone mineral density tests after a few months ago that had the bone density of women using the progesterone cream used (and in general took no estrogen) increased. As the cream he's different, recommended, among patients suffering menopausal symptoms came it to the same results.
It must be emphasized at this point to how important this discovery. Although estrogen may slow the removal of the bone density but it can reverse the process, however, never. Intake of calcium, boron and other nutrients but also slows bone loss can be made but never reversed. So far, no other substance had been known, would enable bone growth again. Moreover, the degree to which the decrease in bone density was reversed by progesterone, is not negligible. Women whose bone density had been greatly reduced and they had already suffered fractures were eventually back (after a few years) the bone density of 35 years. At this age, women usually have their highest bone density. In general, Dr. Lee was an increase in bone density of 10% in the first year and find 3-5% in subsequent years. Far more important is the fact that the number of non-traumatic fractures dropped to zero. Over the years, Dr. Lee has treated thousands of women in this way to prevent osteoporosis. His work has been published in International Clinical Nutrition Review, Medical Hypotheses and Townsend Newsletter for Doctors.
progesterone has many advantages
This is by no means the end of the story. After they had used natural progesterone for a certain period, the patients had other news for Dr. Lee. Those who still had her period, said that its pre-menstrual tension had disappeared. Others let him know that their Brustgewebswucherungen had disappeared, and women who had suffered for years under water deposits required, no more diuretics.
Depressed women felt gradually better. Some women with low thyroid function determined that it had improved and were in women with connective-tissue or to the extent that less under control, that a surgical Intervention was not necessary.
estrogen dominance
Dr. Lee began to gradually understand what was going on. Hormone tests showed him that many of the women suffered from lack of progesterone. This was the case even in younger women who had actually intended to produce the hormone. What could be the reason for this? Progesterone is the hormone that is formed in the ovary in the second half of the menstrual cycle. It is made in empty follicles, after being released during ovulation an egg. The importance of this process must be made clear here: women are progesterone only during ovulation. If there is no ovulation, so also no progesterone is produced.
But why should this be so important? The answer has to do with estrogen. Apart from the dangers that estrogen is the hormone naturally is an absolutely essential female hormone that is as long as it is in balance with progesterone. So when during the menstrual cycle a woman is no egg is formed, there is excess estrogen or "estrogen dominance", a condition that Dr. Lee was very widespread.
The symptoms of estrogen dominance include hydration, tension in breasts, pre-menstrual syndrome, mood swings, depression, decreased libido, heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding, Gewebsgeschwülste, desire for sweets and weight gain (especially around the hips and thighs). And exactly these symptoms disappeared when Dr. Lee prescribed natural progesterone.
The natural response
But on reaching the menopause, progesterone production gradually comes to a halt. Did nature that all women who suffer from estrogen dominance? Of course not. It has been shown that women suffer in the third world is not among them, in the western world as common symptoms. Clearly, nutrition plays a role here. Many fresh foods contain progesterone-like substances known. The Mexican yam, for example, contains diosgenin, a substance which can easily be converted to progesterone. In the once-popular herb sarsaparilla there is another close relative. Dr. Lee was of the opinion that a traditional diet contained enough progesterone-containing foods, and in some cases, still does to maintain a balanced hormonal balance during menopause and beyond upright.
contribute pollutants such as estrogens
It goes even further. Apart from the fact that most women in the Western world synthetic hormones are exposed not only by the birth control pill or other hormone treatments, they also live in a heavily polluted environment with pollutants. Many of the chemicals in our food and our environment, such as pesticides or substances used in plastics, detergents, hair dyes, cosmetics, spermicides, drinking water and even breast milk, the same or similar effects on the body are like estrogen. These are called xeno-estrogens (foreign estrogens). Dr. Lee is with his view that men, women and children are exposed in the western world, excessive doses of toxic and highly undesirable estrogen, not alone. Xeno-oestrogens
have a powerful effect. Dr. Lee believed that this could mean that in women who have these chemicals are exposed to the eggs could be consumed in the ovaries too fast, so that women are often literally "burned out" until the mid-30s - but this much earlier, as it naturally should be the case. After this you have still menstrual bleeding, but it is no longer ovulating, or at least not often. This means that they produce approximately the next 15 years to menopause and progesterone do not suffer so much with the symptoms of estrogen dominance: they are sterile, feel unbalanced and are at increased Cervical cancer risk.
Interestingly, osteoporosis often begins quietly mid thirties. A healthy diet and exercise may bear significantly to the maintenance of healthy bones in, but Mr. Lee was now come to the conclusion that the main cause of osteoporosis is a lack of progesterone. While estrogen may be the removal of bone density only slow down to a very limited extent, it is as good as certain that progesterone responsible for building new bone cells (osteoblasts) are stimulated.
Given all this evidence, it seems logical that women did not get the exposure to additional estrogen should stay within a hormone treatment. But do not offer the synthetic progestins in the treatment of this protection? No! Although the hormone treatment originally contained a progestin, should protect the women against the increased risk of uterine cancer, it has been found that exactly the opposite effect. In contrast to natural progesterone, which is protective, synthetic progestins can cause cancer and also have many other more toxic side effects.
recover the balance of course
So what can women do that from hot flashes, depression, exhaustion, weight gain, creeping Osteoporosis and the prospect of suffering that from now on only go downhill?
A good start is definitely a healthy diet with plenty of fresh, mainly derived from organic vegetables and low in dairy products and meat. have
women who are fed healthy for years, and especially vegetarians through menopause sometimes without any symptoms. Xeno-estrogens accumulate in the fat of milk and meat products, and synthetic estrogens are fed to livestock for growth promotion. If you eat meat, they should buy meat as possible from biodynamic sources. And remember: We need the Aging much less protein than we think. Beans and root vegetables also fit well with a healthy diet. Some even contain progesterone precursors. Yams are particularly healthy. They contain not necessarily large amounts of diosgenin (which is mainly contained in the Mexican yam), but at least something.
can During this period, nutritional supplements help a lot. Many women have had the experience that hot flushes decrease in intake of vitamin E, and there is evidence that vitamin C with bioflavonoid his hesperetin has the same effect.
GLA, found in evening primrose oil and to a much greater amounts in borage oil, gives the body the raw material for the formation of the protective and relaxing acting prostaglandin PGE1, which can help with hormonal imbalances. Borage oil helps too often in pre-menstrual problems. To your body, however, give the best conditions for the production of PGE1, you have to also provide for the production of necessary vitamins and minerals. There are two minerals (zinc and magnesium) and three vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), or in its active form pyridoxal 5-phosphate) are required. In addition, you should at Pay attention to your diet of animal fats because they prevent synthesis of PGE1.
herbs for women
There are also some very useful herbs for women, such as the Mexican yam. No one knows for sure what the body does with the contained natural steroids (the Mexican yam, however, has proven to contraception). It is possible (but not proven) that some of the steroids progesterone, others in the more "male" hormones DHEA and testosterone, which is also produced in the female body, be converted. Of these Hormones is believed, however, that they increase bone density, increase libido and help in the menopause.
The herb Dong Quai, Schizandra, white peony and black cohosh have been used for millennia in female hormone disorders, and it will prove to be likely that they contain progesterone precursors or perhaps phyto-estrogens, or both (phyto-estrogens are weak plant estrogens to help clear, however. Dr. Lee suggested that they attach to the estrogen receptors in the body and blocking the net effect of stronger estrogens). In China, young women of ginseng is not recommended. Women in menopause, but it is especially recommended for dry vaginal mucosa and to support libido.
food for the bones
your bones need more calcium (1,000 mg daily 800, including the calcium contained in food), magnesium (300mg) and 400 IU vitamin D. The mineral boron also useful as bone and mainly consist of connective tissue, and vitamin C is essential. Recent studies show that vitamin K2 45mcg have a positive effect on bone density. In addition to the diet should always be taken on a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals. This is to be adapted to each specific needs, in this case to the menopause. You also need plenty of "bone food."
symptoms of estrogen dominance
According to John Lee's theory, many women suffer from too much estrogen, progesterone, which does not "counteract". The excess can of chemical pollutants, the contraceptive pill, hormone therapy or other hormone treatment or the lack of progesterone due. Progesterone seems in any case, the symptoms in balance. Although estrogen is a valuable and essential hormone, too much, however, increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer ill, and has the following symptoms are:
- Water retention, edema
- swelling of the breasts, Brustgewebsgeschwülste
- premenstrual mood swings, depression
- decreased libido
- heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding
- uterine growths
- craving for sweets
- weight gain, fatty deposits on the hips and thighs
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